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  1. #1
    Gmill13's Avatar
    Gmill13 is offline Associate Member
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    My next cycle for 2004 , let me know bidibo!

    Hey guys tell me what you think of my 3rd cycle. I wont be running this until march of 04. I am currently runing a cycle now that goes a little something like this.
    1-12 Eq@ 400
    1-12 Sust@ 500mg's (I know I should has used a single ester)
    5-15 Fina @75ED
    I got HCG , havnt figured this out yet until my last three weeks maybe.

    for thos who will ask:
    5"11 @ 190lbs about 14 % Bf. training 5 years , age 24, will be 25 when i run it though! on day 1 MArch 1st! happy bday.

    Any how Heres my new one. I plan on ripping it up with this.

    This is the cycle in question, I will play around with it as i have months to go .
    1-15 PROP (QV)ED @ 100mg
    1-15 EQ triweekly(QV) @ 600mg's
    6-15 FINA @ 75 mgs ED
    9-15 WINNY @50 ED
    7-15 Primo @ 350 mgs weekly (not sure how yet)

    will be running clen and ECA throughtout in a 2 week fashion!

    thats basically it. Im having trouble decinding on the Primo and how to run it. Also I think I would like some var in there somewhere also. What yall think?

    all forms of criticism greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    the future cycle seems killer bro.

    at those dosages and administration periods you should be mighty swole and hard by the end of the cycle.

    my only question is why you want to run prop throughout the entire cycle? why not run a longer ester like enth or cyp until week 12 and then use prop for the last 3 weeks?

    if you do it this way you will save alot of money, still have the benefits of being able to start post therapy a 3 days after your last shot, and also forgo the ED injects at the beginning of your cycle.

    also, i would save the primo for another cycle as you really won't need it here with all those other compounds in your stack.

    if you want to run var i would run it up front for 4 weeks and give your liver a 2 week break before beginning the winny. 15 weeks of 17aa AS will murder your liver, so be mindful.

    other than that, march 2004 will be your homecoming.

  3. #3
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    1-15 PROP 700/wk
    1-12 EQ 600/wk
    1-4 40mg Var ED
    6-15 FINA 75ED
    9-15 WINNY 50ED
    5-12 Primo 350/wk

    That is how I would run it.

    HCG 20 days 500ius ED starting wk 13. Clomid as usual starting wk16.

    Id prob skip the primo personally...but whatever ya want

    You didnt mention your anti-es...but Id recomend 25mg ARomasin E3D adn 10mg Nolva ED.

  4. #4
    Gmill13's Avatar
    Gmill13 is offline Associate Member
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    Daem, I personally dont mind everyday injections and I figured I would run the prop instead of other tests besause its a lite ester and leads to less bloating, I really have no use for anything that makes me bloated. But you are right and that was a possabilty I was thinking also, I still may do it that way. So you htink I should leave the primo out huh, thats probably a good idea and that will save me big money!
    The Var was just an after thought, the prop should have me strong right away anyways. I cant wait to do this! Thank you for your opinion.

    Billy, Why do you think I should stop the EQ at twelve, I have read from others that it kicks in so late that it is good to run for 15 instead of 12, I am assuming stop at 12 so I can start my recovery 3 weeks later?
    I need all the help i can get on this one and thank you for the help .


  5. #5
    Gmill13's Avatar
    Gmill13 is offline Associate Member
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    Billy, I do like what you lined up for me here, its looking great compared to what I crafted. I think I will take daems advice and drop the primo from this one.

  6. #6
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    i experienced my best EQ gains from my current cycle during weeks 12-15 with the QV EQ. very glad i ran it 15 instead of of the 12 i originally planned.

    i don't think you can go wrong with billy's advice here for dosing and your schedule.

    to answer your question, by stopping the EQ 3 weeks out you will be able to begin post therapy 3 days following your last inject of fina.

    what you could do here is run the EQ for 15 weeks and just start the fina and winny 3 weeks later to keep the proper dosing in check.

    the fina and winny/prop will serve as a bridge when the EQ is finished, however i really don't think you will notice a difference once the EQ is finished being run, especially with the other compounds you plan on running.

  7. #7
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    I just suggested stopping the EQ about 3 wks early then things like orals, prop, and winny so you can start your clomid right after instead of waiting around.

    If 15wks worth is what you desire, id just extend the prop and short thigns out to wk.

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