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  1. #1
    11bd's Avatar
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    My cycle, let me know if any issues.

    This my 4th cycle, I have ran this exact cycle before and hade amazing results. Although this is the highest I have ever ran. Wondering if it's to much.

    Week 1-10
    Sus 250 1000 MG/week 500 every 4 days
    Tren ace 400 MG / week at 100 eod
    Armidex. 5 ed

    I will start pct week 12 with nova and clomid also hcg at week 8. Also have ran tren in every cycle I have done and never used caber with any issues. I do have parmi on stand by if any issues.

  2. #2
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11bd View Post
    This my 4th cycle, I have ran this exact cycle before and hade amazing results. Although this is the highest I have ever ran. Wondering if it's to much.

    Week 1-10
    Sus 250 1000 MG/week 500 every 4 days
    Tren ace 400 MG / week at 100 eod
    Armidex. 5 ed

    I will start pct week 12 with nova and clomid also hcg at week 8. Also have ran tren in every cycle I have done and never used caber with any issues. I do have parmi on stand by if any issues.
    You plan on getting BW pre/mid/post cycle? I ask b/c though you may not feel you needed to run caber I'm just asking if you had BW done to know where your E2/& prolactin levels would be you would know for sure - no guess work... There's many things we don't feel yet BW paints/& ties the whole picture together! And good if you have

    Why start HCG so late into your cycle? It'd be best(especially with tren or a 19nor) to run it from the start of your cycle to maintain as much functionality of your testes as possible(being an LH mimitec) plus it'll help with recovery as your testes are last to respond -

  3. #3
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    I don't like your pinning schedule. Why not just pin the Test AND Tren EOD? Sustanon has short esters as well as long, so it would help keep blood levels balanced if you pinned more often. Another note, not that it will make a ton of difference, but your 'weekly' dosages are a little off. At 400mg Test every 4th day, this translates to roughly 875mg/week. At 100mg Tren EOD, this translates to roughly 350mg/week. Not a huge deal; just wanted you to realize that. Also, .5 Arimidex ED is quite high.

  4. #4
    Strongblood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11bd
    This my 4th cycle, I have ran this exact cycle before and hade amazing results. Although this is the highest I have ever ran. Wondering if it's to much. Week 1-10 Sus 250 1000 MG/week 500 every 4 days Tren ace 400 MG / week at 100 eod Armidex. 5 ed I will start pct week 12 with nova and clomid also hcg at week 8. Also have ran tren in every cycle I have done and never used caber with any issues. I do have parmi on stand by if any issues.
    Hello 11bd. You really need to list your stats before any meaningful advice can be given. But, here's my opinion. Actually pinning your Sus every 4 days equals to 938 mg. per week. Which isn't a big difference at that high of a dose. And your Tren will equal 350mg. per week pinning 100mgs. EOD. I would run the HCG from the start. .5 of Arimidex is ok if you go with your quoted cycle.
    If you had great results in the past, with less of the same compounds, why increase your dosage now? Actually, a lot of men use just enough test to keep things working while doing a Tren/Test cycle. Say 200mgs.Test with 350mgs. Tren per week. The reasoning for this being, Tren will win out over the test at the receptor anyway.
    Myself, I usually use the same amount of Test as Tren. @ 350mgs. Test and 350mgs. Tren per week.
    This is just my opinion bro. I hope it helps. Good luck!

  5. #5
    11bd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post

    You plan on getting BW pre/mid/post cycle? I ask b/c though you may not feel you needed to run caber I'm just asking if you had BW done to know where your E2/& prolactin levels would be you would know for sure - no guess work... There's many things we don't feel yet BW paints/& ties the whole picture together! And good if you have

    Why start HCG so late into your cycle? It'd be best(especially with tren or a 19nor) to run it from the start of your cycle to maintain as much functionality of your testes as possible(being an LH mimitec) plus it'll help with recovery as your testes are last to respond -
    Have not done any bw on any cycle I see your point on not guessing but kind just go off how my body reacts on the cycle. As far as the hcg everything I have read on hcg is to use towards the end to helps keep gains never ran it during a whole cycle. I will look into it more thanks for the input really appreciated.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    I don't like your pinning schedule. Why not just pin the Test AND Tren EOD? Sustanon has short esters as well as long, so it would help keep blood levels balanced if you pinned more often. Another note, not that it will make a ton of difference, but your 'weekly' dosages are a little off. At 400mg Test every 4th day, this translates to roughly 875mg/week. At 100mg Tren EOD, this translates to roughly 350mg/week. Not a huge deal; just wanted you to realize that. Also, .5 Arimidex ED is quite high.
    I meant 500 every 4th day I didn't want to do eod due to the long easter in the mix test, wasn't sure if that would be to often I am switching to dex at eod due to half life of it.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strongblood View Post
    Hello 11bd. You really need to list your stats before any meaningful advice can be given. But, here's my opinion. Actually pinning your Sus every 4 days equals to 938 mg. per week. Which isn't a big difference at that high of a dose. And your Tren will equal 350mg. per week pinning 100mgs. EOD. I would run the HCG from the start. .5 of Arimidex is ok if you go with your quoted cycle.
    If you had great results in the past, with less of the same compounds, why increase your dosage now? Actually, a lot of men use just enough test to keep things working while doing a Tren/Test cycle. Say 200mgs.Test with 350mgs. Tren per week. The reasoning for this being, Tren will win out over the test at the receptor anyway.
    Myself, I usually use the same amount of Test as Tren. @ 350mgs. Test and 350mgs. Tren per week.
    This is just my opinion bro. I hope it helps. Good luck!

    Sats are
    34,5,10, 210 lbs, 16%bf
    I am upping it hoping for bigger results.
    My diet is very clean I take in about 2300 cals a day. 40% protein 40% carbs and 20% fat. This works well for my body type. I am a endomorph gain fat easy if i don't stay on my game.

  8. #8
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    Really appreciate everyone's input.

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