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Thread: test cyp/primo/npp cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    4th cycle
    10 weeks

    Test cyp 250 mg x2 a week
    Primo 100 mg x3 a week
    Npp 150 mg x3 a week
    Letro .25 mg eod (may increase)
    Prami .25 mg ed (may increase)
    Hcg 250 mg x2 a week

    My last cycle was test cyp and deca with similar dosages.

    Arimidex didn't help with deca so I want to use Letro this time. Used letro last cycle when Arimidex wasn't helping and fixed the problem for me.

    I am contemplating to maybe run test cyp primo and npp for 8 weeks and then run test cyp and tren ace for 8 weeks but not sure if that's too much.

    Or run 6 weeks then switch to tren ace for another 6 weeks. 12 weeks total.

    Any opinions on what would be better?
    Last edited by rGus; 12-30-2015 at 12:14 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Id say stick with your original plan would be better

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Thx for your opinion tax.

    Do you think it will be okay to run long ester test cyp with npp or will i shut down before test cyp kicks in?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Your going to be shut down even if you do test only, the term shutdown means your natural test production shuts down because the body is getting test from another source (the oil your injecting)

    Personaly i would start the cyp 2 weeks before the NPP to allow the test to build up, but i think you would be fine either way as long as you manage your E2 and Prolactin levels with your AI, your libido should be fine.

    I would advice if your using cyp to run it 2 weeks before starting the NPP and run it 2 weeks past the NPP as well though.


    Test cyp 1-14 weeks
    NPP 2-12 weeks

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    yea sorry, i didnt phrase it right. I meant low libido and longer recovery time.

    I will go with your example. Thx.

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