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  1. #1
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Question Advice Please (Any and All)

    I'm in my late 50's, trained consistent & hard into my late 40's. Got untracked by some orthopedic issues requiring surgery & a career change and was able to get back into training about 3 years ago.

    Super-slow gains led be to check my T-levels (which were low), but found out I had super-elevated prolactin levels. I was (and am still being) treated with cabergoline and about 1 year ago my Prolactin levels were finally normal, but T stayed in the 100's.

    My M.D. tried me on Test patches - got my blood T-levels into the 300's. I saw ever so slight progress in the gym, but then the patches got too irritating to my skin and were discontinued.

    I found an amazing HRT clinic near by and 2 1/2 months ago started injecting 150 mg. of Testosterone Cypionate subcutaneously, once per week. I also take .5mg of Anastrozole, 2 x per week as well. My T levels are at 1200, even 5 days after injection. Got greedy, seeing progress and seeing a body in the mirror I hadn't seen in a while led me to also
    include Sermorelin every evening for the past 3 weeks.

    Overall, in 2 1/2 months, the scale has shown a 5-6 pound gain in muscle, though probably higher, because the mirror tells me I am leaner as well. Strength gains noticeable in all exercises and I am super psyched. I know about training, work out 6 days per week, eat a super clean paleo diet. I have slowly added calories (protein, good carbs) and haven't done a bit of aerobics yet.

    Here's my intitial questions and would love and greatly appreciate any and all feedback:
    1. What kind of gains should I continue to make on a continued dosage of above?
    2. I have done a search on this site, but is there any solid feelings against sub-Q injections - they seem to be working fine for me?
    3. I train intelligently and hard, but know I have poor genetics. Is a blood level of 1200 high enough for gains that can compensate for the poor genetics.
    4. Will or can the Sermorelin help compensate for the poor genetics as well in terms of better size?
    4. Can I "cycle" higher with my injections and then as an "off-cycle" return to lower levels?

    Thank you all very much!

  2. #2
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Before answering your question I have to ask if you found out the underlying cause for the elevated prolactin. Was the MRI clear?

    1. Yes, you can have gains although its impossible to quantify it.
    2. If subq is working for you, great, dont change it.
    3. Maintaining higher than physiological levels for a long time can lead to further problems down the line. In TRT the less is better in the long run, you should aim for 800-1000 ng/dL, and to make levels more steady you should pin 2x per week. When your TRT is stable and your bloodwork is good your can blast for a few weeks and see great gains.
    4. Sermorelin can be good, although a GHRP+GHRH combo its much more effective although without your prolactin problem I would not mess with your pituitary any further. Sermorelin and all this ghrelin agonists will rise your prolactin.
    4. Yes, thats called a blast. Make sure you are healthy. Bloodwork is key.

  3. #3
    PksGolfer's Avatar
    PksGolfer is offline New Member
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    Advise from another old guy(50), if you're seeing gains of 5 lbs + in 2-1/2 months I'd keep doing what you're doing until I hit that dreaded plateau.
    I'm 50 and do 2 cycles a year. Not on HRT as I've been really serious about my pct over the years.
    I usually run ghrp-6 between cycles and have added ghrh to that but could tell no difference so now just stick with the ghrp-6. I battle to keep my weight up (ectomorph) and the 6 makes me hungry, but as a muscle builder it's a marathon vs the sprint of aas's. Be careful and don't get greedy.

  4. #4
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Thanks very much. The prolactin issue was/is due to a tumor and the MRIs have shown it has shrunk significantly.

    Recent bloodwork has shown my PSA and hematocrit are fine and my Prolactin hasn't increased.

    The Semorelin has GHRP-6 and GHRP-2 on the bottle as well.

    Would like to hear more advice about the blasts as to how much and for how long.

    Thanks very much!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    I'm in my late 50's, trained consistent & hard into my late 40's. Got untracked by some orthopedic issues requiring surgery & a career change and was able to get back into training about 3 years ago.

    Super-slow gains led be to check my T-levels (which were low), but found out I had super-elevated prolactin levels. I was (and am still being) treated with cabergoline and about 1 year ago my Prolactin levels were finally normal, but T stayed in the 100's.

    My M.D. tried me on Test patches - got my blood T-levels into the 300's. I saw ever so slight progress in the gym, but then the patches got too irritating to my skin and were discontinued.

    I found an amazing HRT clinic near by and 2 1/2 months ago started injecting 150 mg. of Testosterone Cypionate subcutaneously, once per week. I also take .5mg of Anastrozole, 2 x per week as well. My T levels are at 1200, even 5 days after injection. Got greedy, seeing progress and seeing a body in the mirror I hadn't seen in a while led me to also
    include Sermorelin every evening for the past 3 weeks.

    Overall, in 2 1/2 months, the scale has shown a 5-6 pound gain in muscle, though probably higher, because the mirror tells me I am leaner as well. Strength gains noticeable in all exercises and I am super psyched. I know about training, work out 6 days per week, eat a super clean paleo diet. I have slowly added calories (protein, good carbs) and haven't done a bit of aerobics yet.

