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Thread: Liver Damage

  1. #1

    Liver Damage

    Here is an excerpt from an article discussing the affects of anabolic steroids on the liver:
    Yes, depending on the type of anabolic steroid used, the
    amount, and the length of time taken.(1,2) When the
    liver is under stress or damaged, increased amounts of certain
    chemicals (SGOT, SGPT, and others) are found in the bloodstream.
    "Liver function tests" detect these chemicals as a measure of
    stress and possible liver damage. Anabolic steroid abusers have up
    to twice the level of these chemicals in their blood compared to
    non-users.(1) These values may return to normal if the
    person stops taking anabolic steroids.(1) SGOT and SGPT are
    released while the liver is being injured. Once the damaging
    process is over, no further release occurs. Whether the damaged
    tissue repairs itself is unclear. Thus, the damage done may
    continue to exist despite normal SGOT and SGPT blood levels.

    With all the cycles to use, there are different types of testosterone injections. So my question is, "which types are safest for the liver, but give the best gains?"


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    generally T injections have little effects on liver, orals are the ones you need to pay attention to. yes larger injections may raise liver enzymes but you can combat that with liver support like NAC, Milk Thistle, etc...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    generally T injections have little effects on liver, orals are the ones you need to pay attention to. yes larger injections may raise liver enzymes but you can combat that with liver support like NAC, Milk Thistle, etc...
    ^^ agreed! It's always wise to run liver support at all times during a cycle... As bass stated its the Orals you really need to watch... NAC is great and one notch up would be UDCA imho

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