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  1. #1
    schelde is offline New Member
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    Experiencing big troubles on simple Test E Cycle

    Last edited by schelde; 12-20-2015 at 03:58 AM.

  2. #2
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Did you get pre-cycle bloods?

    Ever thought it might be something to do with you being 21 years old?

  3. #3
    schelde is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Did you get pre-cycle bloods?

    Ever thought it might be something to do with you being 21 years old?
    I got pre-cycle blood work and hormone work done. Blood tests were all within normal ranges and so were Test levels, if you consider 11 normal for a 22 year old, when the ref area is 9-31

    I am 22, for health reasons should I have waited untill I was older?, Probably

    It was not an easy decision to use steroids and I honestly wish it was not needed. Considering I have the test levels of a 80 year and have been working out for 6 now I made the sacrifice to use steroids in order to reach my goals within this sport wich is competing.

    If it ever becomes a serious health issue I will stop, its not worth it over that. But lets be honest, 500mg of test E with proper PCT is not the worst thing in the world.

    But with the issues I am experiencing its starting to become worrying and I seek advice, please advice me
    Last edited by schelde; 12-09-2015 at 01:07 PM.

  4. #4
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Whats the units and range on the estrogen?

    In my opinion, when you got pre-cycle bloods you should have investigated why you had low values instead of jumping into something that completely supress it. You got 11 nmol/l? (units are important grrrr) What was the Free Testosterone ?

  5. #5
    schelde is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Whats the units and range on the estrogen?

    In my opinion, when you got pre-cycle bloods you should have investigated why you had low values instead of jumping into something that completely supress it. You got 11 nmol/l? (units are important grrrr) What was the Free Testosterone?
    On the paperwork it sais nothing about nmol/l. But according to the clinic's home page the measurements are nmol/l

    This is in pmol/l I believe, could not find in clinics page. This is what the lab report sais exactly.
    S-Estrogen-17Beta 0,15 <0,18

    Testosorone pre cycle were, nmol/l
    P - Testosorone 11 ( 8-35 Ref Area )
    Free Test Index 3,5 ( 2,3- 9,9 Ref Area )

    The noticeable changes in blood work are Vitamin b-12 dropping from 567 to 310. No changes in diet. Dont think thats the cause of the symtoms.
    Last edited by schelde; 12-09-2015 at 01:48 PM.

  6. #6
    np67 is offline New Member
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    I just do not understand anyone under 30 using gear as there has been insufficient natural training. There is no such thing as a simple Test e cycle as there are too many compounds involved due to the risk of getting gyno and bloating.

  7. #7
    Simon1972's Avatar
    Simon1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If your symptoms are unbearable drop all the orals and drop your test to 400mg. If no change drop to 300mg. Other than that stop the cycle and commence pct.
    Last edited by Simon1972; 12-09-2015 at 03:05 PM.

  8. #8
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by schelde View Post
    On the paperwork it sais nothing about nmol/l. But according to the clinic's home page the measurements are nmol/l

    This is in pmol/l I believe, could not find in clinics page. This is what the lab report sais exactly.
    S-Estrogen-17Beta 0,15 <0,18

    Testosorone pre cycle were, nmol/l
    P - Testosorone 11 ( 8-35 Ref Area )
    Free Test Index 3,5 ( 2,3- 9,9 Ref Area )

    The noticeable changes in blood work are Vitamin b-12 dropping from 567 to 310. No changes in diet. Dont think thats the cause of the symtoms.
    Sorry cant understand your estrogen values. Ussually is in pg/mL and theres E2 or estradiol mentioned.

    Like I said before would be have been better to investigate the low testosterone values. Plenty of conditions/situations can lead to low testosterone . For example: thyroid problems, alcohol abuse, use of certain drugs, pituitary tumors, varicocele, testicular trauma, etc.

    Did you even tested LH and FSH?

  9. #9
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    Initially, I thought it could be E2 issue but you're taking .25mg/eod of Adex. Do you have numbers from your full spectrum hormone test?

  10. #10
    schelde is offline New Member
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    I asked for estrogen levels and thats what I recieved, unfortuanly.

    Yes those were tested, but those come in the hormone panel i believe? Maybe the rest of the Estrogen comes in the hormone panel aswell, did 2 seperate blood tests at 2 different clinics becouse one required a specific reason for a hormone panel or they could not do it and I did not inform my local doctor about my use for various reasons.
    Last edited by schelde; 12-09-2015 at 03:19 PM.

  11. #11
    schelde is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Initially, I thought it could be E2 issue but you're taking .25mg/eod of Adex. Do you have numbers from your full spectrum hormone test?
    Still waiting for full hormone panel.

    The main problem is just the preassure in the head and headaches, everything else is manageable. Its not like I turn and twist in pain. But its always noticeable and I would say painful at times. Having trouble squatting and my face is 300% red during intense workouts. Looks like been burnt my the sun in 80 years

  12. #12
    schelde is offline New Member
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    Next day update.

    Its getting better, 5th day after tbol stopped, suspecting it was not tbol after all, headaches are less painfull and not consistant

    Been experimenting alot with BP today, everytime i feel a headache coming on i measure it

    At the highest it was 150/72, wich is not really high but higher than usual. Its usually alot lower, but today everytime i felt a headache i measured it and its around 145/70 ish
    Last edited by schelde; 12-10-2015 at 04:26 PM.

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