Getting ready to start the next cycle.
last 3 cycles have been test only.
Did a few cycles of test/tren a few years ago.
I was planning on test only cycle 800mg/wk
I have one bottle of deca 250. expires next year.
Was thinking of
wk 1-12 test 400 or 600mg
wk 1-9 Deca 250(with some waste probrably 9 weeks vs 10)
hcg 2x per/week 500
dex .25 eod
PCT - nolva/clomid
side note: held off on the deca due to worried about deca dick... but looking to use this up.
I also have some liq prami on hand. its a few yrs old. did one dose back in 13 during a tren cycle.
Over all no major tren sides. Just some night sweating and insomnia.
Just asking..Thinking the deca is to low of a dose