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Thread: Addicted to tren...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Well, like the title say Im addicted to tren...
    Not addicted to the gainz but addicted to the mental state im in while im on tren.

    I just feel like a god...
    Unfortunatly, cardio is heavily impacted... even at low dose... and not even talking of the insomnia...

    Which steroid can give me that godlike feeling except tren...
    I assume it is the androgens responsible for this feeling.

    Masteron might help, I never ran it without tren... any input on this one??

    Halotestin is likely to give the same feleing but is so hepatoxic(and freaking expensive...)

    Im blasting and cruising, for your information.(more like blasting year round XD)

    my last run with tren has been harsh and I dont feel like doing tren for a while but I keep thinking about How I feel on tren and I want to jab 5cc in my glutes... 5cc each glutes!!!(kidding... but not really...)

    Last but not the least right 1g test-e a week. And feel no where near as godly...


  2. #2
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    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    Well, like the title say Im addicted to tren...
    Not addicted to the gainz but addicted to the mental state im in while im on tren.

    I just feel like a god...
    Unfortunatly, cardio is heavily impacted... even at low dose... and not even talking of the insomnia...

    Which steroid can give me that godlike feeling except tren...
    I assume it is the androgens responsible for this feeling.

    Masteron might help, I never ran it without tren... any input on this one??

    Halotestin is likely to give the same feleing but is so hepatoxic(and freaking expensive...)

    Im blasting and cruising, for your information.(more like blasting year round XD)

    my last run with tren has been harsh and I dont feel like doing tren for a while but I keep thinking about How I feel on tren and I want to jab 5cc in my glutes... 5cc each glutes!!!(kidding... but not really...)

    Last but not the least right 1g test-e a week. And feel no where near as godly...

    Sucks to be u! Jk

    Addictions suck man and the only real thing to do is to put it in your head that u will not do it again and have good support. If u ever need help plz reach out before u grab on again to tren or anything else

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Replacing your addiction with another drug never works. Just because it's steroids doesn't mean anything, drug addicts are addicted to the feeling they get form whatever drug they use. I think it's time to get help and stop using altogether. If you need any help I've definitely been there and can give you any help you need.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by 73rr View Post
    Sucks to be u! Jk

    Addictions suck man and the only real thing to do is to put it in your head that u will not do it again and have good support. If u ever need help plz reach out before u grab on again to tren or anything else
    Trying to quit when we have absolutly no will to do so... kind of never works...
    at resonable dose I have enought tren for a year... so if I were to use it I would already be on.
    But as said above im fairly drained for the last 4 month run i did(which was already extremely excessive...).
    Im not gonna die to feel it again!
    But if I can find alternative way... well that is another story...

  5. #5
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    Imagine if your physique reflected this addiction. : |

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mp859 View Post
    Imagine if your physique reflected this addiction. : |
    If you think my physique dont reflected steroid use then your standard are heavily impaired.

  7. #7
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    All in your head bro

    I ran tren at least 18 months out of the last 2 years - at just about every dose from 200mg per week to close to one gram.

    Now I'm off - been of any form/quantity of tren for 3 months. I'm not gonna say I'm not itchy to just jump back on. But, it's just not a good idea - it's like getting high, you can't just stay that way & the longer you're on the worse the come off.

    Get your BW & look at your lipids - it'll make u cringe, guaranteed

  8. #8
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    Fella, please don't take this as an insult as its not my intent. From your Avi you look a little soft almost chubby, are you really getting the desired physic you are looking for???
    You can literally be taking years maybe decades off your life from the drug abuse. May seriously be time to reevaluate and reach out for help,will only get more difficult as time goes by.

    Good luck

  9. #9
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    I can relate to what your feeling...I also stayed on tren for more than's easily the most powerful hormone out there but it does drain you alot...but the sleepless nights finally made me come off it...and glad I did because after a certain period it was wearing me down...I will defo use again but in shorter bursts

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by bullshark99 View Post
    Fella, please don't take this as an insult as its not my intent. From your Avi you look a little soft almost chubby, are you really getting the desired physic you are looking for???
    You can literally be taking years maybe decades off your life from the drug abuse. May seriously be time to reevaluate and reach out for help,will only get more difficult as time goes by.

    Good luck
    Never said my physique is impresive by internet standard. Im fatter than Id like too but for what I accomplish with what I have(genetic wise) im fairly proud and my physic cannot be each by 90% of people naturally(with average genetic at least).

    Those saying genetics is an excuse are complete moron it is the biggest determinant hands down.
    Anyway that its not the point.

    And none have answered.

    I dont intent to stop using. And BTW my BW are still all good... lipids/liver/blood panel/E2... My blood presure is around 125-130/80.
    And I have no issue whatsoever.

    So dont worry im keeping a close eye on my health marker and do whats needed.

