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Thread: "Functional Training with a Fork" is a must read for everyone taking testosterone!

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    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Exclamation "Functional Training with a Fork" is a must read for everyone taking testosterone!

    Attention everyone: "Functional Training with a Fork" has just been published! It's the book many of you have been waiting for.

    My name is Ronnie Rowland and I am a VET/MOD on this board. Most of you know me as the innovator of Slingshot Functional Training or the Slingshot Training System. Here's the link to Slingshot Functional Training in case you haven’t read it- You'll want to read this!

    Slingshot Functional Training is being widely used and has helped many bodybuilders, ranging from recreational to the professional level. I haven't been active in the Slingshot Functional Training thread for a couple of years because I have been busy writing a book to teach weightlifters how to gain maximum muscle size and strength while preventing injuries and various medical conditions. I have seen many weight lifters, especially steroid users, get severely injured while lifting heavy. I’ve also seen steroid users die young from damaged arteries and toxins building up in their blood. Black market steroids are the most life-threatening because they can make your blood extremely dirty. Heart attacks, strokes, and cancer are among the most common causes of death.

    Functional Alert: Do you want to continue doing what you love?

    Luckily, there are ways to help prevent injury while lifting heavy weights. There are also ways to help prevent damaging your arteries and the buildup of toxins in your blood, cells, tissues, and organs from using steroids and consuming harmful chemicals in your food. My book gives you insight about the 7 types of Functional Training, Functional Diet, Functional Cardio, Functional Hormone Replacement, and Functional Sex, just to name a few. It's very helpful with understanding the issues that affect everyone in the world of fitness. This book goes further than just that. It has the ability to transform lives. If you are looking for a change or wanting to become more you'll want to read "Functional Training with a Fork"!

    I realize that almost every member of is on TRT or taking supra-physiological doses of anabolic steroids. What many of you don't know is how to counteract the damage anabolic steroids do to your joints, connective tissues, arteries, organs, and your immune system. My book teaches everyone how to counterbalance the damage that is often caused while trying to obtain maximum muscle size and strength. It also troubleshoots TRT and how to work with doctors such as those at

    Functional Alert: Did you know there's newly published research that shows testosterone therapy significantly decreases your odds of getting cancer or having a heart attack?

    My book, "Functional Training with a Fork" shows you how to get as big and lean as your genetics will allow. It also shows you how to improve the quality of your blood and arterial health, which helps prevent chronic systemic inflammation and oxidation (a major source of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, high sugar levels, and heavy metal poisoning). Systemic inflammation and oxidation are the root causes of all life-threatening illnesses such as diabetes, stroke, aneurysm, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimers, and autoimmune disease.

    Without "Functional Training with a Fork", your blood accumulates toxins, such as undigested food, excess lipids, blood sugar, pesticides, heavy metals, decayed cells from free radical damage, and fibrin that prevents both toxic waste from being removed and oxygenated blood from reaching cells, tissues, and organs. The toxins will interfere with normal joint function and immune function, making you feel tired and increasing everyday aches and pains. Whether your an athlete, bodybuilder, or a person just looking to be fit, healthy arteries and oxygenated blood are the key to good health because they allow the body to repair itself and function properly!

    Functional Alert: I will be available for Q and A in this thread.

    Here’s a link to buy the book on Amazon-

    Keep pumping iron and remain healthy!
    Ronnie Rowland
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails "Functional Training with a Fork" is a must read for everyone taking testosterone!-book_cover1.jpg  
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 10-25-2015 at 01:42 PM.
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    Hey Ronnie great to have you back and congrats on the book!... I've been reading about your slingshot method and am very interested in utilizing this along side SBCing!!

    Thx again for the great post and look forward to asking you some ?'s in your thread!

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    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    Nice Ronnie!.....looking forward to reading it. Thanks so much!

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    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Hey Ronnie great to have you back and congrats on the book!... I've been reading about your slingshot method and am very interested in utilizing this along side SBCing!!

