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Thread: My Cycle of T3 - 28 % BF

  1. #1

    My Cycle of T3 - 28 % BF

    Cytomel pct - 28 % bf


    It s been ages since I did not run a cycle of anabos.

    Well, Now I reached 28% BF, I decided to run a cycle of Cytomel . Maybe I will not use Anavar , I really don't care of losing muscle since I gain muscle very fast.


    Height: 6,2 Ft
    Weight: 280 lbs
    Age : 32

    I don't look fat because of many years of bodybuilding practice. I look rather like a former bodybuilder.

    I practice Boxing 3 x/week and bodybuilding (2x/week).

    I don't like to run on a treadmill but my boxing workout is intense.

    My Diet is a good diet (220 gr of prot, 200 gr of carbs, 70 gr of good fat) but I gain weight too easily.

    After my blood analysis (I am almost convinced that my thyroid is slowing down as for my 2 sisters), I will run the following cycle :

    Day 1 / T3 25mcg
    Day 3 / T3 25mcg
    Day 4 / T3 25mcg
    Day 5 / T3 25mcg
    Day 6 / T3 50mcg
    Day 7 / T3 50mcg

    Day 8 anavar 25 mg/ T3 50mcg
    Day 9 anavar 25 mg/ T3 50mcg
    Day10 anavar 25 mg/ T3 50mcg
    Day11 anavar 25 mg/ T3 50mcg
    Day12 anavar 25 mg/ T3 50mcg
    Day13 anavar 25 mg/ T3 50mcg
    Day14 anavar 25 mg/ T3 50mcg

    Day15 / T3 50mcg
    Day16 / T3 50mcg
    Day17 / T3 50mcg
    Day18 / T3 50mcg
    Day19 / T3 50mcg
    Day20 / T3 50mcg
    Day21 / T3 50mcg

    Day22 anavar 25 mg/ T3 50 mcg
    Day23 anavar 25 mg/ T3 50 mcg
    Day24 anavar 25 mg/ T3 50 mcg
    Day25 anavar 25 mg/ T3 50 mcg
    Day26 anavar 25 mg/ T3 50 mcg
    Day27 anavar 25 mg/ T3 50 mcg
    Day28 anavar 25 mg/ T3 50 mcg

    Day29 / T3 50 mcg
    Day30 / T3 50 mcg
    Day31 / T3 75mcg
    Day32 / T3 75mcg
    Day33 / T3 75mcg
    Day34 / T3 50mcg
    Day35 / T3 50mcg

    Day36 anavar 25 mg/ T3 50mcg
    Day37 anavar 25 mg/ T3 50mcg
    Day38 anavar 25 mg/ T3 25mcg
    Day39 anavar 25 mg/ T3 25mcg
    Day40 anavar 25 mg/ T3 25mcg
    Day41 anavar 25 mg/ T3 25mcg
    Day42 anavar 25 mg/ T3 25mcg

    Do you think I should use Novaldex ? To prevent the likely of estrogen effect

    Some facts :

    1) Permanently shutting down of Thyroid is bullshits
    2) I should split the dosage throughout the day
    3) My BB workout is very short, heavy and intense (30 min after boxing workout).
    4) My job is an office job (I sit in the chair all day)
    5) homework done about cytomel research on the forum
    6) don't wanna use clen because of the necrosis issue

    Any advice ?

    Thank you guys
    Last edited by; 12-01-2015 at 06:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Wow bro don't go through with this nightmare of a "cycle".
    First off ur running var without test it will suppress u plus 25mg will pretty much do nothing for u even if its real
    Second 25mcg of t3 is dumb to do because ur body makes that much naturally so u would be shutting ur thyroid down for nothing. 50mcg + IMO

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212 View Post
    Wow bro don't go through with this nightmare of a "cycle".
    First off ur running var without test it will suppress u plus 25mg will pretty much do nothing for u even if its real
    Second 25mcg of t3 is dumb to do because ur body makes that much naturally so u would be shutting ur thyroid down for nothing. 50mcg + IMO

    You recommend to start with 50 mcg then ?

    I will delete the use of var but I don't want to use test.

    Is there anything else I can use to prevent the lose of muscle even if I am not really concerned about losing muscle ?

    Are novaldex and proviron to avoid the estrogen effect ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Yea have a high in protein diet and keep your lifting up.

    You cant diet very strict and expect to lose a shed load of fat as well as hold on to all your muscle tissue.

    It has to be a gradual process, or expect to lose some muscle on the way

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Yea have a high in protein diet and keep your lifting up.

    You cant diet very strict and expect to lose a shed load of fat as well as hold on to all your muscle tissue.

    It has to be a gradual process, or expect to lose some muscle on the way
    My only concern is to get rid of fat.

