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Thread: Raloxifene during PCT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    NW UK

    Raloxifene during PCT

    Hi Guys,

    My PCT starts today nolva and Clomid. Question is I have had gyno lump in right nipple flare up during my cycle and have started using Raloxifene which has worked fantastically. The lump hasn't completely gone and so I feel I need to keep going with the raloxifene. Can this be run at the same time as nolva and clomid and is there any potential negatives in doing this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Sure, you can use it through PCT along with the other meds. Side effects from ralox are rare. The only ones I'm familiar with in males are a decrease in HDL and increase in PSA.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    NW UK
    Thanks man for your answer, I took 120mg of Raloxifene one day at the beginning of starting it and f*ck me the stomach cramps were severe (learnt lesson) this stuff is amazing in the time it has taken to reduce the lump, nolva took at least 4 weeks more. I wasn't sure if I should take because potentially the Nolva in pct could do the same (just not in the same time frame), what are you thoughts on this?

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