    Thx again for the great post and look forward to asking you some ?'s in your thread!
    Your welcome NACH. I'll be glad to help!
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    Once this hits Kindle I'll be happy to read it and, compared to the other guys on Amazon, write a review based on a book I actually read :-) I know, partially, what an intense effort it is to write a book and anyone who actually completes a project like this gets a star in my book.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Your welcome NACH. I'll be glad to help!
    Ronnie, just reading through the top here in what your book is going to cover... I have had a splenectomy and numerous ventral hernia repairs. Leading me to your auto-immune difficiencies! I now have elevated platelets/& monocytes including a a very weakend immune system from not having a spleen to help fight off infection! Also, have had 3 reconstructive R shoulder surgeries that I've now been working around(waiting for stem cell hopefully - or eventually needing a tot rev joint replacement!

    So I can see how your book will indeed help mine and many peoples situations! I surely plan on getting your book! Any pointers in any supps that would help? I currently take mag chelated, B3-6-9, fish oils, MSM glucosamine & Condroiten, taurine, zinc, D3 w/calcium, omerprazole, (UDCA, Dex, HCG , DA(prami) cialis, etc

    Btw - will be ordering your book as soon as I can(today would be nice)
    Last edited by NACH3; 10-25-2015 at 10:26 AM.

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    Splifton's Avatar
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    Is it only available on Amazon currently? Or can I find it at a retail bookstore?

    Also, do you have any other books?

  8. #8
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    Once this hits Kindle I'll be happy to read it and, compared to the other guys on Amazon, write a review based on a book I actually read :-) I know, partially, what an intense effort it is to write a book and anyone who actually completes a project like this gets a star in my book.
    I appreciate it tarmyg! I'll let you know when it becomes available on kindle. You are right about finishing a project like this one. Working as a full-time personal trainer and writing a book that many are referring to as the "fitness bible" was more difficult than I imagined! I thought dieting down for a bodybuilding show was tough, but it's a piece of cake compared to writing a 410 page book that's 8.5 x 11 inches. Just putting in the references was a monumental task!

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    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Splifton View Post
    Is it only available on Amazon currently? Or can I find it at a retail bookstore?

    Also, do you have any other books?
    "Functional Training with a Fork" is just available on Amazon. We declined on having it put in the book stores because theft is running rampant there and the authors are responsible. Amazon is slowly putting the bookstores out of business!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    "Functional Training with a Fork" is just available on Amazon. We declined on having it put in the book stores because theft is running rampant there and the authors are responsible. Amazon is slowly putting the bookstores out of business!
    Don't blame you one bit! Thanks for the response. Definitely going to purchase once I accumulate enough money from rationing out my Ramen Noodles.

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    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Ronnie, just reading through the top here in what your book is going to cover... I have had a splenectomy and numerous ventral hernia repairs. Leading me to your auto-immune difficiencies! I now have elevated platelets/& monocytes including a a very weakend immune system from not having a spleen to help fight off infection! Also, have had 3 reconstructive R shoulder surgeries that I've now been working around(waiting for stem cell hopefully - or eventually needing a tot rev joint replacement!

    So I can see how your book will indeed help mine and many peoples situations! I surely plan on getting your book! Any pointers in any supps that would help? I currently take mag chelated, B3-6-9, fish oils, MSM glucosamine & Condroiten, taurine, zinc, D3 w/calcium, omerprazole, (UDCA, Dex, HCG , DA(prami) cialis, etc

    Btw - will be ordering your book as soon as I can(today would be nice)
    I have a huge chapter (chapter 8) that covers the immune system and how to improve it's function. Here are few helpful tips for you. Take a magnesium supplement every other day and an iron supplement twice a week on nonconsecutive days. Stop taking MSM and glucosamine and chondroitin. Functional Testosterone Replacement will help strengthen the entire immune system. Stay away from all oral derivatives of testosterone . Stay away from anti-es because they are bad for the heart. Stop using HCG because it increases estrogen levels. Eat as much organic food as you possible can. This includes coffee and tea. Many people don't realize that non-organic coffee and tea comes from outside the U.S. and often contains high-risk pesticides such as DDT! These high-risk pesticides weaken the immune system. Stay away from GMO products. Lower your saturated fat intake and avoid trans fats because they increase inflammation and free radical damage. Liquid egg whites are the best source for obtaining the protein you need and the amino acids that help build up the immune system. Limit your intake of artificial sweeteners and avoid refined sugar as much as possible. Both destroy the good bacteria in your GI tract. The health of your digestive tract greatly determines immune functions! You need to eat adequate amounts of probiotics and prebiotics in order to maintain a healthy balance between good bacteria and bad bacteria in the GI tract. Consume around 25-30 grams of fiber per day. You'll need a physillium husk supplement to reach your target. Stay well-hydrated and consume a little salt for dinner. "Functional Training with a Fork" explains in great detail how to build up your immune system. I think you are really going to love the book!
    NACH3 and KBall32 like this.

