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  1. #1
    sportsguy891 is offline New Member
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    PIP like a mo-fo

    So I'm running a new cycle of test e at 300mg/ml, 600 mg a week. I pinned Tuesday morning and the Pip I've had from it is horrible. I have never had it this bad before. I've been sitting on a heating pad all day and it has not helped at all. The previous cycles I ran was with my room mate who was a nurse so he used to pin me, not because i was afraid to pin, but that's what he did all day at work so he had it down pat. Any other suggestions as what I can do to prevent this again? I have to pin tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it if this is going to happen. I also pinned my right glute, which I had pinned before numerous times.
    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Bo58's Avatar
    Bo58 is offline Associate Member
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    Hey bro. Pip will normally fade away as the cycle goes on (at least it does for me). You could try massaging the muscle right after you pin. Warming up the oil before you inject can also help. I like mixing in Injectable B vitamins in with the gear which can also cut down on the pain.

  3. #3
    Strongblood's Avatar
    Strongblood is offline Productive Member
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    That's a good idea, mixing in IM B vitamins with gear. Thanks!

  4. #4
    sportsguy891 is offline New Member
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    I did warm the test up before i pinned it, maybe it wasn't warm enough. I pinned after the gym in the morning after doing lots of squats, again maybe not the best decision, what are your thoughts on this? I did massage the area after i pinned and I didn't get any pain for the next 12 hours then it hit me hard. The only thing i'm worried about is hiding it from my girly, and when i'm limping around all day and night its hard to come up with excuses.
    What type of B vitamins are you talking about, like injectable B12 or something similar?

  5. #5
    sportsguy891 is offline New Member
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    What about hitting the glute with a foam roller after I pin? At this point I can barely touch the area without wanting to cry like a little biyatch. I tried to work out today and couldn't even sit on any benches or machines to do anything. Its kind of demoralizing not to be able to do anything when I should be kicking a** in the gym.
    Could it also be the Test thats causing it? I very rarely see test E at 300mg/ml. The last test I ran in previous cycles was 250mg/ml.

  6. #6
    Hartosh1 is offline New Member
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    I always go for a warm shower before I pin then massage the area afterwards always been good for me.

    The foam roller could be a good idea as that should help the oil spread (I think). I hope your next pin is a lot better!

  7. #7
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    I pin wether my muscle is hot, cold or even if ive just trained it, still no pip

    Be careful with massaging too much it can have the opposite affect

    My message is basicaly cleaning the injection site before/after the injection, dont run the area hard, Make sure you inject vsry slowly, shooting too fast can cause PIP, massaging to vigorously can cause PIP.

    Is it anew UGL that you have never used before? Research the lab for PIP it maybe common, it may not, but will help you narrow down whats going wrong (it can improve over time when your body gets used to it, but it could be the oil or your technique)

  8. #8
    mikegilbert1986's Avatar
    mikegilbert1986 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sportsguy891
    So I'm running a new cycle of test e at 300mg/ml, 600 mg a week. I pinned Tuesday morning and the Pip I've had from it is horrible. I have never had it this bad before. I've been sitting on a heating pad all day and it has not helped at all. The previous cycles I ran was with my room mate who was a nurse so he used to pin me, not because i was afraid to pin, but that's what he did all day at work so he had it down pat. Any other suggestions as what I can do to prevent this again? I have to pin tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it if this is going to happen. I also pinned my right glute, which I had pinned before numerous times. Thanks in advance
    your getting pip because your gear is high concentration ugl gear. so you need to add 1.1 ration of sterile grape seed oil. do this and you will have no pip. i ben threw the same shit untill i learnd.

  9. #9
    sportsguy891 is offline New Member
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    So I decided not to pin again til I get everything figured out. Do you think it would be wise to run a more well known UGL at 600mg per week and just take a bigger shot?
    Also with the grape seed oil at a 1:1 ratio, is it 1:1 with test, or test and hcg ?

    Thanks for all the input

  10. #10
    Strongblood's Avatar
    Strongblood is offline Productive Member
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    PIP is a mysterious thing. What I mean by saying this, I can pin a compound for the first time and it might hurt like crazy for days. But for me it always gets better the more I use the compound. Then I might use a different compound later and have no PIP, but weeks later the same substance might hurt like crazy! It's just part of the game I guess. However, for me. I get the best results by cleaning area with alcohol, injecting slow, and not rubbing the injection sight post injection. Good luck!

  11. #11
    mikegilbert1986's Avatar
    mikegilbert1986 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sportsguy891
    So I decided not to pin again til I get everything figured out. Do you think it would be wise to run a more well known UGL at 600mg per week and just take a bigger shot? Also with the grape seed oil at a 1:1 ratio, is it 1:1 with test, or test and hcg? Thanks for all the input
    1cc test 1cc grape seed oil. it wont get any better 300mg per ml will hurt no matter what untill you cutt it.

  12. #12
    Sfla80's Avatar
    Sfla80 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikegilbert1986 View Post
    your getting pip because your gear is high concentration ugl gear. so you need to add 1.1 ration of sterile grape seed oil. do this and you will have no pip. i ben threw the same shit untill i learnd.
    This isn't "necessarily true". It depends on how it was made.

    I've used test at 300mg/ml and no pip.

    Op is this ur first cycle?

    Try warming the vials before hand.

    The hot shower thing is better for sterile environment.

    Could also be how steady your hand fast u are pushing through. Multiple factors that could be.

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