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Thread: Help on T3

  1. #1
    Lovemiami's Avatar
    Lovemiami is offline Associate Member
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    Help on T3

    Hi guys I'm 37 this is my third cycle with test E 250 twice a week and liquidex EOD
    IM very happy with my results but I would like to lose some fat so I was thinking in going for T3 and anavar .

    what's your opinion on this, to lose fat.

  2. #2
    mark woods's Avatar
    mark woods is offline Associate Member
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    Well diet and cardio are king...but your natty t3 levels are around 25mcg so i would do around 50mcg and see how you go...anavar I wouldn't run until I was lean.

  3. #3
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Wether you use t3 or anavar , diet needs to be dialled into lose fat

  4. #4
    Lovemiami's Avatar
    Lovemiami is offline Associate Member
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    Yes I realize that diet is key in the use of this supplements, I just want to have an idea how lean somebody can get using T3 plus clen or what other combinations are good for getting lean;

    I have never used this before, the closest I ever being lean was on Test , Tren , anavar and I still had a little belly fat and love handles to get rid of even running 3x 3mile per week and eating right, That being said, I would like to know if with diet and exercise this products can get me lean enough to achieve losing all the belly fat like a lipo or something like it?.

  5. #5
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lovemiami View Post
    Yes I realize that diet is key in the use of this supplements, I just want to have an idea how lean somebody can get using T3 plus clen or what other combinations are good for getting lean;

    I have never used this before, the closest I ever being lean was on Test , Tren , anavar and I still had a little belly fat and love handles to get rid of even running 3x 3mile per week and eating right, That being said, I would like to know if with diet and exercise this products can get me lean enough to achieve losing all the belly fat like a lipo or something like it?.
    It would be impossible for us to quantify/speculate an individual's results from using such compounds. I will say this: if you still have love handles, then either your diet, cardio, or both are off. If that's the case, then these compounds aren't going to help you much. Do you have a history of thyroid issues?

  6. #6
    Lovemiami's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    It would be impossible for us to quantify/speculate an individual's results from using such compounds. I will say this: if you still have love handles, then either your diet, cardio, or both are off. If that's the case, then these compounds aren't going to help you much. Do you have a history of thyroid issues?
    No I don't have thyroid issues, the thing that is revolving in my head is what to used? , what is the best combination I can use with cardio and diet and see better results than when I just do cardio and loose a ton of fat along with a ton of muscle

  7. #7
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    If you're worried about losing muscle in your cut, I would stay away from T3 as it will eat at muscle just as much as it will the fat. I'm recommending this even though you are on Test, which will generally spare muscle tissue. You can try clen if you like, but start at small doses and work your way up. Most cycle clen at 2 weeks on, 2 off, although if you supplement with ketotifen, you can stay on longer. I, personally, don't like clen because it gives me the shakes so bad, it's just not worth it.

    I still think you're lacking somewhere in your diet since you still have love handles. Care to upload a pic of yourself from the neck down? I recommend you head over to the diet forum and post up your daily diet so the members can critique. Good luck!

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