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Thread: 11/20/2015: Sources- The Game

  1. #1
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    11/20/2015: Sources- The Game

    I probably get a half dozen or so a week. All start off pretty much the same, “Hey bro I was wondering if you might be able to help me out”…….

    That’s how they start. Its innocent enough, a source check, or more aptly a source request. Sometimes its an inquiry about a specific source but most often it is flat out asking for a source. I try to help if I can but most of the time I cannot. People probably think I am a prick. I am sure people think a lot of things. People tend to think being on staff or being a vet at a forum has these amazing perks, well newsflash, it doesn’t.

    I know when I first came to the boards I figured the staff guys were probably getting hooked up with free gear for referrals, free rc’s from site sponsors. You know what, at some forums they probably do. You can tell the forums where this happens. The staff vouches for these sources, posts up stupid crap like “XYZ’s deca is amazing, I can feel my strength going up and my delts are filling out”. All this 3 days after they supposedly received this amazing gear LOL! These are the same forums where inevitably sources come and go and members end up scammed, the board covers for them, and all is for some damn reason forgiven and forgotten. You all know the places, heck some of those forums are the reason you are here on this forum. You see enough of that shit and you realize “The Game”.

    I have been around the boards for quite some time and in this lifestyle for much longer than that. I have seen more sources come and go that I can even begin to name. If you send a pm to a senior member on a CREDIBLE forum and wonder why they don’t just help you out consider this. If they care at ALL about their reputation and have any integrity at all they are fairly wise not to put their name on ANY sources. Why is that you say? Well eventually they ALL go south guys. I mean all of them. Sources that people trusted implicitly 5 years ago are long gone and chances are when they left they left with a good amount of some people’s cash and they left those people holding their puds in their hands. That’s “The Game”. That’s how it works. Does it suck- yes, is it happening right now as we speak, your damn right it is. Ask the guys who went with Viking and who is wondering the real truth behind what happened with Paxton? You mean to tell me that all these vips from Pax were shorting them cash? GTFO and open your eyes.

    It never ceases to amaze me what goes on and what gets overlooked and what gets forgiven. Hell there are forums that have backed out and out scammers and let members lose thousands and for some reason people go back to these money grubbing POS boards. Are there good forums, forums that avoid being source boards or forums that handle their business properly and protect their members to the best of their ability? Hell yes there are and chances are if you are reading this you are on one of those forums as we speak.

    At some point I think to myself this has to end. People have to see WTF is going on here. However apparently they don’t. Either that or they just don’t care or they are a direct part of the problem. Maybe there are that many newcomers that don’t know better that can be preyed upon. People so desperate for a source they believe some guy behind a keyboard they have no idea who he is or what he stands for. They think well if I go to a staff member surely they won’t steer me wrong. Sadly that is not always the case my friends. If you are on one of the forums I referred too earlier, the POS ones, it is likely that the staff person is a damn big part of the problem.

    Let me tell you what it is like being on staff at a good forum. A forum with some integrity. First of all lets go over what you get from the board being on staff. Well there is no salary, at all. Monetarily you get nothing. Well surely there must be some amazing perks right? No, there aren’t. No free gear, no free rc’s, no inside line, none of that. What you get is you get to devote a lot of your time to try to help people, share your knowledge and experience and participate in a lifestyle you enjoy. You maybe get the gratitude of the Admin or the forum owner. You maybe get the appreciation of the members. You def get to learn a ton from other people in this lifestyle. That’s the biggest thing you get. Access, yes access. Not to sources, not to free gear, but to the knowledge and experience of guys that have been living this lifestyle for decades. Well wait isn’t that what any member can get? Yes, it is!!

    So why am I rambling on about this? Am I going to tie this all together? Yes, I am. I get a PM from XYZ, he is a new member, he wants a source. I have devoted hours and hours of my time to a forum. I have done my best to help as many people as I can. I have taken a ton in the form of knowledge and tried to give back a small portion of what I have received. So I get said pm and I don’t give him a source. You know what I am, I am a prick that is hiding this secret information, the inside line on all these great sources, that, are you ready, just don’t exist guys. I have access to what you do, no more no less. So scenario one I am a prick who is unwilling to help a member and share this deep dark secret list of stellar sources that the staff keeps all to themselves….not.

    So what is scenario two? Scenario two is I give member XZY a source. He send off $400 of his hard earned cash hell maybe even $1000 of it. Meanwhile the source I give him contacts him quickly, gives him the info, he sends the funds, all seems good. Then all the sudden….nothing. This is it, the time has come for this once respected source to go south and he isn’t going empty handed, he is going with thousands of dollars of peoples money. So now what am I? Once again I am a prick. A prick who gave member XYZ a scammer source, probable because (in members XYZ’s mind) I was getting tons of free gear or maybe even cash.

