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Thread: low libido even ON test

  1. #1
    DOIEVEN is offline New Member
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    low libido even ON test

    25 old. 4 cycles under my belt.

    but.. last cycle leaved me libido less, before it I became insane about sex, even starting it and some time during it but as it ended it went away). I started losing libido even when on. Did proper pct still low libido, so just thought I should just wait it out.

    5 months later still crap libido. So jumped on 350 sust weekly for 4-5 weeks to see if low t was the problem. but not even with this dose I was feeling libido increase. Not on week 1, 2 ..5

    so since I thought It might not be a test problem (350 susta!, on this dose by week 2 I will have skyrocket libido) I jumped off. Did bloods mid pct and got good total test values, prolactin, fsh, lh

    so I am clueles where did my libido go and why. I did have some time ago a pain in my prostate area, which a doctor send me antibiotics and it eventually dissipate. could this be physical? (he persistent,said that it was nothing serious none the less I only told him I have used "some test", not deca , trenbolone , winstrol , primo etc in the past)

    I have good morning wood, and with help I can get hard but I can't mantain very well an erection. nor do I have the urge to have sex

    I don't know what route to take or what to test. Medics don't seem to give a damn. just to wait it out

    could it be estrogen? I mean I was off 5 months what should I test? I never used arimidex in my cycles, still I had great great libido, just some water retention.
    Last edited by DOIEVEN; 12-23-2015 at 01:12 AM.

  2. #2
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    You said you never ran an AI on cycle,

    Your E2 levels were probably bouncing all over the place and highly likely prolactin levels in the blood were high which can destroy a mans libido.

    An AI on cycle is a must.

    If your 25 and have done 4 cycles you must have cycled at a young age? How old were you on each cycle and what compounds? You never know you may permantley have shut yourself down.

    You need to get a full hormone panel blood test again to see whats going on.
    You said you got bloodwork mid PCT, this is going to give you inaccurate results, you get bloods done 6 or more weeks after PCT, not during.

    Bloods before cycle, mid cycle and 6-8 weeks after PCT is standard bloodwork protocol.

    One thing i wouldnt do is keep jumping on and off test to try and fix the problem, thats only going to make things worse.

    1. Be patient and give time, some people can take longer than others to recover.
    2. Stop jumping on and off test.
    3. Dont even think of cycling.
    4. Get bloods done again and see where everything is at, post your results in here, we have some very knowledged members here than can study your values and see whats going on.
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 12-23-2015 at 02:27 AM.

  3. #3
    DOIEVEN is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    You said you never ran an AI on cycle, im guessing you didnt get bloodwork mid cycle either.

    Your E2 levels were probably bouncing all over the place and highly likely prolactin levels in the blood were high which can destroy a mans libido.

    An AI on cycle is a must.

    You need to get a full hormone panel blood test to see whats going on.
    thanks i will. Waiting on serms to clear out to do bloods.

    I didn't run an AI on any of my cycles. And used doses of 750-1g of test with deca etc, just 25-50mgs provi. and never had a libido problem. In this last one I had. But even 5 months post pct I am still having. And continue having with just a small dose of 350 susta when jump back on to see if it was lack of test because of some form of hypogonadism I got from last cycle but still no libido

    What others labs should I check? Last labs doctor send me where supposedly a full hormone panel.
    Last edited by DOIEVEN; 12-23-2015 at 02:15 AM.

  4. #4
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    So you started steroids at what age?

    You need full bloodwork as Tax said.

  5. #5
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOIEVEN View Post
    thanks i will. Waiting on serms to clear out to do bloods.

    I didn't run an AI on any of my cycles. And used doses of 750-1g of test with deca etc, just 25-50mgs provi. and never had a libido problem. In this last one I had. But even 5 months post pct I am still having. And continue having with just a small dose of 350 susta when jump back on to see if it was lack of test because of some form of hypogonadism I got from last cycle but still no libido

    What others labs should I check? Last labs doctor send me where supposedly a full hormone panel.
    Sorry ive since edited my post with info you may have missed, have a re read of my original post.

    total test
    free test
    E2 sensitivity
    liver values

    Theres probably more you need, im not yet mastered the bloodwork part of this game
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 12-23-2015 at 02:25 AM.

  6. #6
    DOIEVEN is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    So you started steroids at what age?

    You need full bloodwork as Tax said.
    about 22 if I remember

  7. #7
    DOIEVEN is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Sorry ive since edited my post with info you may have missed, have a re read of my original post.

    total test
    free test
    E2 sensitivity
    liver values

    Theres probably more you need, im not yet mastered the bloodwork part of this game
    thanks bro. will wait 4 more weeks to do blood to be sure serms are out. But total test on pct was about 900ng/dl

  8. #8
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Sorry ive since edited my post with info you may have missed, have a re read of my original post.

    total test
    free test
    E2 sensitivity
    liver values

    Theres probably more you need, im not yet mastered the bloodwork part of this game
    I'll add LH, FSH, SHBG and DHT to the tests.

    You need to wait longer than 4 weeks after serms. 6-8 weeks its when you should do it.

    Get some cialis meanwhile, it might help in the sac.
    NACH3 likes this.

  9. #9
    applips's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    liver values
    Sorry, I don't wanna takeover the thread but I have a quick question about Liver Values and what they are and how can they cause ED

    TheTaxMan any help will be great

  10. #10
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    I wasnt meaning get his liver values checked as if that was causing his ED.

    He might as well just get them checked along with everything else.

    I have no idea wether or not stress on the liver can cause ED.

    They check your ALT and AST levels in the blood which indicate wether the liver is stressed or not, these are known as liver values.
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 12-23-2015 at 11:04 AM.

  11. #11
    applips's Avatar
    applips is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    I wasnt meaning get his liver values checked as if that was causing his ED.

    He might as well just get them checked along with everything else.

    I have no idea wether or not stress on the liver can cause ED.

    They check your ALT and AST levels in the blood which indicate wether the liver is stressed or not, these are known as liver values.
    Ah OK, cheers thanks

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