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Thread: Syringe sticking

  1. #1

    Exclamation Syringe sticking

    Hey guys,

    Have been injecting my partner for a few months now. We do ass and delts on rotation, but the last time I injected him the oil wouldn't pass through the needle and felt extremely hard. Never had this happen before so I pulled it out as the needle was wiggling a fair bit and it was bent a bit as I pulled it out. My partner had a look at the syringe and noticed it kept getting stuck at a certain point so we switched syringes. Has anyone else had this happen. He is a bit bruised now because of it and I feel so bad 😪

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    The Trap
    Was it a same spot you guys normally hit, like a smaller area? You might have hit some serious scar tissue?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Scar tissue should only effect the pin going through the skin (more painful).

    Once your through the skin then your past the scar tissue so i doubt its that.

    It sounds like a pressure issue, its happened to me a couple of times lately and ive had to apply so much pressure pushing the plunger to get the oil in (like a ridiculous amount of pressure lol)

    Hope to gather some info on this too

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Weird because if the barrel was broken you would have noticed it while loading it. It very well could be scar tissue you had hit and never went right through. Then again how long has he been using AAS to get scar tissue. It does take a while to build up and this is how it good to use lots of site to pin.
    Last edited by clarky.; 01-02-2016 at 03:18 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Does the gear contain EO (ethyl oleate)?

  6. #6
    Use the smallest barrel appropriate for the dose. Pressure generated is dependent on the square of the diameter of the 1/2 the diameter gives 4x the pressure.

    I've seen guys trying to shoot with a 5cc barrel. If you're doing a cc or less, use a 1cc barrel and it's much better.

    And for TRT guys like me, I use a .3cc insulin syringe, which is the only way to inject through a 31g needle.

    Also, some formulas include solvents that make certain rubber plungers swell. It happens fast too! If you draw and shoot instantly and notice it's easier than if you wait even 30-45 seconds after draw then you may be dealing with that issue. In my experience that is also eased by minimum barrel required.

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