    Those 2 scenarios are the potential outcomes being on staff at a credible forum and giving out a source. How the hell can I “win” here? Scenario one happens all the time and it happens all because as staff I fear if I do give out a source scenario two is going to occur. Either way member XZY thinks Jimmyinkedup is a prick. All the time, the hours invested no longer mean shit. You get my point here guys?

    If you are going to be a part of a forum, do so carefully. If it is a source board try your best to find a credible one. You have to look hard but as I said if your reading this on it chances are the forum is doing right by their members. If it isn’t a source board try to understand why it is so hard to get a source from a vet or from staff. We work hard, the last thing we want is to refer a member to someone and have them ripped the fvck off. Say what you want, I hear it all the time,” I understand if it doesn’t work out it has nothing to do with you” BS man. There is this thing called human nature, you cannot escape it. You want a name or a face to blame when you get screwed, we all do, and the only one you have is the guy that referred you to the source in the first place.

    Next time you pm a vet or staff person and they respond that they cant help you out remember what you have read here. Its not that they don’t want to help you out, its just that they don’t want you to get screwed man. Its all a part of “The Game”. It sucks but it is what it is. We are all in the same game guys. Maybe it is time we start to see these POS forums for what they are and focus on the ones with integrity. There are always going to be scammers but if we focus our efforts on the forums that want no parts of sources or the ones that put the members first, The ones that place the responsibility on the source to prove he is doing right BEFORE dozens of members lose thousands we can make the scamming that occurs occur much less often.

    One final thing, do not get me wrong, I am not crying poor me. It is an honor to be on staff or be a respected vet on a respected forum. I just want people to realize that it quite possibly is not what you think it is in the way of perks and inside knowledge and so on. I also want people to realize WHY it is so difficult to give out sources and the bottom line is it is because they all go south sooner or later. I sure do not want to be responsible for anyone losing their hard earned cash to some scumbag thief. Also there is a flip side to this. Based on the info I have just written if someone who is on staff at a credible forum DOES refer you somewhere, you can bet your ass to the best of their knowledge they are an A+ source for whatever. If they weren’t you would not be getting the referral. So there is an upside I just would like people to see “The Game” from all sides!

    Have a Great Weekend!

  2. #2
    almostgone's Avatar
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    Nice, Jimmy. Look future installments.
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    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  3. #3
    212OlympiaBound's Avatar
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    what would you consider a good source?

    Do you use the 10x rule for test bloods? aka 500mg per week should put you at 5000ng/dl total test? Seems like I barely get half that no matter what UGL I use, so I always double or triple dose.
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  4. #4
    Marc114's Avatar
    Marc114 is offline Junior Member
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    Nice read , thank you. I've been on here for about 1 year researching my arse off in preparation for my first cycle. I'm now on the verge of placing my first order for gear, after 1 year of reading and research. Never once did I consider asking for a source. The main reason being that if someone just gave me the information I asked for , I would have never have learned as much as I did doing the research myself. If I ever get in a position where someone asks me for a source, I probably , like you, politely refuse the request. Not only for the reasons you stated , but also , I think finding your own source on your own is kind of a rite of passage , part of "the game". Thanks again ,I look forward to reading more from you , this seems like it's going to be a nice addition to this board.
    jimmyinkedup and InternalFire like this.

  5. #5
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 212OlympiaBound View Post
    what would you consider a good source?

    Do you use the 10x rule for test bloods? aka 500mg per week should put you at 5000ng/dl total test? Seems like I barely get half that no matter what UGL I use, so I always double or triple dose.
    10x is unrealistic regardless of what anyone posts. I usually compare bloods to watson pharma bloods. 7x would be good IMO but I gauge whatever I get compared to an equivalent dose of watson pharma cyp (thats what i usually use- cyp).
    InternalFire and almostgone like this.

  6. #6
    212OlympiaBound's Avatar
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    7x...that's really good to know. 10x just seemed too high in my mind, also.
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  7. #7
    Zodiac82's Avatar
    Zodiac82 is offline AR's Scrapple Lover
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    Nice piece....
    Should be put up with the stickies
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  8. #8
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Jimmy your such a truthful and helpful man and know your stuff.When i see a thread started by you i always take the time to read it.
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  9. #9
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Really enjoyed that read Jimmy, like the way you referred everything back to "the game"
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  10. #10
    Sfla80's Avatar
    Sfla80 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Definitely a good read and agree 100%.

    Just makes me feel like shit when I used to do the exact same thing with pms.....

    One question jimmy. Why do u participate in the other forums that knowingly sponsors and vet are being compensated and every opinion is skewed?

    I've been on a few myself but never fequent any really.
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  11. #11
    Strongblood's Avatar
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    Thanks for the post Jimmy. You have a good weekend as well!
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  12. #12
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Definitely a good read and agree 100%.