    I will keep my high protein diet and hard workout.

    But I absolutely want to avoid the estrogenization of my body.

    So are novaldex and proviron sufficient ?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    On what cycle? T3 only? Test and and T3? anavar?
    Im not sure what your final cycle decision is?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Don't run anything w/out test as your base... If you don't want to use test your in the wrong place.. I say this b/c if you take anything w/out test you'll either be so suppressed of shut down with none running through your veins... Then you'll be estrogen dominant... And running T3 w/out test at least a trt dose but I'd go with 500mgs/wk b/c it doesn't discriminate what it eats! Muscle fat whatever I there! Not a good plan... Read this and you'll know why

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Don't run anything w/out test as your base... If you don't want to use test your in the wrong place.. I say this b/c if you take anything w/out test you'll either be so suppressed of shut down with none running through your veins... Then you'll be estrogen dominant... And running T3 w/out test at least a trt dose but I'd go with 500mgs/wk b/c it doesn't discriminate what it eats! Muscle fat whatever I there! Not a good plan... Read this and you'll know why
    Bingo. Spot on.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2012
    At 28% body fat, diet and exercise are all you need at those levels. Anything else would be a waste of compounds and in regards to Test-E, potentially dangerous!

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    At 28% body fat, diet and exercise are all you need at those levels. Anything else would be a waste of compounds and in regards to Test-E, potentially dangerous!
    I m tired of this kind of advice... Thank you dude.

    DIET + WORKOUT + ANABOS is better than DIET and Workout

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    I m tired of this kind of advice... Thank you dude.

    DIET + WORKOUT + ANABOS is better than DIET and Workout
    Why ask for advice then?? It's spot on! We're just trying to help

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Your probably tired of hearing in the correct advice because more effort is required and you need patience before jumping on AAS. I cycled at 25% bodyfat and got a painful lump under my left nipple (chances of gyno increase at higher BF) just put in some effort and get your bodyfat down to a level where using AAS will be much safer.

    Your never going to get the wrong advice here, its the correct advice, just maybe not what you want to hear. I fully understand, it would be much better if every reply was "Go for it!" but members here will preach safe AAS use, not just go for it.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    somewhere near London
    Extra T3 causes SHBG to elevate (so less available testosterone and exaggerates the effects of estradiol without test to balance it), elevates estradiol (and slows the rate of estradiol clearance), and makes you more prone to premature ejaculation.

    I would suggest you look at your bloodwork before you formulate a plan in case you need therapeutic thyroid hormone, and then you can take what you need to normalise your system and make it easier to lose weight without throwing all these other things into chaos.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Why ask for advice then?? It's spot on! We're just trying to help
    Because I know the best thing to do is diet + workout but I explained that my diet and my workout are already clean.

    Do you really think I am eating junk food and looking for anabos to shed some fat ?

    I have a slow metabolism and I am sure anabos can help even if t3 is not really an anabo.

    Any advice is welcome but please no need to tell me I don t need anabos.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by thisAngelBites View Post
    Extra T3 causes SHBG to elevate (so less available testosterone and exaggerates the effects of estradiol without test to balance it), elevates estradiol (and slows the rate of estradiol clearance), and makes you more prone to premature ejaculation.

    I would suggest you look at your bloodwork before you formulate a plan in case you need therapeutic thyroid hormone, and then you can take what you need to normalise your system and make it easier to lose weight without throwing all these other things into chaos.
    Thank you for this helpful advice

  16. #16
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    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by
    DIET + WORKOUT + ANABOS is better than DIET and Workout

    True but adding steroids to that equation with body fat that high brings a whole other load of issues to deal with. But really it's doable just have to know how. Prebloods, anastrozole at a high enough dose ( don't be surprised when you have to take 1mg a day to keep e2 in the twenties and don't pay attention to that crashing you estrogen bullshit, at that BF % conversion is going to be high. Mid bloods to see . Check blood pressures often. Cut out salt drink water till you can't stand it any more, eat clean live right blah blah you know! But really blood pressure and estrogen control, hit the gym hard make it worth the fact your sticking a big ass dart in your ass and eat clean so you see the most. 90% of the people on here had too high of BF when they started. True 15% or under is optimal but not necessary you just have to be ready to deal with the other issues.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    It's pointless taking T3 at 28% bodyfat. Just eat clean, lift and do some cardio occasionally.

    The only time I have found T-3 to work it magic is in the last 6 weeks of contest prep when fat loss comes to a crawl

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by AussieMachine View Post
    It's pointless taking T3 at 28% bodyfat. Just eat clean, lift and do some cardio occasionally.

    The only time I have found T-3 to work it magic is in the last 6 weeks of contest prep when fat loss comes to a crawl

    My diet has reached its limits. I was at 34% BF and I am now at 28% and this on a simple diet + cardio.

