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Thread: Old guy, newbie advice

  1. #1

    Old guy, newbie advice

    Apologies for the long post, just want to answer all questions right up front.


    AGE: 48
    HT: 5'8"
    WT: 166LBS
    BF: Using calipers and the electronic devices out there it averages to about 17%. But, to be honest, I think its gotta be more than that. All of the fat is around the waist, little in the abs, mostly toward the back, you know the "love handles" as they are called. I am on Austinites fat loss protocol now and going to stay on for a couple of weeks then schedule the DEXA scan.

    EXPERIENCE: Been lifting for about 10 years, nothing serious, 3 times a week guy. Always have had trouble putting on lean muscle, consider myself a hard gainer. Supplementing like crazy with just about everything you can think of, with the exception of gear. Try to stay active by climbing, diving and martial arts. Although injuries get in the way sometimes.

    INJURIES: I am a combat vet, I have tendinitis in both elbows, at times severe, bad knee and titanium plates fusing 2 neck vertebrae together.

    GOALS: To put on 5-7lbs of lean muscle, drop more fat and hopefully aid in recovery time of these pain in the ass minor injuries.

    Picked 2 right off the site:
    12 week
    Test Cyp 400mg per week
    Deca 200mg for 10 of the 12 weeks
    opting no on the Dinabol.
    No AI, site said may not be needed. Was going to have Arimidex on hand in case.

    12 week
    Test Cyp 600mg per week (twice a week at 300mg per dose)
    Deca 400mg per week
    Arimidex .5mg/eod

    Opted to eliminate the Dianabol from both cycles.

    Planning on PCT of 4 weeks of Nolvadex-weeks 1 & 2 40mg, weeks 3 & 4 20mg.

    I have read Austinite's post on successful first cycle.

    Here are my questions:

    1. Recommendations on which cycle and why?
    2. Have chose not to do a T cycle first, is this a bad choice considering the cycles I have chosen?
    3. Blood work, I really like my current Doc, and don't want him to drop me, what other options are there to get blood work done, and what are the risks with this cycle if I don't?
    4. My injuries have kept me out of the gym before, believe it or not, the tendinitis is the worst of them. Do this gear aid in recovery and prevention of such injuries?
    5. Theses are considered Novice cycles, how important is the BF%, if I am at 20%, does that put me a huge risk of gyno?
    6. I've attached a pic of my gear, legit or not?

    Hopefully I haven't missed anything.
    Thanks in advance for the help.
    Awesome forum!
    Click image for larger version. 

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Views:	226 
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ID:	160463

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Take some time and read the stickie planning and executing my first successful cycle. Your first cycle should be test only with an ai. A standard pct consisted of 2 serms Clomid and nolvadex. Nolva 40/40/20/20 Clomid 100/50/50/50. Welcome to the forum

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    If your bodyfat is high then that tells me you arent dieting correctly.

    I think your goal of dropping a bit fat and adding 5-7lbs of muscle is easily achievable naturally.

    Just simply pointing out that you dont have to cycle to reach your target.

  4. #4
    Thanks Tax Man...I was trying to keep my expectations really low.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Expectations and motivation should aways be high in order to get the most out of your hard work and cycle

    If your eventual goal was to gain 30lbs+ over time, then cycle away

    But if your only looking to gain a few lbs and drop some fat, you could do this with a good diet, cardio and weight training regime.

    (I wasnt sure if your 5-7lb goal was a life time goal or just off 1 cycle, kind of guessed, sorry for that! 5-7lb of muscle from a cycle is decent but could be more pushing 10lb and above)

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Expectations and motivation should aways be high in order to get the most out of your hard work and cycle

    If your eventual goal was to gain 30lbs+ over time, then cycle away

    But if your only looking to gain a few lbs and drop some fat, you could do this with a good diet, cardio and weight training regime.

    (I wasnt sure if your 5-7lb goal was a life time goal or just off 1 cycle, kind of guessed, sorry for that! 5-7lb of muscle from a cycle is decent but could be more pushing 10lb and above)
    LOL, it was a one time cycle goal...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Scott's, were the same age, I would stick with one compound, T only for your first one. You will be pleased (I.m.o.) on what 500mgs for 12 weeks will accomplish. Pin this amount split into 2 pins per week. Also, I would use the A.I. Right off the bat, .25 mg if anas day after each injection.
    Lastly, lotta these guys will say don't juice if BF is too high, although I completely agree with this, you are novice not a professional so even if you are 20% you can realize awesome results.
    Good luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Also for what is worth I have run 200 of deca in the past and consider that dosage to be insignificant, should be higher for noticeable results. At best maybe a little joint relief, don't think this will aide tendinitis.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by bullshark99 View Post
    Scott's, were the same age, I would stick with one compound, T only for your first one. You will be pleased (I.m.o.) on what 500mgs for 12 weeks will accomplish. Pin this amount split into 2 pins per week. Also, I would use the A.I. Right off the bat, .25 mg if anas day after each injection.
    Lastly, lotta these guys will say don't juice if BF is too high, although I completely agree with this, you are novice not a professional so even if you are 20% you can realize awesome results.
    Good luck
    Bull, good stuff, thanks man!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Bay Area
    Just the test will make you feel Young again haha 500mg make you feel like 3 teemagers

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Drunkest City in the USA
    I started on HRT at 50 and with just 140mg of test CYP a week subQ. In 6 months I went from 220 and 26% bf down to 179 and 12%bf. I was watching what I ate very close and doing HIIT fasted 3 mornings a week and lifting 3-4 times a week. The trainer at the gym couldn't believe at my age that i could lose so much fat and gain muscle at the same time. I guess my point is you can do a lot on that much test only with proper diet and workout plan.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Old guy! That's funny to think your old at 48.
    Anyway, you never said what your current test levels were like. You should get some blood work and see if you qualify for TRT first. Some nice, legal TRT is more than enough to reach your goals easily.
    At your age, your going to be on TRT soon enough whether you cycle or not. May as well do that first and get stabilized at a decent level. Nothing beats pharma grade test!
    If you absolutely must do a cycle first, I would do like these guys said and just run 500mg test/week. Always use the least amount to get the job done.
    As for your gear, it's probably OK but, like most UGL stuff, is probably under dosed. It should be fine, though.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    If your bodyfat is high then that tells me you arent dieting correctly.

    I think your goal of dropping a bit fat and adding 5-7lbs of muscle is easily achievable naturally.

    Just simply pointing out that you dont have to cycle to reach your target.
    Easy for you, at 28. As it was for me, when I was young. Not so easy at 48...

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