    My goal is to improve my quality of life and tren improves it... the thrive is gives me the cockyness the agression...(which btw im a very relaxed and passif man. Being on tren just give me a sweet spot between asshole and too passive)
    Not talking about the training and physique.
    Overall I enjoy life more being on tren than off...

    And I want that feeling back...
    But Im not stupid and I know tren comes with severe negatives... insomnia, loss of cardio, intense sweating, high blood pressure, ****ed lipids, overall higher health risk...

    At one point the bad outweight the good. And I just want an alternative to reduce the bad at a minimum...

    So if you wanna keep arguing about "go get help..." " stop now... " or any other bullshit in this kind, just dont bother writing anything...

    What I want is real instance of peope feeling tren-like on something else than tren...

  11. #11
    BG's Avatar
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    There is nothing like tren. Once you get a good taste of it you have to figure how to use and not abuse it. First you have to honestly come to terms with yourself what the difference is between abuse and use, I run it once a year and make the most of it. I make sure Im peeked 100% naturally, I prime and make sure my life is order. You get so much more from it that way. I make sure I "earn" my cycle of tren. You need to be mature and responsible, just like with any other drug, or just dont use if you cant do so.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  12. #12
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    I only ran tren once and it was 200mg per week and i felt those mental gains your talking about

    But it cant last forever buddy, i cant think of anything that would make you feel like Tren, its one of a kind? Maybe a high dose of test but then you cant stay on high dose test for long time either

    Its kind of tough sh1t really, enjoy it while your on but you have to come off and feel normal and like i said theres probably nothing out there thats good for your health that will make you feel like that.

    No rec drug here but its like "smoke crack all day you will feel amazing" - theres nothing that exisits that going to make you feel permantley europhic or god like, you will just require more and more as time goes on

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Tren does feel amazing

    -1000ft tall shining golden god

    i read a book called the power of habit. you have a habit and habits can never be destroyed. they can only be replaced. Find the thing that 'triggers' your habit replace the 'action/habit' (taking tren) that leads to your reward, feeling like a god. replace the action you take for that reward

    muscles aren't everything. perhaps you should work on your ability to communicate, deceive, manipulate using rhetoric. or learn a technical skill.
    right now you are a tank warrior. The warrior is, heavy with burden, proud, quick to anger and got to battle. The assassin is light, always has retreat as an option, and uses his/her intelligence rather than brute force. a balanced warrior is best.
    just saying
    Last edited by Tlolec the toilet; 01-10-2016 at 10:37 AM.

  14. #14
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    I felt the best on just test actually. I felt pretty unstoppable on test/anadrol stack, but I wouldnt say god-like or some high. I think alot had to do with RBC boost and strength, workload goes up dramatically.

    For tren, it did become a little addicting at the hardness in the mirror; but the appetite suppression, insomnia, tren cough, full shutdown (only AAS to give ED after cycle), sweats, loss of cardio capacity [kind of a decrease in workload], back hair growth, all with no real gains in mass [strength and aggression]. Maybe you dont have the negatives I do, but it's not hard for me to not use it.

    Think longer term too--your health. You can live a long healthy life taking something non-toxic like testosterone instead. Just my 2 cents..

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    Well, like the title say Im addicted to tren...
    Not addicted to the gainz but addicted to the mental state im in while im on tren.

    I just feel like a god...
    Unfortunatly, cardio is heavily impacted... even at low dose... and not even talking of the insomnia...

    Which steroid can give me that godlike feeling except tren...
    I assume it is the androgens responsible for this feeling.

    Masteron might help, I never ran it without tren... any input on this one??

    Halotestin is likely to give the same feleing but is so hepatoxic(and freaking expensive...)

    Im blasting and cruising, for your information.(more like blasting year round XD)

    my last run with tren has been harsh and I dont feel like doing tren for a while but I keep thinking about How I feel on tren and I want to jab 5cc in my glutes... 5cc each glutes!!!(kidding... but not really...)

    Last but not the least right 1g test-e a week. And feel no where near as godly...

    The only other drug I know of that gives similar effects is a prohormone called trestolone acetate. It's an injectable and rumor has that it's been out of stock for a long time.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland
    The only other drug I know of that gives similar effects is a prohormone called trestolone acetate. It's an injectable and rumor has that it's been out of stock for a long time.
    Clearly not a prohormone.

    And op, either you give up the tren, or you don't. It's your body. I would like to see you post recent bloodwork though.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mp859 View Post
    Clearly not a prohormone.

    And op, either you give up the tren, or you don't. It's your body. I would like to see you post recent bloodwork though.
    Trestolone acetate is sold legally as a prohormone. You can purchase it with a credit card. However, I agree with you that it's probably illegal and currently flying under the radar.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq
    Not addicted to the gainz but addicted to the mental state im in while im on tren. I just feel like god
    I'm pretty sure cocaine and heroin addicts feel this way too. It gives them the mental ability to be someone there not. That God like feeling.Which leads them to do it again and again. But however with any addiction you keep chasing the feeling, but as time moves on so does the buzz. Until ur worn out, still craving the first time.

