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Thread: Rate this cycle and give some feed back

  1. #1

    Rate this cycle and give some feed back

    -Test p. 1-3. 50. EOD
    -NPP. 1-3. 50. EOD
    -DBOL/ANAD 1-4. 50. HEAVY DAYS
    -TEST E. 1-12. 750. WEEK
    -DECA. 1-12. 500. WEEK
    -HGH. 1-18. 3iu ED
    -WINSTROlL. 7-12. 50. ED
    -AROMASIN. 1-14. 50. EOD
    14-18. 100. ED
    -NOLVA 15-18. 40. ED
    -CLOMID. 15-16. 100. ED
    17-18. 50. ED
    -HCG. 12-14. 1000iu WEEK

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    UK (Nr London)
    Besides the obvious.
    Why prop, why NPP, why Dbol, why Anadrol, why Deca and why Winstrol. What's the purpose, goal?
    Age, height, weight, BF, training experience, cycle experience.

    HCG should be used in the cycle, as should the AI.

    this just seems like you've found a load of leftovers and decided to make a random cycle.

    Sent from my iPhone using Forum
    Last edited by krugerr; 01-25-2016 at 03:09 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Besides what was said above, doing 3IU's of HGH for a few months is not going to do much, if anything; even if it is real. I personally would not waste the money on HGH until you can do it for a long period of time; such as a few years straight at 3IU's. It is a very subtle compound. When it is real, and can be done for a long time it is an awesome compound though.

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