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Thread: Blood results on liver, and a few other Q's

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Blood results on liver, and a few other Q's

    Just going through some bloodwork I had done, and I had a few questions. It was done while on Test P and Anavar last year. My liver values went up (doc thought they were high) so I dropped the var.

    ALT level pre cycle :28 u/l and then during:47 u/l
    AST level pre cycle: 33 u/l and then during: 137 u/l

    My bloodpressure was also all over the map. I'm usually 120-130/80, and I was right around 155/100 on cycle (while on the orals).

    So based on that, are my liver values actually that high?

    Is my BP all that high, or is it still "normal"?

    Will NAC help lower those values if I run Var again?

    I'm planning another cycle in May, and I'm thinking
    Test E 500/wk wk 1-14
    Test Prop frontload 150EOD week 1-3
    HGH 3iu 5 on 2 off
    Anavar (I have leftovers) week 12-14, 50mg/day

    And another weird one. My B12 was 911 pmol/L. What the heck is THAT from?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Your liver is fine, values actually low for on cycle.

    BP you need to address it, is 155/100 for the whole day? When did you measure it.

    Dont understand whats weird about b12.

  3. #3
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    Apr 2015
    Huh. Those liver values scared the hell outta me! Doc said it was hepatitis ranges, so of course I panic and drop the oral. Those values were also with no liver support.

    BP was up and down, but usually averaged that through readings in the AM, afternoon and PM. It has since dropped right down to normal. I just ran a cycle of prop and noticed no measurable spike in BP, so I correlated it to the orals.

    On my bloodwork the B12 level was listed as 155-700 as a normal range, and it is back to 370. Just curious what would cause a spike in vitamin B12.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Had you used ~3g of NAC daily, your liver enzymes would have been OK.

    155/100 is high. Not "call da amberlamps!!" high, but "go see your doc for a lisinopril Rx" high.

  5. #5
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Alta View Post
    Huh. Those liver values scared the hell outta me! Doc said it was hepatitis ranges, so of course I panic and drop the oral. Those values were also with no liver support.

    BP was up and down, but usually averaged that through readings in the AM, afternoon and PM. It has since dropped right down to normal. I just ran a cycle of prop and noticed no measurable spike in BP, so I correlated it to the orals.

    On my bloodwork the B12 level was listed as 155-700 as a normal range, and it is back to 370. Just curious what would cause a spike in vitamin B12.
    Sorry, i did not read correctly your liver values, i was wrong, 137 is high for AST, probably only looked at the ALT as is the ussual one to be higher.
    You did good in stopping the orals.

    Was it really anavar? Were you on AI? High E2 will raise BP.

    B12 could have raised from extra protein (meat) intake, if not supplementing it.

  6. #6
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    Don't forget that any medicine that you take orally can effect your liver. Especially meds like Tylenol, any prescription pain meds, anti fungals. Any of that stuff on cycle with an oral like var is gonna be hell on the liver. And high test doses with var will raise BP. BP meds like lysinapril doesn't treat that kind of high BP. If I were you I would be very careful using oral steroids in the future. Just cycle safe bro.

  7. #7
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    Low Dose Daily Cialis would have taken care of that BP I would suspect.
    I also believe that 1200mgs of NAC would have kept liver values in line (BTW - Those are far from horrible, I have seen and personally experienced significantly worse pre my NAC use)

  8. #8
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    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup
    Low Dose Daily Cialis would have taken care of that BP I would suspect. I also believe that 1200mgs of NAC would have kept liver values in line (BTW - Those are far from horrible, I have seen and personally experienced significantly worse pre my NAC use)
    My hemoglobin shot up to 20.2 on a test only cycle at 300 mg/week. Precycle bloods had my hemoglobin at 17.0. It kind of spooked me. I gave blood at the 4 week mark where it measured 18.2 upon donation. IYO, is this alarming?

  9. #9
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    Yeah I picked up some cialis before my last test cycle just in case it spiked again. It didn't though, it barely moved. Seems I tolerate test quite well.

    I was on an AI yes. .25 adex that I bumped to .5 when my BP went up. It didn't help. I was also on a painkiller (indomethacin) for arthritis that is like a heavy duty Advil. I suspect that played into it. I've since switched to Advil eod and managed to get by.

    Great info in here. I'm wanting to run 2 weeks of var at the end of my next cycle as a "summer cut", but I might just skip that and run test/growth. I'm still a little wary of the orals.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strongblood View Post
    BP meds like lysinapril doesn't treat that kind of high BP.
    What do you mean?

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