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Thread: Over 50 yrs old and given it a go!

  1. #1
    Scrum's Avatar
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    Over 50 yrs old and given it a go!

    I'm 54 yrs old and have worked out all my life in some way shape or form. (Rugby, Taekwondo, more Rugby)
    I'm 6' 1" and 205 lbs with 21.7% body fat and a 36" waist.

    This is the first time I've ever tried AAS. It's been blood, sweat and tears up till now.

    My buddy I have just started:

    500mg Test/300mg Deca /100 Tren once a week. I pulled the diet 5400 cal diet from the forum and will stick to that as well. I drink 1-2 double vodkas a night (or maybe just wine) and have for many years. Is this a problem other than calories?

    I have 6 weeks before I need to leave the country (Feb 2nd) and want to see some results before I meet up with family. Is this even going to work? Cheers!

  2. #2
    73rr's Avatar
    73rr is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Um, alcohol is bad for your insides. So is aas. So your kinda putting double the stress on your insides.

    I always say everything in moderation.

    Also, your bf% is a little high. Do your best to get it down to 15%

    6 weeks is a good amount of time. U can definitely see difference. But u no u need to do more then 6 weeks. What is your plan to get your gear to your vacation out of country?

    What's your pct? Are u going to take a ai, or hcg ?

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Test, Deca and Tren on a first cycle? Plus an extreme calorie diet when BF% is already a bit high? You are asking for problems.
    Are you running an AI, HCG ? PCT plans?

    Please read Austinites Successful First Cycle Thread at the top of this forum.
    bass likes this.
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  4. #4
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Test, Deca and Tren on a first cycle? Plus an extreme calorie diet when BF% is already a bit high? You are asking for problems.
    Are you running an AI, HCG ? PCT plans?

    Please read Austinites Successful First Cycle Thread at the top of this forum.
    You'd be far more likely to have a real successful cycle u you brought your BF down to 15% or lower... AG your BF youll only convert more testosterone to estrogen(aromatization)... Making your blood levels harder to stabilize! Diet and cardio is all that's needed at this time to prime your body into a more anabolic environment to grow... We grow in spurts...

    Why risk wayyy to many sides for the results you could get on test alone and a good diet(clean eating diet, no sugars, no alcohal, find what fuel source works best for you(high P... But are you carb sensitive or rather fats as fuel... It's all individual and goal based... Rethink your approach and do it the right way... Best of luck

  5. #5
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrum View Post
    I'm 54 yrs old and have worked out all my life in some way shape or form. (Rugby, Taekwondo, more Rugby)
    I'm 6' 1" and 205 lbs with 21.7% body fat and a 36" waist.
    I'm 57 and just started HRT 2 1/2 months ago. However, last year at this time I was 15 pounds heavier (all in fat) than when I began HRT. The weight simply would not come off with either exercise or calorie restriction. I started a paleo diet: eliminated all bread, rice, pasta and dairy (however still could not kick my 1 bottle of wine a night habit). I couldn't believe the results. I lost the 15 pounds in about 20 weeks, before I plateaued. And - I never did any cardio/aerobics, just weights 4 - 6 times per week.

    Now with the HRT (150 mg. Test per week and Sermorelin every night) I've gained muscle and lost fat at a slow and steady rate. Lifting 6 days per week, but still no cardio. Plus, although I'm still mostly Paleo (have added some whole grain products), I'm eating more than I have since I've been in my 20's. And I still haven't managed to kick the one bottle of wine per night habit.

  6. #6
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Consider the great advice you have been given:

    Drop the bodyfat
    Drop the alcohol
    Discipline yourself with a good diet
    Use testosterone only for a first cycle

  7. #7
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    You know that alcohol's empty calories and screws up you diet. If you really want the results bad enough, you'll kick the habit. If you're happy with your results drinking alcohol, then don't sweat it just enjoy what you have. If you want to get serious results then you have to have serious discipline.

  8. #8
    PksGolfer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan
    Consider the great advice you have been given: Drop the bodyfat Drop the alcohol Discipline yourself with a good diet Use testosterone only for a first cycle
    ^^ this is gospel!

  9. #9
    Scrum's Avatar
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    Tha ks 73,

    This could very be the forum that will motivate me to stop drinking. I hear ya all and I'm listening. My wife stopped, my daughter stopped, my son barely drinks but Ii'm still going... old school.

