Wife wants to start her first anavar cycle
Age 25
Height 5ft2
Weight 138lbs
Bodyfat 18%
Training for 6 years
Shes does a lot of cardio and weight training, shes on a similair diet to me but with less calories and has cut in really well over the last couple of months but its pretty much stalling, she wants to run an anavar cycle to help speed up her goals, especily before our vacation
Am i right in thinking she doesnt need to run nolva with the anavar?
Was going to suggest to her take 20mg Anavar ED for 8 weeks, is that too long?
She has some concerns which i dont think some are true or dont know where shes read them from, id imagine shes heard of these sides from female taking injectables such as test
1. Deep male voice
2. An increase in size of her clitoris?
3. Body hair increase
4. Stress on her liver from an anavar cycle? (she drinks about 4 glasses a wine per week and has a very good diet and water intake, alcohol can stop completley when shes on anavar, she has a strong mind)
5. PCT (i believe she doesnt need any form of it)?
6. Shes worried about becoming extemely muscular (ive told her anavar is pretty mild and shes not going to be putting 10lbs of muscle on in a few weeks off anavar) but she wants second opinions.
Her goals are to increase some low but quality muscle mass and drop some more bodyfat.
Looking for help with the doseage and length of cycle and addressing her concerns.
Thanks guys