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  1. #1
    gege2003 is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2015

    Hematocrit go down for no reason

    hi guys i have a problem.. my hematocrit and hemoglobin are coming down on a cycle 700mg of test prop.

    My hemoglobin one time reach 18.7 with hematocrit of 54,couple week ago was at 18 one week after donate blood 17.. this week 15.8 with a hematocrit of 47.5. I am still on and my gain pretty much stopped and i look like shit, bloated fat mess i keep increasing my adex dose i was on 0.5mg eod now i will try ed.
    Another value almost out of range is MPV(Platelets) on higher side.
    Cholesterol OK
    TRIGLyCERIDE slight high at 160.

    My cycle hystory

    16 week on test prop 700mg ew 100mg ed
    4 week on trt at 250mg
    come back at 700mg ew but take 200mg eod(4ml)

    i looked my best week on trt dose 5.9 80kg 18%bf after one week carb deload and a refeed.

    Now that i come back on 700mg 4 week in i look like a fat watery mess with a shitload of acne but i am only 1kg heavier.

    what is happening? Currently on 500kcal surplus
    Last edited by gege2003; 01-29-2016 at 01:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Dont know whats happening, just want to tell you that gains are not non-stop.

    Meaning that you can only grow so much, then no matter how much hormones you put in your growth window shuts. You need to let your body recover and reset yourself.

    How many cycles have you done before?

  3. #3
    gege2003 is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Dont know whats happening, just want to tell you that gains are not non-stop.

    Meaning that you can only grow so much, then no matter how much hormones you put in your growth window shuts. You need to let your body recover and reset yourself.

    How many cycles have you done before?
    My cycle hystory is in the post.

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by gege2003 View Post
    My cycle hystory is in the post.
    What does your nutrition look like?

  5. #5
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Any chance the stuff you're using now is fake?

  6. #6
    gege2003 is offline Junior Member
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    I follow the macros on the diet section.. 3200kcal diet 500kcal plus my tdee high carb high pro low fat.

  7. #7
    gege2003 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Any chance the stuff you're using now is fake?
    pharma stuff

  8. #8
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by gege2003 View Post
    pharma stuff
    What brand? Did you pick it up yourself from the pharmacy?

  9. #9
    gege2003 is offline Junior Member
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    please someone help me, i can't stand watch my self in the mirror.. i look like shit at moment and don't know whatsupp.

  10. #10
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Most the time this is diet related... Are you running an ai to manage estrogen?

  11. #11
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    Most the time this is diet related... Are you running an ai to manage estrogen?
    High estrogen would also explain the seeming decrease in H&H, because it would increase water retention and blood volume, thereby diluting the blood.

  12. #12
    gege2003 is offline Junior Member
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    i am using adex on injection day 0.5mg... the estrogen theory make sense but why i am only 1kg heavier? 1kg change the way you look? i don't think so.

  13. #13
    gege2003 is offline Junior Member
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    other guess?

  14. #14
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Get blood work. Or just come off for now.

  15. #15
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hes on cycle for over 20 weeks and wants to keep growing, just doesnt work that way, what he should do is come off and let his body recover.

    Theres no diet or bloodwork in the world that will help him keep growing ffs...

  16. #16
    gege2003 is offline Junior Member
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    if i up the dose? to 300mg eod from 200 can work?

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Why are you concerned that your hematocrit is going down?

  18. #18
    gege2003 is offline Junior Member
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    because on cycle htc increase usually, my doc told that blood donation had depleted my iron store and testosterone as keep me from developing full anemia.

  19. #19
    MMA_Influenced's Avatar
    MMA_Influenced is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah, your body can only do so much 20 weeks of bulking on cycle? You want to look better? Get off the stuff, do some pct, and get on the treadmill and on your cardio and shed the fat.

    So many guys who get in the gym are keeping way too much excess fat and its hiding all their hard work. Shed the extra pounds you got in the 20 weeks of bulking. Your muscles will pop and you will look much more attractive to the ladies. What is your BF % at right now? You should focus on cutting and giving your body a chance to recover. Then you reset and hit the weights hard on your next cycle but in all honestly bro? Thats like 12 weeks away.

    Body building is a life style and it has to be done correctly for the desired effects. Drop the damn fat and give your body the recovery time it needs.. keep lifting but dont kill yourself. If you use the stuff for too long? Your body will lose the ability to create testosterone on its own... then you will really be ****ed.

    Realize that you need to do this. You need to treat your body right if its going to grow. If you have obsession or you are afraid to get "too light" losing fat? You cant accept the fact you have to go through a cutting phase? You will NEVER achieve your goal body.

    For me cutting was always like christmas.. I got to unwrap the gift (all the hard work) from all the bulking. Bulking natural I was putting on about a half pound of muscle + half pound of fat a week... got in the gym and cut the fat.. body looked great.

  20. #20
    gege2003 is offline Junior Member
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    My bodyfat is pretty high,like 20%... htpa is not an issue because i was putting on trt from when i was 20 my test was 400.

    i know i need to cut but is hard because actually when cutting i look worse and a lot smaller.

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