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  1. #1
    boisebeast is offline Member
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    Feb 2012

    Bad Swelling From Injection (Please Help)

    Hey guys. I took a shot last night at 6pm in my inner leg, now it's noon the next day and the injection site has swollen to the circumference of a tennis ball (or maybe a little smaller). The bump itself is only slightly/moderately elevated though. It is slightly red and it does seem to have a warmness to it. This injection was from an igf shot (please don't move this thread to the peptides section, I won't get many responses at all if you do and I need advise) which was reconstituted with 0.6% acetic acid. It's the first time I've ever injected it. The IGF was from the site sponsor so I'm confident that it's good. How worried should I be that is infected and how long should I wait before going to the doctor? As I mentioned earlier, it's been 18 hours since I took the shot. Thanks guys

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Size of a tennis ball. You need to go to the doctor or hospital.

  3. #3
    boisebeast is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Size of a tennis ball. You need to go to the doctor or hospital.
    I just drew around it with a marker to get a more exact look, it's more of the circumference/shape of an egg. The welt isn't raised very much. You don't think I should wait at all?

  4. #4
    max738 is offline Junior Member
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    assuming you used sterile procedures there may have been pyrogens in the stuff I would say that if it it's not better
    by 24 hours go to the ER especially if you start spiking a fever,I think you need an antibiotic now it's probably only going to get worse

    this is the reason I keep a strong oral antibiotic on hand
    Last edited by max738; 10-11-2015 at 01:04 PM.

  5. #5
    Vorsch is offline New Member
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    I've had a couple of bad shots in my glute. One was so bad I could barely sit down for about 5-6 days. Entire cheek was swollen, slightly red and warm but it was really more just the entire muscle was inflamed not so much exactly where the shot went in. Pretty sure I had a fever with it as I was breaking sweats horribly in my sleep for the first two nights but all in all it did get better by itself. Antibiotics would probably have been a better choice though.

    Just keep an eye on it. If it doesn't appear to get worse over the next 24 hours you might get away with it. I highly doubt you will see any improvement for atleast 3-4 days though if it was like my one. If it progressively gets worse though then it's a no brainer - Get some pills from ya doc.

  6. #6
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by boisebeast
    I just drew around it with a marker to get a more exact look, it's more of the circumference/shape of an egg. The welt isn't raised very much. You don't think I should wait at all?
    is it red and warm to the touch? I have had some bad quad shots that swell and they have always went away. If it's red, warm to the touch and you start running a fever I would be concerned. If it's getting better each day then it's just a bad pin

  7. #7
    boisebeast is offline Member
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    Thank you everyone for the responses. It seems to be slightly going down and no fever so I'll keep an eye on it for a couple of days

  8. #8
    Frenchy93 is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2012
    Inner leg? that sounds risky.

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