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    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Splifton View Post
    Don't blame you one bit! Thanks for the response. Definitely going to purchase once I accumulate enough money from rationing out my Ramen Noodles.
    "Functional Training with a Fork" is actually 2 books in 1. The first half cover exercise and nutrition. The second half covers the immune system, hormone therapy, and chronic pain. The entire book fits together like a giant puzzle. Therefore, we decided to make it into one large book so everyone would get the full-effect. It's also less expensive for consumers to buy one large book as opposed to two smaller books.
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    Even more enticing! I'm a typical broke college student who has already maxed his credit out for a while so any deal is a good deal!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    I have a huge chapter (chapter 8) that covers the immune system and how to improve it's function. Here are few helpful tips for you. Take a magnesium supplement every other day and an iron supplement twice a week on nonconsecutive days. Stop taking MSM and glucosamine and chondroitin. Functional Testosterone Replacement will help strengthen the entire immune system. Stay away from all oral derivatives of testosterone. Stay away from anti-es because they are bad for the heart. Stop using HCG because it increases estrogen levels. Eat as much organic food as you possible can. This includes coffee and tea. Many people don't realize that non-organic coffee and tea comes from outside the U.S. and often contains high-risk pesticides such as DDT! These high-risk pesticides weaken the immune system. Stay away from GMO products. Lower your saturated fat intake and avoid trans fats because they increase inflammation and free radical damage. Liquid egg whites are the best source for obtaining the protein you need and the amino acids that help build up the immune system. Limit your intake of artificial sweeteners and avoid refined sugar as much as possible. Both destroy the good bacteria in your GI tract. The health of your digestive tract greatly determines immune functions! You need to eat adequate amounts of probiotics and prebiotics in order to maintain a healthy balance between good bacteria and bad bacteria in the GI tract. Consume around 25-30 grams of fiber per day. You'll need a physillium husk supplement to reach your target. Stay well-hydrated and consume a little salt for dinner. "Functional Training with a Fork" explains in great detail how to build up your immune system. I think you are really going to love the book!
    Woow!!! Im on my way home from the gym now...

    Thank you very much for the quick overview and what to drop and add in... This is going to be invaluable to me and everyone living this lifestyle! Im going to be ordering this book as soon as I get home! there's plenty more I as well as others can/will learn from this... I very much value your opinion and knowledge... And will be looking to up my level of health as well as creating the best environment to grow past my genetic potential... In the safest ways possible!

    Again much thanks for even going into depth on this subject though it's in your book! Look forward to reading it... And will surely let you know once I've completed it!

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    Ronnie congrats on the book.

    May I ask if it covers anything or if you knows anything about aneriusm and enlarged aortas??

    Probably going ro buy the book wither way lol...just thought I would ask.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Ronnie congrats on the book.

    May I ask if it covers anything or if you knows anything about aneriusm and enlarged aortas??

    Probably going ro buy the book wither way lol...just thought I would ask.
    Yes Sfla, the book does get into aneurysms and enlarged aortas/hearts. This should be a huge concern among everyone using anabolic steroids !

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    jstone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I have read a lot of your sticky in the training section, but its hard on the phone. I will be buying the book early next week. I also be recomending anyone I know to buy it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jstone View Post
    I have read a lot of your sticky in the training section, but its hard on the phone. I will be buying the book early next week. I also be recomending anyone I know to buy it.
    Thank you jstone!

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    Congratulations Ronnie, I will be picking up a copy for the wife and I both to read!

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Congratulations Ronnie, I will be picking up a copy for the wife and I both to read!
    Thanks Jimmy!

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    Ronnie, WOW awesome work and congratulations! I will be getting a copy ASAP.

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    Ronnie... I hate reading books... I guess I have read to many boring Navy tech manuals over my years LOL. Anyway, I just purchased your book and look forward to reading it and hope it will not only educate me further, but motivate me to make some changes and improve my overall health.

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    Quote Originally Posted by KBall32 View Post
    Ronnie, WOW awesome work and congratulations! I will be getting a copy ASAP.
    Thanks KBall!

