This is my first post on here, so first and foremost hello everyone,
I am thinking about doing my first steroid cycle, and have a couple of questions and concerns before doing so, and I hope you guys can help me out.
1. First things first. As sorry as I am to say I am no teenager anymore, and at 30 years old I not only feel like its the appropriate time for my first cycle, but I can honestly already notice that unfortunately my levels of testosterone are over the hill so to speak and are only bound to decrease in the future. I am not sure if its real or psychosomatic, but my overall sex drive and mood feel less "pronounced" than they used to in my early twenties. At the same time, it might just be everyday life and the stress that comes with it that is affecting them. This being said, if the only thing I end up getting out of my first cycle is mood, libido and blood test level boost with no side effects then I will still be satisfied.
2. While I wish I had the money for it, I have not had a Testosterone level test in a very long time. This being said, I have never had any heart, kidney or liver problems and I am willing to accept all the risks associated with my first cycle without a hormone level screening.
3. While I have never used any steroid, in my early twenties from when i was 20 to 24, I was able to get enormous on a shitload of protein powders(mainly weight gainers like UN Muscle Juice but would throw in isolates for post-training)+aminos and other nutritions, great creatine stacks at the time (Shock therapy+Storm from I think Universal was excellent), a tried-and-true workout plan that I loved doing, and a hoover vacuum for a mouth (in all seriousness the amount of weigh gainers and food I would consume was sometimes downright disgusting. At times, I was consuming 3000 calories in daily protein shakes alone ). Over a three year span I got from 164 lbs. (an effect of removing useless calories from my diet and massive amounts of cardio exercise at the time - at my height of 6'5" I was an underweight skeleton, but at the same time I was flying around a basketball court like a butterfly) to 257 lbs. and believe me I was huge. I used to swim as a kid, so for some reason my back, neck and shoulders got huge very quickly, and one summer whenever I wore shorts it looked almost comical. My strength stats were dissapointing for the first half of it, but once I started using Storm and getting closer to my mid 20s the strength started matching my size. I think my max for bench press was 253 lbs X 5 times (all the weights I had in the garage + bar, never went for my real 1x max but did lift 277.5lbs when I got a one-day guest pass from a friend to a local gym )
Well the reason I stopped lifting was that my weight gain proved too rapid for my tendons and ligaments. While lifting I continued to play basketball, and after hitting 220lbs I could notice that my knees would hurt more often than before after a couple of hours of play. At 235lbs, the pain would spread to my ankles, and would last for more than a day after playing on concrete outside. At 245lbs. I started to be the one who voted for half court 3x3 instead of 5x5 full, and finally at 257 lbs. I started to avoid full court games like the plague and hated guards who would put up shots, because being the center I had to always run from rim to rim while those jerks only had to get as far as the perimeter. Then, one day playing I found myself in the zone, and played full court for far too long even after my knees and feet were on fire. I barely made it back to the car that night, and in the days that followed I realized that this time I ended up actually doing serious damage to my knees and ankles. Inflammation was so bad in one of my ankles that I thought one of the bones was protruding through it, and while the pain was not particularly intense, it looked bad enough that i gave in and went to a specialist who was pretty depressing when he saw my scans. Arthritis signs here, calcified tendons there, and subcutaneous scar tissue to top it all off. He actually gave me a serious prescription for vicodin, which I thought was ridiculous, when I only wanted something for inflammation and wasn't really in pain. I eventually did talk him into giving me a shot of something for inflammation - I think cortisol, which apparently is more serious than Vicodin, smh? - and when I asked him what I should do to prevent future damage, he said either lose weight or stop running and jumping on concrete, but preferably both.
After that, I restructured by whole exercise plan around shedding my weight instead of gaining it, switched all weight gainers for protein isolates, and cut my calorie intake by 2/3. From Nov to end of March next year, I went from 250lbs to 185lbs. (not as intense as it may sound, because the first 10-15 pounds were waterweight and only sustained by the huge amount of calories I consumed before). I lost most of my visible muscle mass, but my strength did not decrease as much and at the end I was still able to lift 210-215 at one-two times depending on the day. Eventually, real life started setting in and my schedule limited my chances to lift as I no longer had a gym in my garage (actually I no longer had a garage, after moving out) and didnt really have to desire to go to the gym after getting home from work. Following Dr's advice to continue with some form of leg exercises, I switched to cycling, and got seriously into it for a while, going as far as doing a century-race (100 mi timed, mine was six hours almost to the minute) and a brevet (200km/125 miles without a time limit but you cant go faster than like 20mph or so). Now I work as a skilled carpenter, and there are days where weightlifting in the gym for an hour seems pretty easy. I have had days where all we did for 10 hours was carry Type-X 5/8 in fire resistant sheetrock up the stairs to the second floor of an office building. Once I added protein shakes to my daily meals at work, my muscle mass from the early days started making a gradual comeback to a point where I began to miss it. I eventually set up a bench in my basement, and also got a gym membership for any exercises I might want to do but dont have the equipment for.
Q:Currently I am only at 200-205lbs. but with really low fat % so I do have a long way to go before I get to anything close to my previous weight max, but I would like to do it differently this time. I am definitely looking for weight and muscle gains, and with a more appropriate diet than before I am hoping to not increase my fat % as significantly as i did in the past. I am guessing I could probably throw in a storm and shock therapy combo at least once before my cycle, and get what I can out of that beforehand. Or, if advisable I could combine it with my first cycle. What do you think, start the cycle soon, or go through with like a 5-6 week creatine stack cycle first?
4. I know this will sound ridiculous, but I would like to avoid needles for my first cycle. I realize it is not really advisable for the first cycle and 300-500 mg test is best, but what about winstrol, anavar, methandienone, andriol or oxymetholone (only have heard of the first three, don't even know what oxydrolone is but those are all the ones I have access to in tablet form) as a substitute? I also realize that tablet-based steroids do put a lot of strain on both the kidneys and the liver, and I will definitely take that into account before I make my final decision what to go with.
Thanks for all your help in advance