I took a 3 week cycle of Superdrol in May (1st May - 21st) this year, finished PCT early July. Most of my figures(choelsterol/Test/Free test) are close to pre-cycle level now. Question I had was that, i know Superdrol increased Gylcogen in muscles while on cycle, you come off that effect is reduced then post PCT hopefully you still have some of the gains correct.

I ask this question as I am trying to analyse my cycle. So pre-cycle my weight was 12.5 stone (i'm 5ft 4"). This weight had been fixed for around 1 year with moderate training 2/3 times a week, all compound lifts.

On the last day of the cycle is was at 14 stone exactly.

End of week 2 PCT I had lost around 7lbs(this would of course be water) of weight down to 13.5 stone. At the end of the PCT and still training weight had stopped at 13.5 Stone.

Then from mid-july to Mid-Sept I had no time for gym/deit due to relocating for work and other family stuff. all if not all my gains were lost, weight came back down to just over 12.8 stone.

I started gym again in mid September with the aim of just getting back into the flow. Mid October on the scales weight had increased back to 13.5 stone once again. Diet of course was being fixed in this month, a lot more fluid. In such a short space of time i can imagine that i put that much muscle on however I'm still in the gym now and the weight has stuck to exactly the same of after PCT on superdrol.

How much real mass can be expected from Superdrol? Has superdrol really increased my muscle weight or just improved the amount of water i can hold?

Kind Regards