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  1. #1
    borlef is offline Junior Member
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    Cycle vs Blast & Cruise?

    What are the pros and cons in terms of the health aspects for your body?

    Cycling sounds like such a yoyo of Test levels, how does your body deal with that? I can understand slowly lowering back to normal, but sudden massive drop into PCT sounds like a major shock to the system. Please help me understand more. Thanks.

  2. #2
    krugerr's Avatar
    krugerr is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by borlef
    What are the pros and cons in terms of the health aspects for your body? Cycling sounds like such a yoyo of Test levels, how does your body deal with that? I can understand slowly lowering back to normal, but sudden massive drop into PCT sounds like a major shock to the system. Please help me understand more. Thanks.
    Well, if you do a cycle properly, using all the elements you should be. It's fairly easy to recover. It's when people think "I don't need HCG , or AI.

    "My friend says I don't need PCT, my body will just recover!"

    Don't be a cheapskate. Otherwise you'll fvck your body up and be miserable. Speaking from personal experience, and I'm sure many others here will tell you the same.

    Sent from my iPhone using Forum

  3. #3
    Althenery's Avatar
    Althenery is offline Associate Member
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    If you blast and cruise you're going to need to up the dosage every blast or switch compounds, add compounds because you're body will get used to the gear and your gains will not be as good as if you stop also you're going to run out of compounds and there's going to be a time that you will have to come off and that's when you will crash hard!

  4. #4
    jstone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Althenery View Post
    If you blast and cruise you're going to need to up the dosage every blast or switch compounds, add compounds because you're body will get used to the gear and your gains will not be as good as if you stop also you're going to run out of compounds and there's going to be a time that you will have to come off and that's when you will crash hard!
    If this was true trt patients would need to raise there dosage. In 6 years my dose has actually been lowered while, and my numbers are the same.

  5. #5
    tectime's Avatar
    tectime is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Althenery
    If you blast and cruise you're going to need to up the dosage every blast or switch compounds, add compounds because you're body will get used to the gear and your gains will not be as good as if you stop also you're going to run out of compounds and there's going to be a time that you will have to come off and that's when you will crash hard!

    No dude it doesn't work like that at all! There's so much about all this that that's all I have time to type right now. Main thing is remember steroids are only one component of this equation. And that upping doses and adding compounds constitutes a blast. Part of the deal ! Main part haha!

  6. #6
    Althenery's Avatar
    Althenery is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstone
    If this was true trt patients would need to raise there dosage. In 6 years my dose has actually been lowered while, and my numbers are the same.
    But trt patients get doses to live like a normal person and not to build a lot of muscle

  7. #7
    Krazydiamond's Avatar
    Krazydiamond is offline New Member
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    Blast and cruise for sure but I'm 44 so even best case scenario my test levels would be low

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    If you're young and is producing normal levels of natural Test, I would recommend you cycle. If you have low Test and is on TRT, I'd recommend cruise/blast. The clarify, cruise is TRT dose. I'm just not convinced that subjecting your liver to cruise dose of 300mg/wk is a good thing. It just seems like a lot of Test when a healthy 25 year old male product about 70mg/wk of natural Test. For longevity and health, I take the philosophy of take the minimum to achieve your goal.

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