Usually before i start a cycle , I make sure I have everything I need in hand , but now my friend hwo own a pharmacy and supply me with hcg and adex run out first of hcg for abouth few weeks and now in week 24 im out of adex but with 30 pills of aromasin in hand , my question is if i switch from adex to 12.5 mg aromasin eod for the last 2 weeks of hcg blast is there a problem ??? Thanks in advance for advice !
week 1-20 500 mg test e geofman
week 1-18 400 mg deca cooper
week 1-4 50 mg dbol
week 1-16 500 ui x 2 hcg run out of hcg in week until week 22
week 1-22 0.25 adex eod run out of adex
week 22-23 2000 ui hcg eod run adex only in first week
week 24-25 1000 ui hcg eod
week 26-27 100 mg clomid
week 28-29 50 mg clomid
week 30-31 25 mg clomid
week 32-33 12.5 mg clomid
I use only clomid because I found that i recover very good my last pct was 50 mg clomid for one month follow by 25 mg for one month with verry good blood work results 6 weeks after pct
Initially I wanted to take 25 mg EOD because i run one week with 2000 ui hcg withouth any AI ,my body bf is a bit high 16% mesured with Jackson/Pollock 7 Caliper Method and it is hard as f..k to cut this small pills and abouth half life i read one interesting study :
Exemestane's half life in the male body is actually very short (~9 hours) and it is quickly eliminated, however, since as soon as it enters your bloodstream it quickly destroys 80-90% of the aromatase enzymes present in your body, it is effective in maintaining significant reductions in estrogen for up to 72 hours after a single 25mg dose. Estrogen levels only begin to rise again after your body has begun to make new aromatase enzymes to replace the ones destro by exemestane.
There is a great study on the pharmacokinetics of exemestane in men which found the following:
-24 hours after one 25mg dose estrogen levels are reduced by 70-80%
-72 hours later estrogen levels are still 40% below baseline even though the drug itself is almost completely eliminated
-120 hours after initial dose estrogen levels return to baseline (without rebounding)
this means that you can find the timing and dosage that works for you, i've seen some guys recommend between 25mg ED and 12.5mg e4d, and you can see why both are effective while providing different levels of estrogen suppression, and it is this flexibility that makes exemestane such a versatile anti-e.
Because today i start the week 24 and i use only 1000 ui eod , in two weeks i will start pct i think i stay as i say above with 12.5 mg eod , 1000 ui hcg i dont thnk it aromatise that much to need 25 eod or 12.5 ed