To Whom It May Concern,

I am 19 years old and a collegiate athlete. I will not disclose my sport/school/division or any information concerning that. I am, however, subject to random drug tests during the in-season. Off-season for me is summer months (approximately 2 months and maybe a little going into 3 months). During the off-season I am not subject to random drug tests. I have no experience with steroids whatsoever, and I know of no one currently on them. I have, however, researched the topic to the best of my ability and have comprehended that information as much as I can. I need something that will give me an "edge". In my mind, an "edge" would be muscular gains alongside with speed/endurance gains. Yes, I'm aware that it does not happen over night even with steroids. Please keep in mind that I have a very experienced and well-versed athletic/lifting background. I have an extremely solid base to start with. I have done most of my research on this website. Another thing to keep in mind, is that I am a poor college student. I don't have a lot of money and I know that this is a problem. I expect to pay between $100-$300 for some type of anabolic steroid (test or whatever it may be). Now to get into the questions portion of my thread.

1.) One steroid I have looked at is called Anavar . It is very mild when it comes to anabolic steroids , and that is what I am after. Something mild, but I can still see the effects of it. Also, there is no estrogenic side effects when it comes to this steroid. Should I do a cycle with just Anavar? Please keep in mind I'm not looking to become a "freak", just trying to put on some muscle and get that "edge". If so, can someone share experiences with me?

2.) Lets say I did supplement with just Anavar...what would my PCT look like? Keeping in mind I am poor. Nolvadex , Clomid, HCG ? And what would be the dosages of them? As I can not find a solid answer on this website.

3.) So lets say that I can just cycle with Anavar and NOTHING else (my ideal situation, if it is even possible), would I have enough time to get through a cycle with 2-3 months then be clean for a possibility of a random drug test?

4.) Reading about Anavar I stumbled upon a statement saying this... " Anavar is one of the milder suppressive steroids on the market, but most men are typically encouraged to include exogenous testosterone into their supplementation plan. Failure to do so could result in a low testosterone condition and the bothersome symptoms associated. It is, however, possible to supplement with Anavar without falling into a low testosterone state; high end performance doses will suppress total serum levels by approximately 50%, but even with a 50% reduction some men may find they’re still in a healthy range. This will be highly dependent on the individual’s natural levels, but most men will still find exogenous testosterone therapy to be warranted." Could someone go into depth about this? What is exogenous test? What benefit would it have on me? Do I actually need it?

5.) Lets say Anavar is just out of the question to take by itself. Now what do I do? Do I supplement with test? If that's the case then my above questions still need answered but in regards to this cycle now. Would I be able to get it out of my system within 3 months? Can I get a successful cycle within 3 months?

6.) Should I just save up my money and buy HGH? Can I go through a cycle of HGH within 3 months and see results? If I wasn't broke I'd go with HGH, but I am extremely broke.

7.) If none of this makes sense or some of my information is incorrect, PLEASE correct me. Now, I know I am not well educated in this and my questions may seem "stupid", but I'm just trying to expand my knowledge so please be helpful.

8.) If you have any different ideas besides Anavar then please comment them below keeping in mind my goals which are...
1. has to be cheap
2. can be cycled through 3 months or shorter
3. out my body in 3 months

9.) If someone genuinely wants to help me, I'd be happy to exchange emails with someone because, as you can tell, I could use all the education I can get my hands on so I can go into the off-season and make some gains.

Thank you for reading!

- M

(most of my info I gathered is from