    I think some magic T3 could be helpful. However, I keep dieting.

    My metabolism has really slow down

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    What does your daily diet look like? (be truthful on this)
    Please also include the times

    We can maybe see where you could improve?

    There got to be something wrong if your dieting and your stuck at 28%
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 11-29-2015 at 02:32 AM.

  20. #20
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by View Post

    My diet has reached its limits. I was at 34% BF and I am now at 28% and this on a simple diet + cardio.

    I think some magic T3 could be helpful. However, I keep dieting.

    My metabolism has really slow down
    I'm sorry to laugh but man ur at 28% bf. It honestly doesn't seem like u even tried to diet or do cardio. 28% is very high. Maybe u should go a doctor or nutritionist to get sh*t together.
    Last edited by tice1212; 11-29-2015 at 07:58 AM.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by
    My diet has reached its limits. I was at 34% BF and I am now at 28% and this on a simple diet + cardio. I think some magic T3 could be helpful. However, I keep dieting. My metabolism has really slow down

    Are you talking body fat percentage or body mass index?
    28% is a very high body fat percentage.
    Cleaning up your diet could easily be the only thing you need.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    I think some magic T3 could be helpful.
    Your problem is summarized in this single sentence!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    I say instead of lecturing/shameing the op for his cycle decision we all let the op do his log and see how it all plays out...hes a grown man and has made a decision...lets not run him off...he is trying to share...

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    I say instead of lecturing/shameing the op for his cycle decision we all let the op do his log and see how it all plays out...hes a grown man and has made a decision...lets not run him off...he is trying to share...
    Agreed. he has been warned enough on how bad this "cycle" looks and not to do it..

  25. #25
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    I say instead of lecturing/shameing the op for his cycle decision we all let the op do his log and see how it all plays out...hes a grown man and has made a decision...lets not run him off...he is trying to share...
    With all due respect, I do not agree with this. Just take what the OP have written above and put it in context. This guy claims to have years to experience with BB and AAS and then propose to run Var and T3 cycle, I mean, WTF is that all about, really? I think I understand your point, assuming he has his mind made up and goes through with this, it is better he is here so we can help him out of it when it comes crashing down. It is not about shaming and lecturing but trying to get a point through to someone. In this case, we are talking about 28% body fat for crying out loud. Should we not recommend a solid blood test to figure out if there is something medical? Should we not know what he is eating at the moment?

    Let's just look at what he wrote in his opening statement about having done research on a T3 cycle, really? He read austinite thread and that is what he come up with? After all his research and years of experiences he is running Var without Test, really? He is running an intense lifting routine directly after a super heavy cardio session, really?

    I understand desperation about loosing body fat more than I want to admit most of the time but let's try until the end of time to help people to not making idiotic life decisions instead of, "Well, we tried, go ahead OP".

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    South FL
    Go to an Endo and get on Synthroid if your Thyroid is slowing down, and the weight will come off! Why self medicate?

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    With all due respect, I do not agree with this. Just take what the OP have written above and put it in context. This guy claims to have years to experience with BB and AAS and then propose to run Var and T3 cycle, I mean, WTF is that all about, really? I think I understand your point, assuming he has his mind made up and goes through with this, it is better he is here so we can help him out of it when it comes crashing down. It is not about shaming and lecturing but trying to get a point through to someone. In this case, we are talking about 28% body fat for crying out loud. Should we not recommend a solid blood test to figure out if there is something medical? Should we not know what he is eating at the moment?

    Let's just look at what he wrote in his opening statement about having done research on a T3 cycle, really? He read austinite thread and that is what he come up with? After all his research and years of experiences he is running Var without Test, really? He is running an intense lifting routine directly after a super heavy cardio session, really?

    I understand desperation about loosing body fat more than I want to admit most of the time but let's try until the end of time to help people to not making idiotic life decisions instead of, "Well, we tried, go ahead OP".
    fair enough brother if that's what you think my comment was implying...I never said anything that was said above was wrong in any way...what I was seeing after the already solid and spot on advise that im shure he understood was a bunch of parrots piling on and repeating the same stuff making the op feel foolish...that's one way of maybe getting someone to understand but its also a way to loose a new member and members are ultimately the goal of any forum especially this to get to what I was saying: the actual point was "let him work his plan and log it so we all learn especially him"...and that was all...

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212 View Post
    I'm sorry to laugh but man ur at 28% bf. It honestly doesn't seem like u even tried to diet or do cardio. 28% is very high. Maybe u should go a doctor or nutritionist to get sh*t together.
    Dude, this is your contention not mine.

  29. #29
    3 years ago, I saw a lot of people here running t3 and clen.

    I don t want to run test, this is my choice. You guys are ready to run any anabo to keep and get more muscle. The way I think is different.

