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Thread: Advice for a novice please guys!

  1. #1

    Advice for a novice please guys!

    Just finished 200mg a week of "deca norma" during a 5 week cycle. I know it isn't much but i wanted the least side effects possible and haven't had any, i've put on about 10lbs and am currently 170lbs at 5'9 about 10% bodyfat.
    I've been impressed by the stuff and it was my first time, my pal reckons i may need to try something different next time as my receptors will be used to it. been looking at "equipoise" wot u guys think? not keen on using "test" just yet, have used "dbol" before but had acne all over my f*kin face within weeks, also would the deca have the same effects again if i used it after an off period, any feedback most grateful
    regards Britguy

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Receptors don't get "used" to gear. It doesn't work like that.
    I will sugget you put test in every cycle that you do. It's the foundation for any quality cycle.

    Whats you age and training exp.?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Britguy
    Just finished 200mg a week of "deca norma" during a 5 week cycle. I know it isn't much but i wanted the least side effects possible and haven't had any, i've put on about 10lbs and am currently 170lbs at 5'9 about 10% bodyfat.
    I've been impressed by the stuff and it was my first time, my pal reckons i may need to try something different next time as my receptors will be used to it. been looking at "equipoise" wot u guys think? not keen on using "test" just yet, have used "dbol" before but had acne all over my f*kin face within weeks, also would the deca have the same effects again if i used it after an off period, any feedback most grateful
    regards Britguy
    runing either deca or EQ without test really isn't advisable.

    the test provides so much benefit that it is stupid to leave it out for fear of the sides.

    what do u mean, an 'off' period? an extended amount of time off cycle??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    There is only one type of Androgen Receptor, and the androgenic steroid in question either binds the receptor or it doesn't. Different AAS possess different binding capacities (affinities) for the AR, and vary in their ability to bind the receptor, ie. weak to strong. Also, different AAS possess non androgen receptor mediated effects as well. But your receptors don't get used to an AAS. You may have other factors that come into play that determine overall response to the steroid, but there is not a different receptor for deca, EQ, or test. It is the same recpetor. Sure time away from the AAS will allow for certain physiological processes to normalize, but it doesn't necessarily mean that future response will be any greater or less. I do agree with daem, that by adding test as a base, you will experience maximal benefit. There are always drugs to counter the sides of test if they are not tolerable. For many, deca alone is a disaster for libido. But by adding test, you regain this benefit and maximize gains. But one doesn't always have to add test to notice good effect, as you experienced yourself. It mainly depends on your goals. If one doesn't mind loss in libido, you could run deca alone. I think you will find EQ to be more mild than deca, but still a good anabolic. IMO, EQ is better stacked w/ test, or d-bol. You can always add your anti-e to minimize estrogen related sides.

  6. #6
    Thanxs for the advice guys! was also just wonderin, what would be a good test to use on my first cycle? have tried dbol and didn't really like using it, lots of side effects acne, aggressiveness. Heard a lot of good stuff about sustanon, would that be any good. Currently weigh around 170lbs would like to add at least another 20lbs, been training roughly 2 years.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    new york
    I have been using enanthate and getting good results. sustanon is ok too (maybe even better because it is a blend of 3 or 4 different tests) but you have to stick yourself more often. I prefer the slow esters though they take longer to kick in. Currently, I'm doing 300 wk deca and 400 wk test enanthate and gaining weight every week. Sides have been minimal thus far. A few zits, but nothing out of control yet. There are prescription meds and plain old antibacterial soaps for that. Point is, you will get some sides. The temporary ones you can deal with and treat as they come along. As long as you dont grow tits or turn yellow, you'll be fine. Anyhow thats my 2 cents.......

  8. #8
    I know everyone reacts differently but which AB's are renowned for side effects like bitch tits and acne?? i know dbol is pretty bad for both or is it just me?
    also a friend of mine has just bought some Growth hormone whilst workin in the states, $700 worth, n e one know much about this stuff, i've heard the results can be exceptional or plain shit, with some terrible side effect, n e one shed some light on this?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    First off all AS will give you some side effects, it all depends on you and how you react to the AS. As far as the GH, if stacked with AS or slin it is suppose to be good!! Some will run it alone for its fat burning capabilities. Check out the educational forum if you want to learn a bit more on GH or even try a search.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    new york
    I personally grow like crazy off of cyponate and i do swear by it..for me. all react differently to what they use. i love cyp but have a good friend who hates it simply put its up to you individually. Sust has 4 compounds but the longest acting one can last up to three months in you shutting your nuts down for almost too long of a time.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by simplyjakked
    I personally grow like crazy off of cyponate and i do swear by it..for me. all react differently to what they use. i love cyp but have a good friend who hates it simply put its up to you individually. Sust has 4 compounds but the longest acting one can last up to three months in you shutting your nuts down for almost too long of a time.
    Just curious to know what ester this might be

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Bro if you gained 10lbs in 5 weeks, I'd say that was good. I think you could of went another 5 weeks, but it doesn't matter now.

    Do 250mg of test enanthate or cypionate every 5 days that'll give you 350mg a week. Run it for 10 weeks, I think you'll be happy.


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