    Just makes me feel like shit when I used to do the exact same thing with pms.....

    One question jimmy. Why do u participate in the other forums that knowingly sponsors and vet are being compensated and every opinion is skewed?

    I've been on a few myself but never fequent any really.
    If you notice I said if you are reading this then it isnt one of those forums, because for the most part I am not on them! There is one forum that I consider questionable that I participate in but not very often and I do so at the request of a friend who is on staff there. I have no problem naming the forums I feel are an outright disgrace as I have no intention of ever being a part of them UNLESS the institute some form of change. I am also part of one forum that reached out for that very reason, they have that rep, the rep of a total shill forum and they are trying to change that. I am participating there but have made it more than well known if I see a glimmer of "the old ways" there I am out.
    This is for sure my "Home Forum" without a doubt. Whatever forums I am on I try to be a part of the solution re: the nonsense I spoke of. Oddly enough those are the forums that need good members the most. Here I know I someone asking for advice will be steered in the right direction, this place is rock solid. Elsewhere there needs to be people that are willing to say and speak the truth regardless and I have no problem being that guy. I have been banned from more than one forum for doing so and probably will be again but I do not care. If one newb takes heed and doesnt use HC fvcking Ghenerate thinking it is a solid pct then it was worth my time and effort.
    RigPig, NACH3, ghettoboyd and 3 others like this.

  13. #13
    MikeyZ23 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for the post Jimmy. I can honestly say this place is solid if you want information and an education in the game. That's why I came back. To tell you the truth, I've been out of the game for a while. It's a funny thing you said about sources, they do come and go. Back in the day, I dealt with some of the best in the game - they were busted some years later while I was off doing other things. I'm going to stay over here because I'm not in this for the banner clicking and "is this guy g2g" nonsense that the other boards bring. I want to know about the whole picture out here - the diet, the training, the gear, and the overall lifestyle of bodybuilding and living a healthful life that I've chosen to pursue.
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  14. #14
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Jimmy may not want me to spread this around but he is himself a dynamite source!

    I have used him several times and always been happy...
    That is to say he is always glad to provide workout and diet information and its always on point. To me this is a lot more important and harder to find than any AAS source and unlike selling gear or working for a source board there is no monetary reward so it really speaks to his character and values as a person.

    Thanks for all you do here.


  15. #15
    tice1212's Avatar
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    I've only been scammed once and it was from a research chem site. Ive learned when u see the word huge sale and its to good to be true it probably is. I ordered a shlt ton of stuff and never seen anything from those cock suckers. They closed down there site about a week after my order. Then about two months later reopened but only selling syringes and BA water. If anyone wants to know what this site is so u don't get F'ed over. Feel free to PM.
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  16. #16
    Sfla80's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post

    If you notice I said if you are reading this then it isnt one of those forums, because for the most part I am not on them! There is one forum that I consider questionable that I participate in but not very often and I do so at the request of a friend who is on staff there. I have no problem naming the forums I feel are an outright disgrace as I have no intention of ever being a part of them UNLESS the institute some form of change. I am also part of one forum that reached out for that very reason, they have that rep, the rep of a total shill forum and they are trying to change that. I am participating there but have made it more than well known if I see a glimmer of "the old ways" there I am out.
    This is for sure my "Home Forum" without a doubt. Whatever forums I am on I try to be a part of the solution re: the nonsense I spoke of. Oddly enough those are the forums that need good members the most. Here I know I someone asking for advice will be steered in the right direction, this place is rock solid. Elsewhere there needs to be people that are willing to say and speak the truth regardless and I have no problem being that guy. I have been banned from more than one forum for doing so and probably will be again but I do not care. If one newb takes heed and doesnt use HC fvcking Ghenerate thinking it is a solid pct then it was worth my time and effort.
    I did notice...and understand more of what u mean now. And understand why u frequent other forums.

    Thank you for going into more detail about that. Was more of a curious question.

    This was a great start to the blog. And I'm definitely looking forward to what else you have to say/offer.
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  17. #17
    Bodacious's Avatar
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    Nice Jimmy, I always try and read the stuff you post man. Totally understand your post. Can't wait for more.
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  18. #18
    Beethoven's Avatar
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    Nice read Jimmy. I agree with all of it. I bounced around several forums and found this one the best for me. Lots of great sources here if you're looking for an education, which is far more important than AAS source. Thanks for all you do.
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  19. #19
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Great write up, & read! Can't wait to see what's in store for the next blog!

    Thx for upholding the integrity and respect of the staff and members here, as well!
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  20. #20
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    Spoken truth and valuable insight for the new and seasoned. The Game... It certainly is.
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  21. #21
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    If one newb takes heed and doesnt use HC fvcking Ghenerate thinking it is a solid pct then it was worth my time and effort.

