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Thread: NPP, TPP, EQ combo - your quick thoughts?

  1. #1
    Optical TDI is offline New Member
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    Sep 2015

    NPP, TPP, EQ combo - your quick thoughts?

    Hi, I'll be starting my 2nd cycle in a few weeks once I've had more time to recover. Here is what my supplier provided me based on my body composition. He looked at me with only shorts on. I'm at 16.3% bodyfat, down from over 20% in September. First cycle was Tren for 10 weeks, Test E 1st 5 weeks, Sust 2nd 5 weeks, Winstrol weeks 2-10, Arimidex 1mg EOD throughout. Based on what I've read, this was probably not the best beginner cycle, but I did not have any adverse affects and felt great throughout. Did 4 weeks of PCT with Nolva and Clomid. Didn't mentally crash at all, except now libido is down.

    Current stats: 43 years old, 197 lbs, 16.3% bodyfat. Working toward hitting 15% prior to next cycle.

    I've read the profiles and the different stacks on this site, but there aren't any specific to TPP, NPP, and EQ together. He didn't recommend an AI this time, but I do worry about gyno even though I had no symptoms during 1st cycle.

    I have 20ml each of NPP 100mg, TPP 150mg, and EQ 300mg. Should I take 1cc each x2 weekly? That's 1100mg per week, which sounds high.

    What do you guys recommend for the NPP, TPP, and EQ? Maybe just 2 of the 3 or all 3 together? Thanks so much.
    Last edited by Optical TDI; 01-15-2016 at 12:38 PM.

  2. #2
    NACH3's Avatar
    NACH3 is offline VET
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    No AI/DA/HCG mentioned?? These are ancillaries that are needed -

    IMHO your jumping into something over your head for a second cycle! 19nors are no joke! While it wouldn't be bad to add one new compound but 2 new compounds and a 19nor(progestins) are a whole new ballgame!

    Also, do not go by Gyno as not having sides! Im assuming no BW was taken pre/mid/post cycle?? BW paints the the entire picture of what's going on internally(high/or low E2 - im guessing high with no ai... Andit running a 19nor your Prolactin will follow elevated E2)

    Read these links and post up your exact cycle im mgs/wk(not ml) w/all said ancillaries and your PCT protocol!
    When did your last cycle stop?
    TheTaxMan likes this.

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