    OK I'll work on Bf seriously.
    I'd love to take (mail) my gear but I afraid getting through customs. I have no plan while I'm there, other than working out.
    PCT is a prob cos I want to cyle for 6 weeks then get on the plane.
    I will find an AI or HCG I believe PCT is important from what I am reading.

  10. #10
    Scrum's Avatar
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    Yes I did ready Austinites thread before I posted. Well I skimmed through the whole thing. I will re-read.

    I see the importance of AI and PCT now. Thanks.

  11. #11
    fazedsb is offline New Member
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    Like these guys have said just use test for your first cyle. I used 1ml a week of test 400 on its own and got great results (Cambridge Research) PCT is a MUST if you wana keep your gains, you need to wait 2 weeks after your last jab and run for 4 weeks so make sure you take it with you. Good luck

  12. #12
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrum View Post
    I'm 54 yrs old and have worked out all my life in some way shape or form. (Rugby, Taekwondo, more Rugby)
    I'm 6' 1" and 205 lbs with 21.7% body fat and a 36" waist.

    This is the first time I've ever tried AAS. It's been blood, sweat and tears up till now.

    My buddy I have just started:

    500mg Test/300mg Deca /100 Tren once a week. I pulled the diet 5400 cal diet from the forum and will stick to that as well. I drink 1-2 double vodkas a night (or maybe just wine) and have for many years. Is this a problem other than calories?

    I have 6 weeks before I need to leave the country (Feb 2nd) and want to see some results before I meet up with family. Is this even going to work? Cheers!
    For your 1st cycle I would have just ran the 500mg TEST per wk. TREN @ 100mg per week isn't enough to do much for you and really isn't the best choice for a beginner.
    I would cut the alcohol until your cycle is over. Its a definite added stress to your liver.

  13. #13
    applips's Avatar
    applips is offline Junior Member
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    5400 cal diet, is it gonna be a clean diet and how much is your current cal consumption?

  14. #14
    Scrum's Avatar
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    OK Test alone and I'm working on my BF. My diet is not bad (no fast food, no white stuff, bread, flour, sugar) I'll be trying the Paleo while in BNE since my sister is all over it. Im also doing Chromium Picolinate, EGCg Green Tea, and Synephrine Hydrochloride per Austine's post.

  15. #15
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    Mostly Beef, Chicken, veges. Last night I had Spaghetti, Every morning I have Oatmeal with Raisins (have for 40+ years). No coffee. I'm terrible at drinking water. Maybe 2 - 16 oz glasses per day.

  16. #16
    Scrum's Avatar
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    Yeah I'm sold on PCT now. I thought I could get away with it at first but now see the importance, especially with BF at 21% but coming down.

  17. #17
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    PCT is a must no matter what the bodyfat is.

    If one isnt going to runa PCT after their cycle, they may as well not even bother cycling in the first place because its going to highly likely end in kissing the gains good bye.

    You need to drink more than 2 cups of water per day
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 12-22-2015 at 04:54 PM.

  18. #18
    Simon1972's Avatar
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    Go paleo. Even if you do it haslf hearted, start on paleo, it works.
    Cut out alll sugars, all carbs, and I'm sorry, but vodka is not your friend, its just a great tasting poison.

    Next, pct is a must, you can destroy any gains you make by having low base test levels, at your age it will take longer to recover from your testicuilar shutdown.

    Be smart. Don't be in a rush to meet a self imposed deadline. It has no bearing on your life as a whole. Get some perspective. If you do this, do this right.

    You can do a cycvle with high body fat if you take an ai . it will help you lose weight.
    BUT. If you don't look at your diet, and get it in check, don't proceed. Don't be one of those looking for a magic pill that complains when they didn't get the results they hoped for.

  19. #19
    applips's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrum View Post
    Mostly Beef, Chicken, veges. Last night I had Spaghetti, Every morning I have Oatmeal with Raisins (have for 40+ years). No coffee. I'm terrible at drinking water. Maybe 2 - 16 oz glasses per day.
    Cool, try to mix things up, differently cooked stuff if you are currently on between 2000 to 3000 calories diet then you may find it difficult to consume 5200 lean calories a day for weeks. Mixing things up with different recipes really makes it easy.

    Just my 2 cents
    Last edited by applips; 12-23-2015 at 07:30 AM.

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