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Thread: Cycle help please?

  1. #1
    DylanBishop is offline New Member
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    Dec 2015

    Cycle help please?

    Hello, I'm a first timer on the juice. I currently am 5'11 145 LBS and looking to gain. I am bent on taking Dianabol for its safer purposes, and am looking for help on anti estrogen pills and kidney pills. The legality and price dosent really matter, I just need advice.

  2. #2
    rGus is offline Junior Member
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    Most people here will advise you to learn how to properly eat and gain more muscle before making a deal with the devil.

  3. #3
    DylanBishop is offline New Member
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    well since I'm almost 6 foot and 140 lbs that's not going to work.

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    You need to sort out your nutrition otherwise you will be disappointed with your results. I suggest posting up your meal plan in the nutrition section for review

  5. #5
    73rr's Avatar
    73rr is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    ^^^^ and your not doing any test?

    Dbol isn't a safer option. Read up buddy.

  6. #6
    MrFreshmaker's Avatar
    MrFreshmaker is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DylanBishop
    well since I'm almost 6 foot and 140 lbs that's not going to work.
    And you're only 19 yo...d-bol will shut you down completely!By shutting down,your testicles won't produce any testosterone ,estrogen will spike,you will have erectile disfunction,zero libido,testicular atrophy,chance of gynecomastia ,bad acne...but hey this is nothing compared to what steroids will do to your HPTA in long terms cuz you're too young to take steroids,your HPTA is not matured,so damage will be greater to an fully matured adult(even none of them will recover completely)!
    Food is the key for you my friend,so please spare me with: i eat enough but i can't gain weight cuz its not the truth,no matter how fast your metabolism is,if you eat enough,you will gain weight!
    Mr.BB likes this.

  7. #7
    73rr's Avatar
    73rr is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrFreshmaker View Post
    And you're only 19 yo...d-bol
    Food is the key for you my friend,so please spare me with: i eat enough but i can't gain weight cuz its not the truth,no matter how fast your metabolism is,if you eat enough,you will gain weight!
    This has been proven so many times here

  8. #8
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I cannot imagine what you look like. You are my same height and i was shredded at 175. Please take the advice and get your nutrition in order and wait until you reach 25.
    By the way, orals are the worst for your liver.
    You should read the stickies on steroids and the young. Hopefully this will help you understand why everyone on this forum tries to discourage the young from cycling.

  9. #9
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    145lbs? Man no offence but my wife works out and weights 142lbs and shes 5ft3. Your not eating enough

    A cycle will make you big temporarily then when you come off you will be how you were before you started, because your not eating enough. This occurs with dbol especialy, but no matter that you use your not going to gain any muscle

    Steroids only help put the weight on/muscle on faster but you stil need to eat in order for that to occur.

    Take some time to post your diet and get that cleaned up, then discipline yourself and prove you can stick to that diet, after some time and you have proved to yourself you can stay motivated with the diet and training, then think about steroids (you want to try and wait until your 25 years old)

  10. #10
    clarkey02's Avatar
    clarkey02 is offline Junior Member
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    When I was your age I was 145 lbs and 6' tall. Today I am 240lbs. I didn't touch gear until I was 35, and 230 lbs. I'm proof that you can make gains by training hard and eating an abundance of clean food and protein.

    No need to attempt a shortcut that will only garner temporary results and most likely mess up your endocrine system for life. Is your goal to be 165 for a month of so, then drop down to 148 and have a flaccid peepee and cry yourself to sleep every night? You came for advice, so take the advice.

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