    Jimmy you're killing me with this....
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    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  22. #22
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    And I was just about to ask for a source check. Hmmmm. Bad timing on my part. LoL
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  23. #23
    austinite's Avatar
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    Awesomeness. Love it.
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    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  24. #24
    wellshii is offline Member
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    Awesome. You know if they legalized and set rules like tobacco etc this thread wouldn't exist. Man I hate this country.
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  25. #25
    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wellshii
    Awesome. You know if they legalized and set rules like tobacco etc this thread wouldn't exist. Man I hate this country.
    It's not the country......just the ass's running it!
    jimmyinkedup likes this.

  26. #26
    bloodchoke's Avatar
    bloodchoke is offline Member
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    I'm right behind you..
    To me, finding your own source(s) is a sort of rite of passage. It has been my experience that those who want all the leg-work done for them (no pun intended) are the first to get popped and they always roll to cover their own hide. Nothing is without risk. Currently, we have to be sneaky; learn how to be; take ownership in your decisions; find your own source (it's easier than ever).
    jimmyinkedup and InternalFire like this.

  27. #27
    BG's Avatar
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    Well done buddy !
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    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  28. #28
    Venom's Avatar
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    Great read! I really appreciate the time you put into this Jimmy!
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  29. #29
    wellshii is offline Member
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    Sadly enough.
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  30. #30
    Kinkarada is offline New Member
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    Great info. Thanks for the time you put in to share it.
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  31. #31
    gorog25's Avatar
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    I love this kind of view of "The Game" It is sadly true. Now, days even legit companies try to scam customers a variety of way.

    I love this forum. I read tons of useful info about nutrition, training, and supplements. I also really appreciate the members who continuously contribute and share their knowledge.

    But see this all resource thing from a newbie side. People come here to find out the right\safe way using AAS. Everyone here tries to help the best of they knowledge, but right/safe use start with good quality stuff.

    And here we are the responsible resource.

    It is a must. Personally, I would not mind if the owner, mods, vets or whoever contribute into this forum would receive some compensation after my shopping if the gear I buy would be decent quality stuff for sure.

    I think those experienced people here could establish a connection with a reliable resource so no one would be scammed. Off course it not easy, but I believe it can work like any other business relation. I know there are legal issues too, but the labs do it for profit. If they under dose the gear, or sell they stock to many scammers It going to kill the reputation and the business as well.

    I think everyone could benefit if a proper forum would have a good supplier. The community would have great gear; Supplier could establish a long term profit. Forum could save some storage and avoid getting many questions so that members can concentrate training, nutrition, supplement and of course cycle questions.

    Am I too optimistic?
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  32. #32
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gorog25 View Post
    Am I too optimistic?
    In a word- yes!
    The forum could never associate itself in any form with a steroid source....ever. The potential legal repercussions are so numerous I dont even know where to start.
    Thing is even as staff or a vet it is difficult to confidently put your name behind a source. Sure you try to help people out as much as you can and if you come across a source with good quality product you try to help out your friends when and where you can but never knowing when the process of that lab getting bad raws or starting to scam is coming you are taking a risk even doing that. Its a sad state of affairs. The core issue, of course, is legality. Were that not the case it would be an entirely different "game" but as we know that isnt the case.
    gorog25 and almostgone like this.

  33. #33
    songdog's Avatar
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    Good job Jimmy
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  34. #34
    MikeyMoo is offline Junior Member
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    Wow, great read mate thanks for sharing.

  35. #35
    Logical1 is offline New Member
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    This is only my second post and probably one of the best reads I have come across in a board. This sums up the no good deed goes unpunished to a "T". I know I unearthed an old thread but it was very well said.

  36. #36
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    What happened to this? How can every vet that liked this post and commented good things just turn their back on such a well respected staff member, one who has given so many people so much help in achieving their goals. I've asked jimmy life advice, he's been an ear during hard times.
    How can you just drop him like this?

  37. #37
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    Miss ya man
    Last edited by AllKindsOGains; 04-13-2016 at 01:05 PM.

  38. #38
    Zodiac82's Avatar
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    What did happen??
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  39. #39
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllKindsOGains;[B
    7170425]What happened to this? How can every vet that liked this post and commented good things just turn their back on such a well respected staff member,[/B] one who has given so many people so much help in achieving their goals. I've asked jimmy life advice, he's been an ear during hard times.
    How can you just drop him like this?
    Stop playing dumb AKOG!! By the sounds of your post... I think You know damn well why!! You should edit this post and the one after!

    How can you say or even assume everyone turned their back on a 'well respected staff member' ..., do you know something you want to share?!?!
    Last edited by NACH3; 04-13-2016 at 07:16 PM.

  40. #40
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    If I knew something, I'd share it. I have no idea what he must have done to be out casted this way. If you have anything you'd like to share NACH I'm all ears.

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