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Thread: Belize

  1. #1


    I have had property in Belize for over 10 years and have purchased my birth control pills OTC there forever, but never asked for any kind of steroid. My fiance uses self-administered test as TRT (low dose, not for cycle) and i was wondering if anyone has experience getting this in BElize? I figured my little village proly won't have it so I might have to go to Belize City. I've heard that several guys that work out at the big gym there use gear and there is a small body-building community (Belize is REALLY small). I wont have time to run across the western border into Guatemala. ANyone know? THanks in advance.

  2. #2
    I don't know for a fact, but if I had to guess I would say you could most likely go to a pharmacy and buy AAS over the counter without a script, similar to Mexico. The rules aren't as stringent in that part of the world as they are here in the US. Which makes absolutely no sense at all, hell Tylenol is way more dangerous then AAS and that can be bought over the counter in the US, but AAS is a controlled substance. So in other words in regards to AAS it seems like that part of the world has way more common sense, they have bigger fish to fry then to worry about some one using test for their personal use.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Yes they will sell it to u. In bze city, theres a pharmacy inside a grocery on albert st. . shitts a lil high if u ask me, about 14 test amp. 16 deca. Theres a few more i forgot. It all comes from .mex.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    What village?i ask because i knew of a dr. That had several pharms around bz, and if by chance u need a script, im sure i could dig up a #Or email . He would just tell u where to go. . This was. 10 yrs bck though. GL.
    Last edited by poppz; 02-15-2016 at 09:37 PM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by poppz View Post
    Yes they will sell it to u. In bze city, theres a pharmacy inside a grocery on albert st. . shitts a lil high if u ask me, about 14 test amp. 16 deca. Theres a few more i forgot. It all comes from .mex.

    One day I plan to visit Belize,,,beautiful place I have never been too. I will pass on the MEX gear though

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Its organon mostly, some tabs ,but forgot the company,

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