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Thread: Testes back? Still in cycle

  1. #1
    So I am really confused. I am running 500mg test-cyp weekly with masteron 450 mg weekly for 12 weeks. I'm approaching my week 9. The last 5 days I have noticed my testes start to drop back down and I swear tonight they are hanging low as fuxk. Like as low as they would go on a day with no aas.. At week 3 they were pretty much pulled all the way up and slightly shrunken. Libido remained pretty good all be it. But now this. It's very strange.... I have also noticed my joints are really sore lately pretty tired all the time. Don't know if that helps. My drive for the gym kinda disappeared even though I'm still going. It's weird. I have not been running an AI and have felt great this whole time but it's been a weird week with the soreness and tired feeling. Something keeps telling me I should take this armidex for the last 3.5 weeks on cycle. How long would it take armidex to "make me feel better" if it was the AI my body was needing? I have nolva and clomid prepared for my pct I have gained 20 lbs this far on this cycle. 171 at 8.8 bf to 190 10% bf. Got a lot stronger. I remember feeling like the masteron was really doing its thing, week 5,6,7,8 but the last week i have felt off.. What do you guys think?

    And in regards to the testes... Has anybody ever experienced something like that before where they were still on cycle and their testes dropped back down?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    I'm really surprised you've got to week 9 without an AI before noticing problems. An AI is a must whether you feel great or not, the visible symptoms of high Estrogen are just the tip of the iceberg. You should get on the Adex at 0.25mg EOD immediately IMO. Are you running HCG? If not you should be. Where your testes hang is more dependent on regulating their temperature than anything AAS related. HCG helps to keep the testes ticking over in preparation for your PCT.

  3. #3
    Yea.. I have already admitted my fault in another thread. That was not taking AI since the get go especially since I had it on hand. Certain ppl convinced me to only take it if I was noticing sides or it would work against my gains.. I didn't bloat or hold water or get bad acne so i went without it. Admittedally I was wrong. I will start the adex as you have suggested now. It's pharma grass adex at least.. So is all my pct so hopefully I recover nicely. I don't have hcg. I suppose next time I will get everything for my cycle and do it 100% correctly. Sounds like the only way to go. I am happy with my gains and I will work hard and keeping them. It will be interesting to see what I keep. I will be posting pics.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Chicken All Day
    So your cycling without an AI and no HCG ?

    Didn't read all the posts. If so I would stop and PCT. Read more of the stickies at the top and research more ask questions before starting again. Hopefully you didn't do any damage.

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