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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Doing legs, or running after quad shot ok?

    i want to run tomorrow, but tonight was my time and the shot came in the quad. i hate quad shots, but that's only because i don't ever do them, but i'm starting to alternate glutes with them to avoid overuse of stick spots. i'm going to try to run, but last time my quad hurt so bad i was limping like a UFC fighter.

    400mg deca / 200mg test sus <-this too much?

  2. #2
    Trapology's Avatar
    Trapology is offline Associate Member
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    Quad shots shouldnt hurt that bad, that much volume might make it a little more painful but it shouldnt be able to run

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quads are a painful shot especially with sus, I would shoot another area and why go running go to the gym and lift some big arse weights

  4. #4
    Sfla80's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    why go running go to the gym and lift some big arse weights

  5. #5
    workmachine is offline New Member
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    I've been shooting only quads on my 12w test e. cycle and I've squatted (heavy) every day. Doesn't really affect squatting that much, even if I get some pip.

  6. #6
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Just what Marcus said, quads can be very painfull specially if virgin muscle, that together with the sust esters can really make it debilitating.
    The good news is, as long is not swollen, you can do whatever you want running or weights that it will not be a problem, might even be better for the pain. It ussually hurts more while the muscle is cold, after proper warm up it tends to subside.

  7. #7
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    I would pin it after the run or leg workout

    I cant imagine pinning my delts and then training shoulders straight after, id rather train my shoulders then pin my delt

    Its just obvious its going to aggravate the muscle by pinning it then working it.

  8. #8
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    I would pin it after the run or leg workout

    I cant imagine pinning my delts and then training shoulders straight after, id rather train my shoulders then pin my delt

    Its just obvious its going to aggravate the muscle by pinning it then working it.
    Disagree. Sticking a needle in the muscle after the workout would be more damaging as the muscle is trying to recover from the workout already.
    The new blood coming to the muscle when working out after pinning, will help healing of the pin trauma.

  9. #9
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    I pin my delts after delt workout, (obviously a few hours after training)
    Never had any problems

    If i pin my delts and train them anywhere up to 32 hours after injection i experience pain during the workout and it seems to damage my tissue for a couple of days.

    Just personal experience.

    There will be many factors such as what UGL your using, how many ML and what compound your pumping in there, but thats my personal experience of pinning an area before or after training it.

    What works for me may not work for others.

  10. #10
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB
    Disagree. Sticking a needle in the muscle after the workout would be more damaging as the muscle is trying to recover from the workout already. The new blood coming to the muscle when working out after pinning, will help healing of the pin trauma.
    Can you elaborate on why specifically?

    I'm not trying to be argumentative but after working out the only muscle differences I'm aware of are vasoconstriction, microtears, and a minor inflammatory process. None of those seem to be negatively impacted by an injection of AAS in a serious way.

    Lactic acid is almost completely gone from the muscles as usual within an hour after. The other tons of changes such as CPK blood levels, diaphragm fatigue, brain activity, etc. do not seem directly related enough to cause harm.

    The myofibrils pre-workout are as dense as they'll ever be. Injecting then should allow the needle to eviscerate the most tissue. After a good workout they are ever so slightly less densely packed due to the tearing and inflammatory process allowing cells in the area to repair. It seems that then would be the best time to inject.

    Now we're obviously all overthinking the issue and let me know if I'm missing something. It just seems that the injection is causing damage regardless and the difference is minuscule given the pip isn't an issue, and I enjoy a good biological discussion when I can find one.

  11. #11
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Agreed on the overthinking lol

    Dont think I can elaborate much on the subject, specially at a biology level.

    I do remember reading old thread where most vets seemed to prefer the pre-workout pin. Seemed logical to me.
    The blood influx will help heal the damage from the pin, but like you say it will be a diminute advantage. At another level I prefer preworkout pins as there will be a peak of the drug being taken directly to the worked muscle, of course in short esters. Long ester might again have diminute returns.

    Its only my opinion, havent researched the subject from medical or pharmaceutical point of view.

  12. #12
    Alta's Avatar
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    I pin 2ml prop EOD, and I always do it pre-workout (or within a few hours). I also pin the muscle I'm going to be working.

    I find if I stretch and roll my quads with this thing Muscle Roller Stick: How to chose the best muscle roller for your money. it helps. I get a bit of PIP but not much.

    Heat the vial under hot water, inject straight and slow. Hot shower after, stretch rub and roll, and you're GTG!

  13. #13
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SOULSELL View Post
    i want to run tomorrow, but tonight was my time and the shot came in the quad. i hate quad shots, but that's only because i don't ever do them, but i'm starting to alternate glutes with them to avoid overuse of stick spots. i'm going to try to run, but last time my quad hurt so bad i was limping like a UFC fighter.

    400mg deca / 200mg test sus <-this too much?
    You will be fine to exercise after injection.

  14. #14
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    I ended up on the stair master for 25min. Before and after I did shrugs, which weren't part of anything, but i do want to beef up my neck quite a bit, so i mess around with shrugs and other stuff at home too. my leg was virgin and it hurts. -no swelling

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    thanks for all the posts

  16. #16
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB
    Agreed on the overthinking lol Dont think I can elaborate much on the subject, specially at a biology level. I do remember reading old thread where most vets seemed to prefer the pre-workout pin. Seemed logical to me. The blood influx will help heal the damage from the pin, but like you say it will be a diminute advantage. At another level I prefer preworkout pins as there will be a peak of the drug being taken directly to the worked muscle, of course in short esters. Long ester might again have diminute returns. Its only my opinion, havent researched the subject from medical or pharmaceutical point of view.
    Fair enough, I've always done it after just because I was trying to avoid the pip when lifting. I've done glutes prior and sometimes it was an annoyance but nothing hindering.

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