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Thread: Need Help with Mixing hCG with Test E + Dosing Help

  1. #1

    Questions About Insulin Pins/Dosing/Injecting

    EDIT: After reading the below posts, I realized that what I was going to do before was a bad idea.

    My Equipment:
    hCG at 5000ius
    Test E at 250mg/ml

    My Cycle:
    250ius per 3.5 days
    250mg per 3.5 days
    Arimidex, Nolvadex, Clomid

    1. Can I use insulin pins for my cycle?
    2. Can insulin pin needles be changed?
    3. When reconstituting 2ml in hCG 5000iu, how much would that be on a insulin pin (for 250ius)?
    4. If I use insulin pins for my cycle, does that mean I would have to pin four times per week?
    5. When I'm drawing from the vial in the future, do I have to make a new "drawing point" every time or do I just reuse an open hole? The rubber stopper is kinda small so I'm not sure if I can keep rotating drawing points without breaking off some rubber.
    Last edited by thrw.w4y; 02-19-2016 at 10:10 PM. Reason: More/new questions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    when it comes to the dosing, if you're mixing 2ml with the HCG than 1ml is going to be 2500iu. so .1ml would be 250iu. When it comes to injecting the air, draw 1.1ml of air, inject 1ml into the test, pull out, inject .1ml into the HCG, then draw .1ml of the HCG, pull out, and stick it into the test and pull out 1ml of test, THEN switch the needle to a 23 or 25G(which ever you're using to inject) and give 'er.

  3. #3
    So just to confirm/double-check, after I draw 1.1ml of air, I inject only 1ml of air into the Test E, then pull out again without drawing anything right? Then I inject the remaining 0.1ml of air into the hCG and THEN I finally draw from the hCG? Also, just to be clear, I don't have to draw in 1ml of air again when I finally draw from the Test E at the end?

    Also, when I'm drawing from the vial in the future, do I have to make a new "drawing point" everytime or do I just reuse an open hole? The rubber stopper is kinda small so I'm not sure I can keep rotating drawing points.

    By the way, thanks for all the help.
    Last edited by thrw.w4y; 02-19-2016 at 04:43 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Dude, it will be a lot less hassle to use subq to pin the HCG, its completely painless with slin pins.

    How you going to measure 0,1 ml with a 5ml syringe???

    And there is the possibility of contaminating the vials cause its not so easy to put the 2 substances in the syringe, one is water the other is oil.

    Also, wrong choice of syringes, get some 2 or 3 ml ones.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Like Mr.BB said, if you have the 5ml syringes, it'll be rather difficult measuring .1ml. On a 3ml it's super easy.

  6. #6
    Thanks Mr. BB and SuperNova93. I got the 5ml needles from a friend for free. Got some really good info from your posts. I just had a few more questions.

    1. Can I use insulin pins for my cycle?
    2. Can insulin pin needles be changed?
    3. When reconstituting 2ml in hCG, how much would that be on a insulin pin (for 250ius)?
    4. If I use insulin pins without mixing the compounds (hCG and Test E) together, wouldn't that mean I would have to pin four times per week?
    5. When I'm drawing from the vial in the future, do I have to make a new "drawing point" every time or do I just reuse an open hole? The rubber stopper is kinda small so I'm not sure if I can keep rotating drawing points.
    Last edited by thrw.w4y; 02-19-2016 at 10:09 PM. Reason: More/new questions.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    1. Yes for hcg, no for oils. Im saying to pin oil and hcg separately
    2. Best to use insulin pins with fixed needle, as no product is lost in these
    3. 250uis is same in every pin. If you use 2ml in 5000ui, 0.1ml will be 250ui. So its the 10 mark on the insulin pin.
    4. Yes, 2 IM pins for oils, 2 subq pins for hcg. Subq pins are very easy to do...
    5. Its rubber, it will close it self up. Impossible to reuse same hole.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    1. Yes for hcg, no for oils. Im saying to pin oil and hcg separately
    2. Best to use insulin pins with fixed needle, as no product is lost in these
    3. 250uis is same in every pin. If you use 2ml in 5000ui, 0.1ml will be 250ui. So its the 10 mark on the insulin pin.
    4. Yes, 2 IM pins for oils, 2 subq pins for hcg. Subq pins are very easy to do...
    5. Its rubber, it will close it self up. Impossible to reuse same hole.
    For #2, I heard drawing and pinning with the same needle is bad for you. Anyways, that answers all my questions. Thank you. *Liked and +rep.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by thrw.w4y View Post
    For #2, I heard drawing and pinning with the same needle is bad for you. Anyways, that answers all my questions. Thank you. *Liked and +rep.
    Drawing and pinning with same needle is not good cause you need a big needle to draw oils, which is not very good to stab yourself with.
    Drawing water based solutions is very different, you can easily draw the hcg with 30g insuling pins.

    This is how almost everyone here does it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Drawing and pinning with same needle is not good cause you need a big needle to draw oils, which is not very good to stab yourself with.
    Drawing water based solutions is very different, you can easily draw the hcg with 30g insuling pins.

    This is how almost everyone here does it.
    Could you imagine pinning with a 20g or an 18g? haha might have to stitch up the opening after each pin! (exaggeration)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Just want to make sure that you used bac water for the hCG and not the saline solution. Also, make sure you keep it refridgerated.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Drawing and pinning with same needle is not good cause you need a big needle to draw oils, which is not very good to stab yourself with.
    Drawing water based solutions is very different, you can easily draw the hcg with 30g insuling pins.

    This is how almost everyone here does it.
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperNova93 View Post
    Could you imagine pinning with a 20g or an 18g? haha might have to stitch up the opening after each pin! (exaggeration)
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Just want to make sure that you used bac water for the hCG and not the saline solution. Also, make sure you keep it refridgerated.
    Ah, I see. Thanks. Also, yes, I am using bac water for hCG.

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