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    Quote Originally Posted by rhoag View Post
    Ronnie... I hate reading books... I guess I have read to many boring Navy tech manuals over my years LOL. Anyway, I just purchased your book and look forward to reading it and hope it will not only educate me further, but motivate me to make some changes and improve my overall health.
    Thanks rhoag. I am confident the book will help you turn bad habits into good habits so you can keep your body looking and feeling young.

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    "Happiness has less to do with obtaining things you don't have and more about making the things you do have more appealing."

    Amazing quote from the book there Ronnie! Those are awesome words to live by man! Just wanted everyone here to see that!
    william981125, Splifton and NACH3 like this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    "Happiness has less to do with obtaining things you don't have and more about making the things you do have more appealing."

    Amazing quote from the book there Ronnie! Those are awesome words to live by man! Just wanted everyone here to see that!
    Thanks Jimmy! The book is full of valuable information that is changing peoples lives.

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    You recommended no HCG above. I have not seen anyone recommend that for a long time so could you, considering every single person here advocates it, elaborate on this specifically?


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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post

    You recommended no HCG above. I have not seen anyone recommend that for a long time so could you, considering every single person here advocates it, elaborate on this specifically?

    I only recommend using HCG during a PCT because it increases estrogen levels which can make you estrogen dominant. Excessive amounts of estrogen are linked to cancer, heart disease, mood swings, and immune system and sexual dysfunction. Does that answer your question?

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    Jesus Ronnie that fkin avatar!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    I only recommend using HCG during a PCT because it increases estrogen levels which can make you estrogen dominant. Excessive amounts of estrogen are linked to cancer, heart disease, mood swings, and immune system and sexual dysfunction. Does that answer your question?
    Your answer is kinda conflicting cause if hcg increases estrogens, taking it during pct would be the worse as testosterone is at its lowest...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Your answer is kinda conflicting cause if hcg increases estrogens, taking it during pct would be the worse as testosterone is at its lowest...
    I second this. ICSH is the endogenous pituitary analogue of hCG and if exogenous administration of hCG is current then it's capable of triggering a negative feedback mechanism and altering effectors functions. It's disruption of homeostatic balance to the HPTA is minor in comparison to a full fledge dosage of AAS, but any form of suppression to the endocrinological loop can be detrimental to the efficacy of recovery.

    I understand the standpoint regarding the carcinogenic nature of ********* (blurred out the word steroid-al?) oestrogens as well as the genotoxicity, but the presence of SERM's mitigates a portion of it's ability to exert oestrogenic related side effects via ligand receptor cleavage. (Solely dependent upon pharmaceutical choice) There is an inherent risk of the unbound oestrogens, but majority will be bound to SHBG, albumin, and transcortin.

    I could see some side of that practice due to the weaker binding affinity of estradiol versus testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. I can only think that because of the lower androgenic presence in PCT, the capability of successful coupling for oestrogens (estradiol notably) would be heightened due to the absence of testosterone amplifying estradiol's activity by inhibiting transport binding.

    Nevertheless, there is still the aspect of suppression to the anterior pituitary? The leydig cells won't naturally produce testosterone and when the feedback mechanism responds to the absence of exogenous analogues, the brief moment of effector response would disrupt the serge of LH and the synergistic interactions between LH and FSH. It's like 1 step forward, 2 steps backwards..
    Last edited by Splifton; 11-03-2015 at 05:35 AM.

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    jstone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Functional training with a fork purchased today. I dont like books, because im very rarely interested in what most books are about. After reading your sticky I knew I had to have it. Can wait to read it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Your answer is kinda conflicting cause if hcg increases estrogens, taking it during pct would be the worse as testosterone is at its lowest...
    BB I don't understand where you are coming from. Keep in mind that testosterone converts into estrogen. Therefore, if you have less testosterone in your system during PCT you will also have less estrogen. Running HCG during a cycle while test levels are high causes even higher levels of estrogens. It's that simple!
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 11-03-2015 at 12:56 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    BB I don't understand where you are coming from. Keep in mind that testosterone converts into estrogen. Therefore, if you have less testosterone in your system during PCT you will also have less estrogen. Running HCG during a cycle while test levels are high causes even higher levels of estrogens. It's that simple!
    HCG during a cycle will maintain testicular size and function and prevent testicular dysfunction. It should also be noted that administering over "500ius will cause an increase in estrogen and progesterone, but levels under this are manageable along side the higher Test levels with an AI.

