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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    It's hard to focus because i'm on cycle. What do i do?

    I feel like gear affects my ability to think straight. what can i do?

    I'm taking a few OTC nutropics from LiftMode, and sleeping good.

    -modafinil is a Prescription drug for narcolepsy, and shift work sleep disorder. I've never tried it, but college kids take it. apparently it works pretty damn good. it was popularized in Britain.

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Why don't you post up the cycle you are running and doses?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    last injection (Monday) was 100mg Tren and 250mg Test Sus. before that, (Thursday) i had taken 400mg Deca and 100mg Test Sus. i'm sticking with the former on the next injection. -100mg Tren / 250mg Test Sus.

    I don't like how lately I've been bumping into people totally and completely on accident and have been feeling slightly more aggressive. I got this subtle F**K Y*U kind of attitude that i'm now trying to hide, but it oozes out when i'm working with people now. I'm being stupid. people are starting to stare and say things because i'm not like this normally. i'm just trying to be little ol evil me. it's not like i'm any kind of threat anyways.
    Last edited by Tlolec the toilet; 01-12-2016 at 08:20 PM.

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by SOULSELL
    last injection (Monday) was 100mg Tren and 250mg Test Sus. before that, (Thursday) i had taken 400mg Deca and 100mg Test Sus. i'm sticking with the former on the next injection. -100mg Tren / 250mg Test Sus. I don't like how lately I've been bumping into people totally and completely on accident and have been feeling slightly more aggressive. I got this subtle F**K Y*U kind of attitude that i'm now trying to hide, but it oozes out when i'm working with people now. I'm being stupid. people are starting to stare and say things because i'm not like this normally. i'm just trying to be little ol evil me. it's not like i'm any kind of threat anyways.
    sounds like it's the tren . Have you run tren before?

  5. #5
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    This might be off topic (then again, it might not be), but it seems to me that you didn't plan your cycle properly before you started it. Did you start with the Deca then switch to Tren ? Or did you feel like throwing in one or two pins of Deca in the middle of your cycle? Something's not right here, but I could be wrong. I'll wait for clarification...

  6. #6
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    What is your cyle experience?

  7. #7
    Mp859's Avatar
    Mp859 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Bio took the words out of my mouth. Come off the tren .

  8. #8
    paradawx is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    This might be off topic (then again, it might not be), but it seems to me that you didn't plan your cycle properly before you started it. Did you start with the Deca then switch to Tren? Or did you feel like throwing in one or two pins of Deca in the middle of your cycle? Something's not right here, but I could be wrong. I'll wait for clarification...


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    I'm going to stick with the tren .

    I must have just been getting back into things at work due to having some time off. Also, the OTC nutropics seem to be bringing some very much needed clarity, (they always have) because today was good; I'm finding a way and tomorrow looks good too.

    My aggression is 'nearly' all coming from my body language. it's not causing an issue with my superiors because i know when to play possum. neither is it causing an issue with my subordinates or peers because i need them. it is however affecting the relationships i have with associates from other organizations. naturally i'm pushy, or forceful, and i normally temper it with white lies and my best persuasions. i'm trading persuasion for forcefulness. i'm simply being and idiot because I've strayed from my foundation of values. i'm not a damn cave man, or the colossus, and this shit won't work for me.

    I'm getting stronger, but i had no trouble sleeping whatsoever on my last injection of tren. I thought that was weird. And i've lost 2lbs, but i've cleaned up my diet and i'm doing more jump rope.

    never used tren

    this is my fifth 'cycle' -got my AIs and anti Proges -doing another injection tonight and looking forward to it. -beginning to loose SD though

    could it have been my switching androgens that caused me to slump? because i'm playing with the dosages too much? what if i injected into my ass fat on my last injection?

    Tren, challenge accepted. I'm gonna be so sweet I shit cinnamon buns and sneeze glitter.

    I started with Deca
    Last edited by Tlolec the toilet; 01-13-2016 at 07:31 PM.

  10. #10
    212OlympiaBound's Avatar
    212OlympiaBound is offline Associate Member
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    Gear in general will put me in kindof a "fog." Just spacey, unfocused, weak short-term memory. I personally think it's the worst side effect that comes with juice.

    Tren does it especially severely. I have a theory that it drops my bloodsugar enough to keep me in the low range most of the time and thus affects the brain a bit. Whatever it is, it sucks, and I haven't figured out how to fix it.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    well, i'll see tomorrow. coffee and nutropics seem to do me the trick

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