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Thread: anadrol effectiveness

  1. #1
    tice1212's Avatar
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    anadrol effectiveness

    Hey boys I was wonder how effective is anadrol at 25mg. I have never used adrol before and I have heard that there is a bunch of side effects that come with it. Plus I don't want to be a bloated whale from the water. Normal 50mg ED can be ran for 4 weeks. But would 25mg ED be okay to run for 8 weeks? Or would it better to just do the 50mg?
    This is would be my cycle FYI
    Test e 750mg
    Tren e 500mg
    Adrol 25mg or 50mg

    Support like normal (hcg , liver care, adex)
    Thanks boys

  2. #2
    Chadcon09 is offline New Member
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    Anadrol is a very effective bulking and strangth Steriod . You should be fine with 25mg

  3. #3
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Would love a log on this cycle Tice, i love long esters and this looks like a cycle i will be running next year (slightly lower doses especialy the tren ) when you plan on starting?
    Sorry cant help with the anadrol never used it

  4. #4
    mark woods's Avatar
    mark woods is offline Associate Member
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    No much water with it for me...good strength and puffy nips after a while...go for 50mg I'd say.

  5. #5
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I wouldn't run any oral that long and especially anadrol . It's one of the strongest Orals there are. I stopped running it years ago as I just don't like the sides and extra water retention. I find the gains go away almost as soon as you discontinue the compound as wel

  6. #6
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    I wouldn't run any oral that long and especially anadrol. It's one of the strongest Orals there are. I stopped running it years ago as I just don't like the sides and extra water retention. I find the gains go away almost as soon as you discontinue the compound as wel
    Pulse it... If your thinking about running it that long and don't want the unwanted sides(with your diet on point it shouldn't bloat you too much(add b6 in twice a day) and up your water intake... Once you feel sides creeping you went too far/long... I liked 12on 10-12off repeat(if you can run it for 14days then 10off that would be good too) something you'll have to figure out! If pulsing 100mgs to start imo

    Depending on goals - Otherwise I'd backload it at 50-100mgs day

  7. #7
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    Its good for headaches and raising your bp, your tren is enough in this cycle imo.

  8. #8
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Stick to the superdrol tice

  9. #9
    tice1212's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck View Post
    Its good for headaches and raising your bp, your tren is enough in this cycle imo.
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    The Science of Stacking Steroids

    The infamous steroids stack; what is it and what is its purpose? A steroid stack is the combining of various steroids where the ultimate goal is the sum effects are greater than that of the individual sum of its parts. Basically it is combining steroids where the ultimate goal is 2+2=5. It is, however, more than this. Not only can the combined effects be greater but also the side effects can be reduced as well.

    People have been stacking steroids from very early on in the steroid game. It did not take long for steroid users to realize that by combining various steroids the results of these steroids could be compounded. Almost a synergistic effect whereby the user could ultimate take in fewer mgs of steroids yet gets greater results.

    There are several reasons one might stack steroids. Some might say stacking is inevitable as testosterone is believed by many (and not incorrectly so) that a testosterone base must be present in order to replace the endogenous production of biological testosterone which ceases upon administration of steroids. Thus any other addition of any other steroid would thereby create a “stack.” While this is true it goes farther than that. It was found that by stacking steroids the results could be increased. For example it is fairly well accepted that 500mgs of testosterone combined with 500mgs of deca will yield greater gains that 1000mgs of testosterone. Why is this? It could be as simple as deca being more potent than test thus the gains yielded are greater. While that makes sense but could it be more than just this? Also since this is the case how can you intelligently form a steroid stack that will offer this 2+2=5 benefit while reducing potential side effects?

    In order to address this I think first you have to take a step back and look at the 3 steroid bases different steroids are derived from, see how they differ, and see how combining them intelligently can yield much greater benefit in the area of both gains as well as the reduction of side effects.

    Steroid Bases:

    Test Based- First on the list would be Test based steroids. Examples of some of these would be D-bol, Testosterone, Eq, T-bol. These steroids are exactly as they sound, they are all based on testosterone. Most all, like testosterone, aromatize to estrogen in varying degrees. This is something to bear in mind when using a test based steroid in your stack so you can plan for side effect prevention/management by using an aromatase inhibitor to manage your estrogen.

    19-Nor Based- The steroids all have a 19-Nor testosterone base. This is a smaller group essentially made up of nandrolone and trenbolone with various esters. It has been said these steroids are progestins, with affinity to the progesterone receptor and are also believed to increase Prolactin. Again something to be kept in mind so a dopamine agonist can at least be kept on hand if not used so that prolactin sides can be controlled. These steroids do not to a significant degree (if at all) aromatize to estrogen. This does not, however, mean they do not impact estrogen levels. Through indirect means it has been shown that Nandrolone increases aromatase expression and thus e2 levels and tren is somewhat a beast of its own with a host of sides unique to it and also seems to compound the sides of test based steroids it may be stacked with.

