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Thread: 4th Tren Cycle. Should I Up the Dose?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    4th Tren Cycle. Should I Up the Dose?

    Alright guys im starting my 4th tren A cycle.

    First cycle was 100mg EOD
    Second 125mg EOD
    Third 125mg EOD.

    My last cycle seem to not do much for me . Definitely had ALOT less sides last time around with moderate gains (though not as expected). Im wondering if I should up the dose to 150-175mg EOD?

    Btw I been running test p 100mg eod on all cycles. Will continue to run that on this one as well along with Adex and Prami.

  2. #2
    Why would you up the gains if you had "ALOT" of sides?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    I said I had alot LESS sides last time than usual.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    Dosage wise I find that 500 mgs a week of tren a is my sweet spot but that's me. I also find that at the 10 week mark it's time to get off. No one is going to suggest you up the dosage and the school of thought is to grow as much as possible with the least amount if gear. Something to consider before you up the dose was that maybe you ran too much AI, perhaps your gear was underdosed or that maybe your training/ diet was off a bit. If none if that is the case then you have your answer. At some point you will figure out what you can handle and also what you don't want to deal with.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by anahny
    I said I had alot LESS sides last time than usual.
    My bad.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    Dosage wise I find that 500 mgs a week of tren a is my sweet spot but that's me. I also find that at the 10 week mark it's time to get off. No one is going to suggest you up the dosage and the school of thought is to grow as much as possible with the least amount if gear. Something to consider before you up the dose was that maybe you ran too much AI, perhaps your gear was underdosed or that maybe your training/ diet was off a bit. If none if that is the case then you have your answer. At some point you will figure out what you can handle and also what you don't want to deal with.
    Your absolutely correct! Looks like I need to find that sweet spot. Thanks for the info!

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