    Give it a break for a while. Reset. Be smart. Healthy. Live a happy life with no ties to synthetic substances.

  19. #19
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    I guess i am different. Tren gave good results but i couldn't wait to get off it. The sides were not desirable however i will use it as long as i am competing. Could not imagine becoming addicted.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland
    Trestolone acetate is sold legally as a prohormone. You can purchase it with a credit card. However, I agree with you that it's probably illegal and currently flying under the radar.
    Prohormones are no longer legal it the US.

  21. #21
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    I can't answer your question, OP, since you have probably ran a larger variety of compounds than myself, but I do hope you stay safe.

    I don't have the same type of feeling on Tren as you. I'm on 420mg/week right now (7th week), and I absolutely love the results, however, between the night sweats and insomnia, I don't think I could ever become addicted. I also 'feel' better on just Test than I do on Test and Tren. With Tren, I tend to have an irrational sense of aggression that can sometimes cloud my judgment. I have to take a step back and think to myself 'wow, I'm really getting upset over something so small and meaningless?" Test, on the other hand, gives me a feeling of 'dominance' without the unnecessary aggression. Yes, Test makes me more aggressive, but it's a more controlled aggression...I feel like I'm the one in charge rather than a drug controlling my emotions. But to each their own; I know everyone is different.

  22. #22
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    ^^ nice post musclestack

    Im a tren noob but noticed on 200mg tren e for 10 weeks my aggression was a lot more snappy and uncrontollable.

    Aggression is the same on hogh test but i can take the step back and think twice before taking that lunge.

    Nice post, can totaly relate to that, was good to read it from someone else

  23. #23
    TREN is a beast of its own and in reality,,,theres nothing else quite like it IMO.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    I can't answer your question, OP, since you have probably ran a larger variety of compounds than myself, but I do hope you stay safe.

    I don't have the same type of feeling on Tren as you. I'm on 420mg/week right now (7th week), and I absolutely love the results, however, between the night sweats and insomnia, I don't think I could ever become addicted. I also 'feel' better on just Test than I do on Test and Tren. With Tren, I tend to have an irrational sense of aggression that can sometimes cloud my judgment. I have to take a step back and think to myself 'wow, I'm really getting upset over something so small and meaningless?" Test, on the other hand, gives me a feeling of 'dominance' without the unnecessary aggression. Yes, Test makes me more aggressive, but it's a more controlled aggression...I feel like I'm the one in charge rather than a drug controlling my emotions. But to each their own; I know everyone is different.
    Not everyone handle tren the same way.
    I know when I was still with my ex, tren made me feel so anxious and angry!
    I had so much rage inside...
    I didnt felt well at all... therefore I havent used it much...
    But since I left her I feel so peacefull therefore agression is a non-issue... even when i went up to 1g...
    Sleep wise I was on mild sleep meds which worked wonder.
    Night sweat was bearable because now that i sleep alone I can have the room as cold as I need to.

    Test doesnt give me that feeling at all... I would love if it could...

    I guess tren is the only option to have that again... well I wont be godlike year round apparently xD

  25. #25
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    I've run 700mg of tren a for 4weeks on a blast I did feel unstoppable but like muscle said I have to step back and think to myself if I'm getting mad.
    But I do feel like the man on test only without the lethargic feeling or insomnia.
    My topnotch cycle that I felt like a million bucks was 750mg test E and 1gram of mast E.
    I do feel for u brother. The gains are addictive but at sometime u have to think of ur health. Good luck brother I think u know what u have to do

  26. #26
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    What's interesting is that the only sides I have had from tren was excessive sweating & hard to manage gyno flare ups along with a fvcked lipid profile - aggression is marginal until I hit high doses, never lost sleep & I got used to liking the cough.

    Biggest thing that made me want to stay on was the hard look I got from the test/tren/mast combo.

    But, like mentioned above a few times. This is not much dif than any other dope - this isn't the real you, you're on something that you can't just stay on.

    After running about 6-8 months of heavy ace I started to feel toxic. I had a copper like tren taste in my mouth almost 24x7 even while drinking over a gallon of water per day.

    Your body - I have been chasing off personal demons for years & I am finally fairly clean.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    I got used to liking the cough.
    U sick fvck lmao

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212
    U sick fvck lmao

    What?! That's how u know it's the good shit

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post

    What?! That's how u know it's the good shit
    Ahahaha maybe but once to confirm is enough xD
    I did 4 months and toward the end every 2 pin was insane coughing...
    never liked it but to each his own :P

  30. #30
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    A world without islam!!!!
    Test is good enough for me. Makes me feel like a sick cvnt i love it. Im so itching to try hgh but its hard to get enough pharm grade.

    Does anyone who has ran decent dosages of hgh feel god like? Like the way test makes you feel.

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