    I NEVER SAID I have experience with ANABO.

    I have experience with diet and I know how to work out but that's all.

    The one who want to give advice, thank you, and the one who doesn't want to, thank you anyway.

    Here is my endocrinology test :

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	endo test.jpg 
Views:	315 
Size:	43.3 KB 
ID:	160627

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    3 years ago, I saw a lot of people here running t3 and clen.

    I don t want to run test, this is my choice. You guys are ready to run any anabo to keep and get more muscle. The way I think is different.

    I NEVER SAID I have experience with ANABO.

    I have experience with diet and I know how to work out but that's all.

    The one who want to give advice, thank you, and the one who doesn't want to, thank you anyway.

    Here is my endocrinology test :

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	endo test.jpg 
Views:	315 
Size:	43.3 KB 
ID:	160627
    Your TSH is high... You may have a thyroid condition... Hypothyroidism! Hypothyroidism causes many hormonal imbalances including hypogonadism(are those Free T3/4 labs... If so include the ranges, please)... We also need more BW than what you got done, imho

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post

    Dude, this is your contention not mine.
    this is not my contention. I'm just giving u my honest opinion. Ur on a public forum and asked for advice and guidance but whenever someone tells u how ur "cycle" plan is wrong and shouldn't be ran because ur so very uneducated in these compound or the fact that ur way to over weight to use drugs as a crutch you get offended and combative and try to justify why is will work a d how ur eating very clean. If u are a lawyer u must make some good coin hire a good trainer to help u. These drugs will do nothing for u if u don't know how to diet or exercise properly. People are here to help u. Yes some of us come off like as*hole myself for sure. But a good amount of use have seen this sh*t happen all the time. So where trying to steer u in the right direction.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    What does your daily diet look like? (be truthful on this)
    Please also include the times

    We can maybe see where you could improve?

    There got to be something wrong if your dieting and your stuck at 28%
    I will ask this again brother?

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    I will ask this again brother?

    Thank you.

    Meal 1

    Low carb Cereal bread - 4 slices
    Olive oil
    6 Egg whites

    Carbs 40g - prot 60 gr - fat 40 gr

    Meal 2

    Tuna with olive oil
    Low carb cereal bread

    Carbs 30g - protein 45 gr - fat 40 gr

    Meal 3

    400 gr brown rice - 200 gr chicken breast

    Carbs 70 gr - prot 45 gr - fat 10 gr

    Meal 4

    400 gr brown rice - 200 gr chicken breast

    Carbs 70 gr - prot 45 gr - fat 10 gr

    Total : 195 g prot - 210 gr carbs - 100 gr fat

    I don t count my calories everyday and I drink 5 coca light cans perday

    I don't eat vegetables. I eat 1 fruit per day
    Last edited by; 12-01-2015 at 06:20 PM.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Even though its low carb bread, i think theres too much bread and not enough greens if your looking to lose fat.
    Make sure your drinking lots of water as well.
    Maybe try 4-6 cups of green tea as well, really good to detox the body

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Even though its low carb bread, i think theres too much bread and not enough greens if your looking to lose fat.
    Make sure your drinking lots of water as well.
    Maybe try 4-6 cups of green tea as well, really good to detox the body

    noted ! thank you.

  36. #36
    Here is my full test (in french, if you do not understand, tell me I will translate) :

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	endo test - 3.jpg 
Views:	299 
Size:	56.5 KB 
ID:	160640Click image for larger version. 

Name:	endo test - 2.jpg 
Views:	814 
Size:	93.3 KB 
ID:	160641Click image for larger version. 

Name:	endo test - 1.jpg 
Views:	377 
Size:	93.5 KB 
ID:	160642

  37. #37
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Damn, your cholesterol's horrible. You need to jump on that quickly.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Damn, your cholesterol's horrible. You need to jump on that quickly.
    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    I don't eat vegetables. I eat 1 fruit per day
    Its just me or do you notice this pattern from other threads?

    Will add that your transaminases (liver) are also bad, dont even consider taking extra medication/AAS while your GPT (ALT) is at 73. Do you drink alcohol regularly or have you been tested for hepatitis?

  39. #39
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Right^^^^ liver values bad ! Did you say you ran tren recently ? And dude did you say you drink 5 colas a day? No wonder your body fat is 28% or more. You must be just shitting around cause you can't be serous when drinking 5 colas a day.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Your blood work shows that you are fat, and your diet is not good
    Your values are not that high except for trigly and your alt , anyways i think that you THINK your diet is good and that is 80% of your problem.

    Your best choice here is running test at 250-500mg weekly + 50mcg t3 ( and ai + hcg )

    YOUR DIET is the most important part, carb cycle is the best choice here.

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