I'm about to start my second cycle in a couple of months and I'm considering doing test p and tren a. My first cycle was almost precisely one year ago and was a 500mg/ew test e only cycle for 12 weeks. I ate like crazy the first 8 weeks and basically everything I could get my hands on so I didn't count macros or calories but I now for a fact that i ate way above maintenance. After about 8 weeks I started getting sloppy but at the end of the cycle I had gained 22 pounds, most of wich was water and fat of course. The only sideeffect I got was some pretty severe bloating but I didn't use any AI and my diet was not on point.
Anyways, now im ready to get on my second cycle and I would like to get some input on my dosages and diet. My intention is to do a lean bulk.
Here are my stats:
Age: 20
Weight: 172lbs, pretty lean
Been training for about 4 years
Bench: 220*1
Deadlift: 285*1
Squat: 308*4
Meal 1 - 180g eggwhites, 150g oats, ~40g peanutbutter, ~80g whey, 1 banana
Meal 2 - 100g chickenbreast, 200g rice, 100g broccolli, 50g black beans, 50g corn
Meal 3 - 100g chickenbreast, 200g rice, 100g broccolli, 50g black beans, 50g corn
Meal 4 - 180g eggwhites, 250g rice
Meal 5 - 100g chickenbreast, 200g rice, 100g broccolli, 50g black beans, 50g corn
Meal 6 - 150g-200g of whatever meat I wish to eat with 200g rice/pasta/potatoes
Meal 7 - 180g eggwhites, ~80g whey
Meal 8 - Tuna/cottage cheese/quark/shake, and some casein before bed
I will also try to get a midnight caseinshake in if I can manage to wake up.
This sums up to ~4044 calories, ~398g protein, ~462g carbs, ~66g fat
Now for my cycle I will start off with 40mg tren a ed the first week to see how i react. If I feel like I react good on it I'll bump it up to 60mg ed for 4 weeks. If I still feel like I can handle the sides I'll bump it up to 80mg ed for 3 more weeks. I'll be running 40mg of test p ed for 12 weeks aswell as about 0.5 arimidex e3d. PCT will be a 40/40/20/20 nolvadex with 2000ui of hcg e5d for 4 weeks after the last test shot.
Do you think its a good idea to go as high as 80mg tren on my first time ever trying tren even if I can handle the sides? How does my macros look and are my calories high enough? I've read that you can eat like a beast on tren and still not gain much fat, so do you thing I could bump up my calories by 500 without adding too much fat on?