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Thread: Tren dosage question

  1. #1

    Tren dosage question

    I had a quick question, hoping to get some of the vets experience. Is it even worth running a cycle with tren at the low dose of 200mg weekly? It's tren e and I know a lot of guys will run their tren higher than their test, but do y'all think good results can be gained from such a low dose?
    Thanks as always for y'all's experience.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I am running it with only 100mg/wk and it is giving just the boost I am looking for.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    I'm not a vet AT ALL, however, I do know you'll see gains from 200mg weekly. Remember, Tren is 5x more potent than Test, so think of that 200mg of tren as 1000mg of Test. Plus, if you've never run tren before, a low dose such as 200 is good to start with considering you have no idea how you'll react to it considering its a 19-nor steroid. Have you used Deca or NPP before?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperNova93
    I'm not a vet AT ALL, however, I do know you'll see gains from 200mg weekly. Remember, Tren is 5x more potent than Test, so think of that 200mg of tren as 1000mg of Test. Plus, if you've never run tren before, a low dose such as 200 is good to start with considering you have no idea how you'll react to it considering its a 19-nor steroid. Have you used Deca or NPP before?
    oh yea. I love npp. Ran it last spring, best I ever looked. I love deca also, but it bloats me too bad. I've worked way too hard to lose weight to walk around feeling like I look bad...haha

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by gettinbig30 View Post
    oh yea. I love npp. Ran it last spring, best I ever looked. I love deca also, but it bloats me too bad. I've worked way too hard to lose weight to walk around feeling like I look bad...haha
    haha! yeah I hear ya! Well if you've had other 19-nors, then I'm sure you know what sides to expect. As long as you got some caber or prami on hand, you should be good with 200. You'll get better results by running Acetate though due to more stable blood levels, and IF you end up with sides, they'll show up and go away quickly, where as if you use Enanthate, and the sides get bad, you're stuck with those sides for a few weeks imo if I was going to take tren RIGHT now with my cycle, I would take it @ 200mg Enanthate. Just be aware and look out for possible sides mate!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Yes - it's worth running

    I am about to jump on another long low dose tren cycle. The longer duration & low dose seems to cause much less sides - yet, you get a damn decent result when the shit kicks in at full force.

    200mg a week is most likely what I will be running

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Is tren the only component? I have run 19nors cycles only before, but i will not do it again. After 4 weeks its all a mess inside the head. You really need test along with it.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin
    Is tren the only component? I have run 19nors cycles only before, but i will not do it again. After 4 weeks its all a mess inside the head. You really need test along with it.
    no def not the only component. 650 test weekly. I've ran tren ace before but was at a high BF and didn't get the results I was hoping for. Been stocking up tren e for a year now, with all the promos I get from my source through out this year, I've got enough for 3 years, haha

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> >
    Yes - it's worth running I am about to jump on another long low dose tren cycle. The longer duration & low dose seems to cause much less sides - yet, you get a damn decent result when the shit kicks in at full force. 200mg a week is most likely what I will be running
    since its enanthate, I know it's prob best to split it to twice a week, do you think making it once a week will be fine?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Ive ran one cycle of tren so far and it was 200mg tren e per week with 250mg test e per week

    Strength and libido through the rough
    First couple of weeks i was getting minor night sweats then it settled
    I had some good gains on that cycle

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