    DHT Based- These steroids all have DHT as a base. They do not aromatize to estrogen at all. The primary side associated with DHT based steroids seems to show especially in those prone to male pattern baldness. DHT is the androgen primarily associated with hair loss and the introduction of DHT based steroids may cause this side effect. There are several ways to combat this side such as topical anti androgens such as topical spiro and Nizoral shampoo. Examples of dht based steroids in include winstrol , primobolan , anavar , masteron and a few others.
    When looking at your first steroid stack I would take a look at the other 2 bases of steroids and make a selection from one of the other 2. You will have your test based steroid in the stack in the form of testosterone, you know how you respond to it, you know how to properly manage your e2 using an ai at the 500mg/week dosage you used. This is all valuable information and knowledge that you can take with you and apply when doing your first “stack”. Now looking at the 2 other steroid bases available and considering the effects these bases have to offer you can set about making your decision. Now both 19 nor steroids are very interesting compounds. They are both very effective at building mass, however deca is the milder of the 2 compounds with less inherent sides, yet is still a very potent anabolic yielding excellent gains. Picking from them Deca would clearly be the first of the 19 nors I would suggest trying. It only seems prudent to find out just how you respond to deca before even considering the incorporation of tren into any cycle. What about DHT’s? Well DHT based steroids are very interesting in that they don’t really offer astounding gains per se, but they do afford some excellent effects that we may desire at various points. They are androgenic but do not aromatize to estrogen yet the majority of them do not build significant mass. The best mass building dht based steroids IMO would be Anadrol , anavar and winstrol, the rest seems to be able to impact your physique but primarily seem to do so at lower bf%’s. One could generalize and say dht based steroids as a group offer aesthetic benefit more so than mass benefit (with obvious exceptions such as anadrol).
    ironbeck I totally agree with u when u say that 500mg of tren e is enought with 750mg test e but I'm trying to get the most out of this cycle by stacking as which u can read above from Jim. 1+1+1 doesn't equal 3 it equals 6 or more in effect. So if I were to do test tren 1+1=3or4.

    My test base will be :750mg test E

    19-nor compound will be: tren e (ur right I will lower the tren to 400mg not 500mg ironbeck)

    DHT compound: anadrol 50mg (pulsed: thanks NACH) or run straight as long as sides stay down or 25mg for a longer duration) <--- this is my main question VETS opinion would be great????
    shit I love MAST ran up in the 1gram range but I don't think it would be better then a50. (But Bio-Active did say that after getting off of a50 he lost most of the weight as fast as he gained it)

    So my next question for the VETS would be: should I run 50mg a50 or 1gram of mast?????
    Last edited by tice1212; 12-18-2015 at 05:28 AM.

  10. #10
    tice1212's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Stick to the superdrol tice
    so I'm guessing the superdrol is doing u good huh?

  11. #11
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    Yea i enjoyed it, i got a pain in my stomach and freaked out so dropped for a couple days thinking it was the sdrol, went back on and had no issues.

    But you were saying you enjoyed it, maybe run it again?

  12. #12
    Ashop's Avatar
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    I would start with 50mg,,,anything less just doesn't work as well and you will be disappointed. ANADROL is an incredible oral and if used right you can put on some quick SIZE and STRENGTH in record time.
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  13. #13
    liftdroprepeat is offline Junior Member
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    See I liked it but then stArted getting proper puffy nipples even with a ai then my hair line went to hell same with Deca I much prefer dbols great gains no sides etc every body is different some things work fantastic others they bite you in the butt lol

  14. #14
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212 View Post
    so I'm guessing the superdrol is doing u good huh?
    Agreed. Superdrol is amazing. Almost anadroleffect without the water and the shit wich comes along with water.

    I tried anadrol 25 mg and as far as i remember it hits you rigth away. Superdrol kicks in the 2. week or so.

  15. #15
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    I would start with 50mg,,,anything less just doesn't work as well and you will be disappointed. ANADROL is an incredible oral and if used right you can put on some quick SIZE and STRENGTH in record time.
    Exactly my thinking when it comes to the dosing... 50mg/day minimum - pulsed 100-150mgs/day

    And one reason I like to pulse a-drol/or d-Bol as the sides are maintained much easier and you can run it longer with better results.... Now, if one is at a sticking point/platuea at end of a cycle I prefer to backload my orals to finish strong and further my gains(marcus has mentioned using the water retention to make further gains at that point as well)...

  16. #16
    tice1212's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    I would start with 50mg,,,anything less just doesn't work as well and you will be disappointed. ANADROL is an incredible oral and if used right you can put on some quick SIZE and STRENGTH in record time.
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post

    Exactly my thinking when it comes to the dosing... 50mg/day minimum - pulsed 100-150mgs/day

    And one reason I like to pulse a-drol/or d-Bol as the sides are maintained much easier and you can run it longer with better results.... Now, if one is at a sticking point/platuea at end of a cycle I prefer to backload my orals to finish strong and further my gains(marcus has mentioned using the water retention to make further gains at that point as well)...
    Awesome boys thank you to everyone that commented.

  17. #17
    tice1212's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post

    Agreed. Superdrol is amazing. Almost anadroleffect without the water and the shit wich comes along with water.

    I tried anadrol 25 mg and as far as i remember it hits you rigth away. Superdrol kicks in the 2. week or so.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Yea i enjoyed it, i got a pain in my stomach and freaked out so dropped for a couple days thinking it was the sdrol, went back on and had no issues.

    But you were saying you enjoyed it, maybe run it again?
    I don't get my gear from the place I normally got it from so my source doesn't have oral sdrol. But I have seen some sources making injectable sdrol I may give that a go later down the road.
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  18. #18
    Trevis's Avatar
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    Not fond of it, ran androver + test, was good but there are better orals.

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