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Thread: does anyone actually like dbol??

  1. #1

    does anyone actually like dbol??

    I thought about running dbol during my next test cycle but after doing a lot of reading on it I'm not so sure
    does anyone like dianabol? it seems it just makes you look fat (water weight bloat) with minimum positives to it
    just wondering what your guys opinion on dianabol was, if you like it or not, and what are the advantages if any to running a dbol cycle
    thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Bay Area
    Quote Originally Posted by jaw1234
    I thought about running dbol during my next test cycle but after doing a lot of reading on it I'm not so sure does anyone like dianabol? it seems it just makes you look fat (water weight bloat) with minimum positives to it just wondering what your guys opinion on dianabol was, if you like it or not, and what are the advantages if any to running a dbol cycle thanks guys
    BRO just hit the search button cmon
    It's gear they all have positive and negative
    Obviously it works it's part of the Iron stack

  3. #3
    I have
    just wanted to hear peoples personal opinion
    people don't seem to be very excited about this steroid in particular and its benefits compared to others it seems
    just wanted some insight from more experienced members on this forum

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Used it once to kickstart a test and deca cycle

    Ran it for 4 weeks at 50mg ed

    Its great to see the size come on quick and to feel stronger, i also enjoyed the feeling of having more presence in general day to day life.

    Apart from those feelings it was pretty pointless, once you stop it you shoot straight back down, and it didnt look like real muscle just bulk, the same bulk look a fat guy could pull off if you know what i mean

    If i was to use it again i wouldnt bother kick starting with it, id probably use it as a back load at the end of the cycle to give the cycle that last boost
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 12-09-2015 at 01:33 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Montreal Canada
    its great for strength gains when on cycle, helps you push heavier as it really inflates the muscle, leading to more growth- the growth comes from the the testosterone you should be using as part of the stack , but , if used as a standalone, in itself the gains soon diminish as it is mostly water weight. As a kickstart to a test based cycle it is good, as a standalone it isnt reccomended at all.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Arnold liked it.

    You need anybody else?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Montreal Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Arnold liked it.

    You need anybody else?
    Click image for larger version. 

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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    bay area/ colfax
    Love dbol! I've used many times in my cycles.

  9. #9
    I don't use it any more. It plumped me up like a Pillsbury Dough boy. My cheeks were, literally, round. I figure about 90% was water weight. I'm actually not convinced that pre-loading with dbol increases gains if keep after PCT. Just my .02.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I don't like it (or almost any other oral). I've used it with my Test cycles in the past and have found no differnce in the NET gains after cycle was competed compared to a Test only cycle. For those who want to see the early effects of strength and size, I would recommend short estered compounds instead. If you don't like to pin that often and you're not a beginner, you can at least use short esters to kickstart your cycle while you're waiting for your long estered compounds to kick in. You can also use short esters at the back end of your cycle in order to start PCT faster, theoretically, allowing you to go back on your next cycle a couple weeks sooner (as I said, theoretically).

  11. #11
    what if, say, i ran a 16 week cycle? dbol at the beginning at four weeks and at the end for four weeks? would that make any sense? or what if i shortened it to 2 weeks at the end of a cycle? or would it still be preferable to run a 12 week cycle and pick either to run for first 4 weeks or last 4 weeks only?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    I like dbol very much. I used it at the beginning of my cycle and I will be using it again at the end. Dbol in itself doesn't directly add muscle tissue... It increases strength thus increasing the amount of weight you can use... Couple that with testosterone and it will lead to muscle growth. That is my understanding.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by jaw1234 View Post
    I thought about running dbol during my next test cycle but after doing a lot of reading on it I'm not so sure
    does anyone like dianabol? it seems it just makes you look fat (water weight bloat) with minimum positives to it
    just wondering what your guys opinion on dianabol was, if you like it or not, and what are the advantages if any to running a dbol cycle
    thanks guys
    I ABSOLUTELY love DBOL!! One of the best out there for strong gains in muscle and strength. It can change someone's appearance fast.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    East Coast
    Alin's right on. Those little pink things should come in heart shapes. ?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by PksGolfer View Post
    Alin's right on. Those little pink things should come in heart shapes. ?
    Sometimes they do...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    I used to ran naposim in the past, not bad for beginners.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    i run dbol alone for first cycle..

    First day take 10mg at night( i didn't sleep) rest of week at 20 feel fine. Second week at 20mg start to wake up with nose bleed and random nose bleed trough day. Week 3(30mg) i gain like 3kilos without eating big surplus my bench increase like 15kilos.. 35pounds. I was at high bodyfat(like 20%) but i looked fine because muscles were always pumped. Week 4 (30mg)bench go up another 5 kilos and gained another kg on the scale,high blood pressure at peak 180/80 or 160/100, feel ligh head,feel like shit.. . Week 5 ( 10mg) side effect stopped blood pressure was normal again and i was keep those gain. Week 6-7 lost every ounce of strengh and size.

    I don't now if i would do this again.
    Last edited by gege2003; 12-11-2015 at 10:13 AM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    ^anyone reading that
    Do not run an oral only cycle, always use testosterone as a base of any cycle

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    DBOL will help you add some additional size and strength, but you'll lose all of it when you stop using it. Also, it has a lot of side effects. It's safer to use testosterone.

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