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  1. #1
    chopsui is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2015

    Exclamation Fat gain post cycle??? Bacne and high E2 sides but E2 is normal???

    So my last jab was 9/3 it was a 14 week cycle of test cyp @ 500. I did a full PCT but wasn't using an AI until 1/2 way through the cycle when I got bloods back and my E2 was 52 2mos into the cycle, so I started Tamoxifen to stop estro binding and Arimidex until my PCT started. Here's the main issue: I gained a lot of fat, have some serious bacne (started antibiotics). The main thing is I gained alot of fat but also some fat on my chest. I was a fat kid so I was thinking its probably just normal weight gain but im having trouble cutting the weight and I've never really had trouble cutting weight.. Is it normal fat or adipose tissue growth from high E2? Bacne is a sign of imbalance right? I looked so muscular and good during the cycle now I look muscular but I have a lot of extra fat.

    My recent blood work was at a Low T center and got bloods there because I wanted to go on under doctor supervision but my test came back too high, also E2 came back in the normal range at 28 so it seems fine now... but it was the Roche Echlia Methodology not the sensitive assay. I honestly havent been eating very healthy and drinking a bit so I think it may be normal fat gain but does anyone think I should re-do my bloods? Also, I was paranoid about High E2 when I went to get that blood test and I had taken a single 40mg dose of tamoxifen the night before to try and safeguard myself from high E2, so would that have skewed my results in any way in terms of Test or E2?

    I dont know anyone have any ideas??
    Last edited by chopsui; 12-15-2015 at 04:35 AM.

  2. #2
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Its hard to say about your fat when you have been drinking and eating crap. That could easily be the cause, and or water retention.

    You drinking enough water? In some users, acne could take a couple of months to clear after PCT, i would just monitor it, clean up your diet and water intake, put sea salt in the bath and try tanning.

    I would get bloodwork done again just to check things over again.

    Dont panic and be patient.
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 12-15-2015 at 05:08 AM.

  3. #3
    chopsui is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2015
    I think it's just fat, but I am wondering if I should do the E2 sensitive assay again, any input?

  4. #4
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Sep 2012
    It wouldnt do any harm and may help answer your questions / see whats wrong.

    It just sounds a case of coming off to me, recovery and your poor diet

    Eat clean, drink lots of water and keep training. Give things time.

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