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  1. #1
    bdhowell is offline New Member
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    Oct 2015

    Can/should I stop my cycle after 4 days (2 injections)

    Hey guys, first post here, first off I just want to say I have a tremendous amount of respect for the amount of knowledge you guys have on this subject, it's quite impressive.

    Now hopefully I won't get ridiculed too much for this. I'm a 31 year old male, 5'10" 170lb I've only been training for a couple months natty after recovering from a bad dh mtn bike injury which broke my clavicle, fractured a couple upper ribs under my pectoral and I'm pretty sure ripped some muscle on my shoulder. Long story short I acquired a cycle of Spartan labs "Zeus mix" (test-p, mast-p, tren -a) and after I read Austinites "MyFirst Cycle: planning and executing a successful first cycle" multiple times along with countless other info sources on this site and others, and finally having my blood work done and receiving the results I anxiously and kind of stubbornly started the cycle with my first injection of .5 cc and then another .5 cc two days later as I was instructed to do so every other day all the way through the cycle.

    Now my main concern is that I haven't built a solid enough foundation yet or put in enough time training to start cycling. My thoughts were that I could do one cycle to get a jump start on the physique I'm after but Austinites words keep playing in the back of my head and I'm considering just quitting the cycle now. You guys are the experts and the ones with the experience so I'm asking please for any advice for my situation.

    If quit now would pct be necessary?

    If continued would this cycle benefit me?

    Thanks a lot guys.

  2. #2
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    I cant say it wouldnt benefit you, but the potential risks are far more important to consider.

    Using steroids without strengthening tendons over years of training can rio them off the bone, the steroids will make you stronger and you will lift heavy on immature tendons.

    Id say stop your cycle. You may be fine without running a PCT, but if it was me i would run a low dose PCT consisting of Clomid/Nolva for a few weeks after my last shot. Just to be on the safe side

    But your body should recover by itself.

    Get your diet and training in check and get your body working its ass off, when you gain a good size naturaly over time, then you may want to consider going down the route of a cycle. When and if that time comes, stick with a Test only cycle

  3. #3
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Something is conflicting in your post... You read Austs "My first cycle...." and still went and inject test+tren +mast mix?????

    Pretty sure that it states 1st cycle should be test only several times....

  4. #4
    bdhowell is offline New Member
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    Oct 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB
    Something is conflicting in your post... You read Austs "My first cycle...." and still went and inject test+tren+mast mix????? Pretty sure that it states 1st cycle should be test only several times....
    Yea your right, that's why I am here looking for advice now. Thanks.

  5. #5
    bdhowell is offline New Member
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    Oct 2015
    Thanks for your advice and time taxman. Much appreciated.

  6. #6
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
    OdinsOtherSon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Stop now and you'll be fine. Please know that you ARE shut down, but recovery should be no problem. As taxman said, if you want to run a pct, it won't hurt but I'm not sure/convinced you even need to bother.

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