    Here's my intitial questions and would love and greatly appreciate any and all feedback:
    First of all, congratulations on getting back into training and getting great results.
    1. What kind of gains should I continue to make on a continued dosage of above? Each person's different so it would be difficult estimate your gains. I can tell you that I am currently 56 y/o, 5'11, 205#, 12% bf. I bench 405#, squat 405#, seated overhead press 225#. If I can do it so can you, right?
    2. I have done a search on this site, but is there any solid feelings against sub-Q injections - they seem to be working fine for me? I've done both. It doesn't matter IMO. Whatever works for you. I IM inject but my buddy like subQ.
    3. I train intelligently and hard, but know I have poor genetics. Is a blood level of 1200 high enough for gains that can compensate for the poor genetics. Quick google found Test range averaged "270 to 1070 ng/dL with an average level of 679 ng/dL". If you're at 1200, doing great. Don't change anything. I'm closer to a 1000.
    4. Will or can the Sermorelin help compensate for the poor genetics as well in terms of better size? I've never run Sermorelin. I've been on HGH for 7 years at 5iu/ed. I can tell you that HGH is AMAZING stuff. It not only help with the retention of anabolic gains but it also helps with my memory, ability to concentrate for a long period of time, the sense of well being is through the roof (I feel like I can do anything!), totally keeps the belly fat down even if I eat pizza 3 times a week, and other awesome side benefits. So in short, yes, Sermorelin will work in tandem with Test to help increase and maintain gains.
    4. Can I "cycle" higher with my injections and then as an "off-cycle" return to lower levels? Normally that's called blast/cruise. If you're on TRT at 150mg/wk, you can run 500mg/wk for 12 weeks and then go back to 150mg/wk for 9 months and then blast again.

    Thank you all very much!
    Keep going. It's awesome to be a fit old guy. (that's what my wife tells me)

  6. #6
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    ScotchGuard02, thanks very much man for all of your answers and for your time! I've been SO amazed at my progress so far - I'm really hoping I can do this for another 5 - 10 years. Damn, your physique and strength for our age are insane. I'm 6'1" and 188 after my initial progress.

    Another question though, just as the HRT objectives are different than the guys doing cycles with significantly higher doses - the gains must be as well which is why I posted here and not on the HRT sub-forum. Are you cycling and overall averaging 1000, or are you doing TRT and have continued to make gains that I would be more than happy to experience (but not likely with my genetics)? Again, thanks for your time!

  7. #7
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    I do about 1 short cycle per year (500mg Test Prop about 6 weeks). The rest of the time I'm on 200mg/wk of TRT + 5iu/ed of HGH. I can stay strong and lean with the TRT + HGH. IMO, it's the HGH that's working synergistic with the Test and helps me to maintain my gains. If older guys like me, the affects of HGH is just amazing. For younger guys who already produce good amounts of HGH, the over effect of exogenous HGH isn't as dramatic. It's still noticeable though. To your question, I'm normally around a 900 to 1000 when I'm on TRT + HGH. One thing to note. As we get older our liver gets "fat" and less efficient. You should be on DAC for liver support. It's a lot more effective than milk thistle.

  8. #8
    bigdil511 is offline Associate Member
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    Quick question isn't 150mg a lot to sub q at once? Don't guys usually split it even more than IM injections?

  9. #9
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I do about 1 short cycle per year (500mg Test Prop about 6 weeks). The rest of the time I'm on 200mg/wk of TRT + 5iu/ed of HGH. I can stay strong and lean with the TRT + HGH. IMO, it's the HGH that's working synergistic with the Test and helps me to maintain my gains. If older guys like me, the affects of HGH is just amazing. For younger guys who already produce good amounts of HGH, the over effect of exogenous HGH isn't as dramatic. It's still noticeable though. To your question, I'm normally around a 900 to 1000 when I'm on TRT + HGH. One thing to note. As we get older our liver gets "fat" and less efficient. You should be on DAC for liver support. It's a lot more effective than milk thistle.
    Thanks once again. I've been told by my HRT doctor and have read online that the Sermorelin takes a few months to show results, but I swear that I see them already. I probably should of held off the Sermorelin a few months to fully assess the results of the T alone - just got too anxious. But man oh man, I am eating like I did in my 20's (although staying super-clean) and I am losing fat. I wasn't aware that the injectables were a liver concern, but I'll do a bit more reading - talk to my endocrinologist who oversees my Prolactin issue and see if she wants me to add any other tests to my regular blood-work. And thanks for sharing your personal program.

  10. #10
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigdil511 View Post
    Quick question isn't 150mg a lot to sub q at once? Don't guys usually split it even more than IM injections?
    Just going by what my HRT doctor recommended to me. He said the half-life of the T was 7 days and by doing 2 injections per week really did not offer any advantage. I've had my blood levels of T measured 2 days post injection and 5 days post injection and both times they were similar. I haven't felt any let-downs in my workouts, in energy, or state of mind - 6 days post.

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