    Also keeping the function of your testicles will help recover and will aid a smother PCT which would be a better approach that the cure of testicular dysfunction at the end of a cycle and prevention would be a easier way by using HCG during a cycle imho. Dr.Crisler mentions it often in his PCT protocols and quotes many studies Ronnie.

    I guess use what works best for the person but I would advice during a cycle better than at the end IMHO.

    congrats on the book mate
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    BB I don't understand where you are coming from. Keep in mind that testosterone converts into estrogen. Therefore, if you have less testosterone in your system during PCT you will also have less estrogen. Running HCG during a cycle while test levels are high causes even higher levels of estrogens. It's that simple!
    Ronnie, is what Marcus is saying in regards to excessive use of HCG (<1000iu in a wk) will result in more estrogen, as well as damaging ones leydig cell function(our testes are last to respond during pct - and I thought that Crisler's power pct is seeing if that persons testes will actually respond to the amounts of HCG used 'during pct'... If they don't respond than it's likely that person won't recover... Leading me back to 500iu(2 wkly shots) of HCG during a cycle will yield the desired results that Marcus included above... And I never understood not using HCG while 'on' and stopping all functionality when its a suppressive as well - suppress your testes during pct yet trying to recover?!

    It's obvious there's much to be learned regarding HCG and its use either while on or off... We're all different, however, I don't think I'd use it during pct but I'm open to reading about it in your book! Once I get there and have ?'s I'll post em up! Thx Ronnie!

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    Quote Originally Posted by jstone View Post
    Functional training with a fork purchased today. I dont like books, because im very rarely interested in what most books are about. After reading your sticky I knew I had to have it. Can wait to read it.
    Thanks jstone!

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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    HCG during a cycle will maintain testicular size and function and prevent testicular dysfunction. It should also be noted that administering over "500ius will cause an increase in estrogen and progesterone, but levels under this are manageable along side the higher Test levels with an AI.

    Also keeping the function of your testicles will help recover and will aid a smother PCT which would be a better approach that the cure of testicular dysfunction at the end of a cycle and prevention would be a easier way by using HCG during a cycle imho. Dr.Crisler mentions it often in his PCT protocols and quotes many studies Ronnie.

    I guess use what works best for the person but I would advice during a cycle better than at the end IMHO.

    congrats on the book mate
    Thanks my friend! I also wanted to point out that my original answer was in reference to NACH3 not using HCG. The reason I don't think NACH3 should use HCG is because he has a weakened immune system or what I often refer to as a dysfunctional immune system. Studies have shown that HCG is produced in the female body during pregnancy. The production of HCG causes many undesired changes in their bodies such as mood swings, nausea, fatigue, etc. As their bodies adjust to the increased production of HCG, the hormonal changes affect their body's defense mechanism and results in a low or dysfunctional immune system.

    I would also like to reiterate that newly published studies have strongly linked the use of anti-estrogen to heart disease in males.

    I believe that Crisler's power PCT works well at first, but after a while the body can adapt to frequent use of HCG-hence making it less effective. It's a catch 22! I think the take home message is EVERYONE needs to use as few drugs as possible in order to protect their overall health and well-being. I think it's a HUGE mistake to make gaining size more important than remaining healthy. I believe the vast majority of us can gain a decent amount of size while remaining healthy if we play it smart by living a functional lifestyle!
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 11-03-2015 at 08:04 PM.

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    Thanks for making that clarification on why you did reference not using it to my auto immune deficiency... And that's why I ended my statement/post with 'I'm open to reading about it in your book' and why I would wait until I have ?'s regarding my deficiency... Thx again...

  39. #39
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Thanks for making that clarification on why you did reference not using it to my auto immune deficiency... And that's why I ended my statement/post with 'I'm open to reading about it in your book' and why I would wait until I have ?'s regarding my deficiency... Thx again...
    Your welcome NAC3. When it comes to the immune system everything adds up over time. Every illness or medical condition is linked to the immune system. Even plaque buildup in the arteries is finalized by the immune system.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    I think it's a HUGE mistake to make gaining size more important than remaining healthy. I believe the vast majority of us can gain a decent amount of size while remaining healthy if we play it smart by living a functional lifestyle!

    Could not agree more with that statement. I've said basically that so many times on this forum.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

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