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Thread: 1g sustanon vs 1g enanthate

  1. #1

    1g sustanon vs 1g enanthate

    What to expect from 1 g sustanon /week (14-16 weeks) pinning 500mg twice a week.
    My first cycle was a 14 week 500mg test enanthate and gained 22lbs, currently waiting to start pct.
    Is sustanon a good idea or should i stick with enanthate, is sustanon effective if injected two times a week,any other differences in 1 g sustanon and 1 g enanthte?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by aurelian87 View Post
    What to expect from 1 g sustanon /week (14-16 weeks) pinning 500mg twice a week.
    My first cycle was a 14 week 500mg test enanthate and gained 22lbs, currently waiting to start pct.
    Is sustanon a good idea or should i stick with enanthate, is sustanon effective if injected two times a week,any other differences in 1 g sustanon and 1 g enanthte?
    Definitely Enanthate. Susta is watery as **** unless you have time for Steam room and Cardio Shit

  3. #3
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    What would make you decide to jump up to 1g of Test when you had such good results last time at 500mg? You will not double your gains by doubling your dose. You will increase your side however. IMO you had such a good run with 500mg just run that again. As for the question which is better. Test is Test, you'll see the Sust kick in faster but then the long esters take over and carry you on. I'd stick with E or Cyp myself. You could kick start your long ester cycle with Prop
    Last edited by RigPig; 10-26-2015 at 09:19 AM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by RigPig View Post
    What would make you decide to jump up to 1g of Test when you had such good results last time at 500mg? You will not double your gains by doubling your dose. You will increase your side however. IMO you had such a good run with 500mg just run that again.
    As for the question which is better. Test is Test, you'll see the Sust kick in faster but then the long waters take over and carry you on. I'd stick with E or Cyp myself. You could kick start your long ester cycle with Prop
    ^^ I agree w/RP -- second cycle and wanting to double the dose = more side effects! By just starting out cycling you barely know how to control your E2 which is the most important thing to consider!

    Btw - where's your ancilaries -- AI HCG PCT protocol! 22lbs in a cycle is good - you'll lose some to water some to fat but eat big and clean during pct to maintain your new found muscle tissue... Also be sure to reassess your tdee as well! GL and try just upping it to 600mgs maybe...

  5. #5
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    Also, make sure you take the correct time off before jumping back on (we are all tempted to rush back on but its not wise)

    Time on + pct = time off

    In your case that adds up to a total of 20 weeks OFF, after your PCT

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Clark View Post

    Definitely Enanthate. Susta is watery as **** unless you have time for Steam room and Cardio Shit
    What?! Lmao can u please explain

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Also, make sure you take the correct time off before jumping back on (we are all tempted to rush back on but its not wise)

    Time on + pct = time off

    In your case that adds up to a total of 20 weeks OFF, after your PCT
    This is all that's matters right now bro.^^^

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Also, make sure you take the correct time off before jumping back on (we are all tempted to rush back on but its not wise)

    Time on + pct = time off

    In your case that adds up to a total of 20 weeks OFF, after your PCT
    but rich piana says one month is long enough

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by aurelian87 View Post
    but rich piana says one month is long enough
    Thats one bodybuilder

    There are thousands of bodybuilders on here who will disagree with him.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by aurelian87
    What to expect from 1 g sustanon /week (14-16 weeks) pinning 500mg twice a week. My first cycle was a 14 week 500mg test enanthate and gained 22lbs, currently waiting to start pct. Is sustanon a good idea or should i stick with enanthate, is sustanon effective if injected two times a week,any other differences in 1 g sustanon and 1 g enanthte?
    definitely take everyone's suggest on proper pct and time off protocol after your cycle. My experience, sustanon is my favorite test. I've gotten my best results but everyone is different. I have ran a gram before and I felt like Thor and was trying to sleep with every girl in sight. But it's not where I got my best results. More is definitely not better. I've ran 500, 625, 750, and 1g. I feel I make the best gains and best results at 625 with the proper eating. 1g is a lot for your second cycle. Go up a little and see what kind of gains you make there. The best hormone to stack with testosterone is food. So with the proper diet and some proper dosing of test, you'll get better results than running 1g.

  11. #11
    You could make GREAT gains on either. My early cycles were basically SUST only and I made fantastic gains AND I've done the same with TEST ENAN.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN
    You could make GREAT gains on either. My early cycles were basically SUST only and I made fantastic gains AND I've done the same with TEST ENAN.
    I agree......I had used sust for all of my earlier cycles and had great results. Either one is fantastic!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    You could make GREAT gains on either. My early cycles were basically SUST only and I made fantastic gains AND I've done the same with TEST ENAN.
    This ^^^ test is test.Yes you can pin sus 2x a wk as the prop in it is very minimum.

  14. #14
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    Ive used sust twice, love it, cant say i notice much difference between the sus or test e, maybe feel the sus kick in slightly quicker

  15. #15
    marcus300's Avatar
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    There's no difference once both are running at peak

  16. #16
    14 week cycle is long enough. Unless your gains were awesome during weeks 13 & 14, I'd be done after 14 weeks. I tend to get acne with short esters. I don't know if it's the Test fluctuation or what but I get less to no acne with longer esters.

  17. #17
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aurelian87 View Post
    but rich piana says one month is long enough
    Well, he's wrong. But he'll say and do anything.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

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