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Thread: 3rd cycle what do you think? Any Advice? FIRST BULKING CYCLE

  1. #1
    goldenboy123 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    3rd cycle what do you think? Any Advice? FIRST BULKING CYCLE

    Week 1-12 Test Enanthate 750mg EW
    Week 1-12 Masteron Enanthate 750mg EW
    Week 1-6 Dbol 40MG ED
    Week 1-14 Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    Week 10-14 HCG 500 IU 2x a Week
    Week 15-18 Clomid 50mg ED
    Week 15-16 Nolvadex 40mg ED
    Week 17-18 Nolvadex 20mg ED
    Will be taking Liver and Organ defender

    Height- 5'10
    Weight- 190
    Body fat- 7%
    Bench Press - 365x3
    Squat - 465lbs
    Deadlift 555lbs
    Vertical Jump-35 inches
    40 yard Dash-4.5s
    Kind of a genetic freak
    Diet maintenance level
    5000 calories
    400g of carbs
    300g of protein
    135g of fat
    Will be planning on doing a on cycle log daily updates on this
    Will be aiming at 6000 calories a day and 500 carbs for week 1-6 and then shred the gains up with Masteron Cardio and diet
    CYCLE 1 - Test Enanthate 500mg EW 12 WEEKS
    CYCLE 2 Test Prop 100mg EOD 10 Weeks. Week 1-6 Anavar 80mg ED
    I have competed before and plan to compete week 12-13 of this cycle
    But i have never competed while i was on gear
    Last edited by goldenboy123; 12-20-2015 at 05:02 PM.

  2. #2
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Sep 2012
    Looks like a nice cycle imo

    Your HCG , you doing 500 per week split into 2 shots of 250? Or 2 shots of 500 giving a total of 1000?
    Im guessing its 500 per week total but thought id check

  3. #3
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by goldenboy123 View Post
    Week 1-12 Test Enanthate 750mg EW
    Week 1-12 Masteron Enanthate 750mg EW
    Week 1-6 Dbol 40MG ED
    Week 1-14 Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    Week 10-14 HCG 500 IU 2x a Week Run this from the start of the cycle right up to 3 days before pct 250 iu 2 x ew
    Week 15-18 Clomid 50mg ED
    Week 15-16 Nolvadex 40mg ED
    Week 17-18 Nolvadex 20mg ED

    Height- 5'10
    Weight- 190
    Body fat- 7%
    Bench Press - 365x3
    Squat - 465lbs
    Deadlift 555lbs
    Vertical Jump-35 inches
    40 yard Dash-4.5s

    Diet maintenance level
    5000 calories
    400g of carbs
    300g of protein
    135g of fat
    Will be planning on doing a on cycle log daily updates on this
    Will be aiming at 6000 calories a day and 500 carbs for week 1-6 and then shred the gains up with Masteron Cardio and diet
    CYCLE 1 - Test Enanthate 500mg EW 12 WEEKS
    CYCLE 2 Test Prop 100mg EOD 10 Weeks. Week 1-6 Anavar 80mg ED
    I have competed before and plan to compete week 12-13 of this cycle
    But i have never competed while i was on gear
    Comments above in bold How old are you?
    goldenboy123 likes this.

  4. #4
    goldenboy123 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2015
    I only have 5000IUs of HCG which is only enough for 10 weeks of 500IU EW. i have never used HCG before and recovering from PCT has always been easy for me too. Would i be fine with running it just 10 weeks? and which 10 weeks would i run it. or should i just get more so i can run it week 1-14 at 500IU EW at 2 250IU shots a week

  5. #5
    goldenboy123 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2015
    no it was meant for 1000 for the total week but I'm trying to find the best way to run HCG cause i have never ran it before

  6. #6
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    500iu per week, split it into 2 shots of 250iu

    Getting more so you can run it for 14 weeks is the best option.

    If thats not an option and you only have 10 weeks worth, id start the HCG at week 4.

    But try your best to get more

  7. #7
    goldenboy123 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2015
    I will get more HCG then. have you run dbol before ? what was your first time with it like? Not really to worried about sides i haven't got any sides with AAS yet besides a tiny amount of acne but i know how to manage that now

  8. #8
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Used it once, kicks in quick, fills you with water and your strength goes up fast, once discontinued you drop back down (i used it for 4 weeks 50mg ed as a kick start for a test and deca cycle, a couple weeks affer dropping the dbol the test and deca took over)

    I prefer superdrol over dbol, havent tried any other orals
    goldenboy123 likes this.

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