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Thread: Unusual Injection Problem

  1. #1

    Unusual Injection Problem

    Hi i'm about to finish my first very very novice cycle of 400mg test and 100mg deca for eight weeks. I intended to do 200mg deca per week but had trouble drawing enough oil.

    I only inject in the quads and glutes because I am not sure how to do other areas on my own.

    For some reason every now and then when I go to inject in one of those sites it will be hard to get the needle in and I will feel a sharp cutting pain. And I'm making sure now to hit any veins. So I take the needle out and postpone the injection for later.

    I don't know why this happens, obviously it will intervene with my cycle protocols.

    If anyone has any advice, I would love to hear your feedback!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    What area of the quad are you pining. The spot to hit is the outer upper quad around the area were your pocket would be

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    What gauge needle are you using?

    the video below can help out with general prep and location of  injection

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Southeast, USA
    The best place to inject is in the Gluteus Minimus. There are far less nerves and blood vessels there to hit and cause you pain. That muscle is located in the upper quadrant of your Glute. Good luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Montreal Canada
    did you aspirate?

    no blood in your syringe= no vein=no issues.

    sure you may have nicked a nerve- but once you withdrawl you will have no issues.

    i try upto 4 sites and feel for subq nerve sensation before i plunge, may be different for IM injections buts thats just how i do it- and it ussually pays off for me,

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Have no advice on the pin pains, but would advise to drop the deca unless you are using it for therapeutic (joint problems) porpuses.

    At least drop it 2 weeks before testosterone, it can have a great influence on recovery.

  7. #7
    I aim for the upper outer quad. It may be that I hit some nerves, but at that point I usually withdraw because I figure I would be hitting blood vessels at that point if its that painful. I don't pin the outer quad as in the direct side of my quad because the muscle feels to hard to pierce.

  8. #8
    I aspirate once I've pinned all the way the way through but if I feel that much pain when I'm starting to pin myself I usually withdraw before even aspirating because I figure I would be hitting blood vessels as that point.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I agree with MrBB, i know its not something you have asked but its good to point out.

    Less than 400mg deca is a complete waste unless your using it to aid joint pain, at 100mg per week you may as well drop it, your wasting your money, save it for a future cycle

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