4th cycle
10 weeks
Test cyp 250 mg x2 a week
Primo 100 mg x3 a week
Npp 150 mg x3 a week
Letro .25 mg eod (may increase)
Prami .25 mg ed (may increase)
Hcg 250 mg x2 a week
My last cycle was test cyp and deca with similar dosages.
Arimidex didn't help with deca so I want to use Letro this time. Used letro last cycle when Arimidex wasn't helping and fixed the problem for me.
I am contemplating to maybe run test cyp primo and npp for 8 weeks and then run test cyp and tren ace for 8 weeks but not sure if that's too much.
Or run 6 weeks then switch to tren ace for another 6 weeks. 12 weeks total.
Any opinions on what would be better?