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Thread: StartedLate here needing assistance, tried to give pretty thorough Bio

  1. #1

    StartedLate here needing assistance, tried to give pretty thorough Bio

    Greetings, I am a 40 year old male. My username, StartedLate, says a lot but it should also say I'm eager to learn what I don't know.
    A little about me, I'm
    5'8" 198 lbs
    I am about 25-30% BF
    I am interested in improving strength but mainly losing body fat in my mid section.
    I'm eating a lean diet consisting of:
    Breakfast: Whey protein shake
    Snack: 0 cal/carb/fat yogurt
    Lunch: Salad with grilled chicken and Italian dressing
    Snack: SlimFast shake, 0 cal yogurt
    Dinner: Salad with Tuna, Italian dressing

    Drinking about 100oz water throughout the day.

    I've done quite a bit of research about DAA, BCAA, "cycle assist" supps, pre-workout drinks, and NOx among others after coming across some inj. Test 350 and Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/ml. The Test 350 blend has the following:
    Testosterone Propionate 60mg
    Test Enanthate 60mg
    Test Phenylpropionate 60mg
    Test Isocaproate 70mg
    Test Decanoate 100mg

    I have acquired these through a long term friend who knows nothing about them whatsoever so I'm seeking advice here.

    History, I did well several years back taking some transdermal liquid testosterone, DermaGain, and put on quite about 25 lbs of lean mass. Since then, got married and life happened, I quit working out and the physique I had built slowly turned into an average body. Now 40, seems my metabolism has slowed and I'm putting on more weight in places I don't want it.

    I'm great at setting goals and working hard to achieve them. Right now I can spend about 1hr - 90min in a gym about 5 days a week and know how to do the right exercises to focus in on the different areas.

    Would someone mind letting me know if the Test 350 or the Test Cypionate is worth taking to help me increase strength, add tone, and lose fat?
    I really would need to know how much to use and frequency as well as what I can introduce to it to make it more effective. I just have limited to know knowledge of how much of what I should take. If neither of these would be good, could you recommend something I could buy in a store or online?
    Any advice would be greatly helpful.
    Thanks much!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by StartedLate View Post
    Greetings, I am a 40 year old male. My username, StartedLate, says a lot but it should also say I'm eager to learn what I don't know.
    A little about me, I'm
    5'8" 198 lbs
    I am about 25-30% BF
    I am interested in improving strength but mainly losing body fat in my mid section.
    I'm eating a lean diet consisting of:
    Breakfast: Whey protein shake
    Snack: 0 cal/carb/fat yogurt
    Lunch: Salad with grilled chicken and Italian dressing
    Snack: SlimFast shake, 0 cal yogurt
    Dinner: Salad with Tuna, Italian dressing

    Drinking about 100oz water throughout the day.

    I've done quite a bit of research about DAA, BCAA, "cycle assist" supps, pre-workout drinks, and NOx among others after coming across some inj. Test 350 and Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/ml. The Test 350 blend has the following:
    Testosterone Propionate 60mg
    Test Enanthate 60mg
    Test Phenylpropionate 60mg
    Test Isocaproate 70mg
    Test Decanoate 100mg

    I have acquired these through a long term friend who knows nothing about them whatsoever so I'm seeking advice here.

    History, I did well several years back taking some transdermal liquid testosterone, DermaGain, and put on quite about 25 lbs of lean mass. Since then, got married and life happened, I quit working out and the physique I had built slowly turned into an average body. Now 40, seems my metabolism has slowed and I'm putting on more weight in places I don't want it.

    I'm great at setting goals and working hard to achieve them. Right now I can spend about 1hr - 90min in a gym about 5 days a week and know how to do the right exercises to focus in on the different areas.

    Would someone mind letting me know if the Test 350 or the Test Cypionate is worth taking to help me increase strength, add tone, and lose fat?
    I really would need to know how much to use and frequency as well as what I can introduce to it to make it more effective. I just have limited to know knowledge of how much of what I should take. If neither of these would be good, could you recommend something I could buy in a store or online?
    Any advice would be greatly helpful.
    Thanks much!
    Hey man! Good to hear you're getting back into shape! Look forward to hearing about your progress!

    Testosterone will add strength, yes, however, it also aromatizes to estrogen. You have a body fat on the higher side and it's not recommended to do any anabolics until your body fat is under 15% to help reduce the estrogenic side effects. Diet, and a good workout routine with plenty of cardio will get you there. Once you hit that 15%, is a good time to cycle.

  3. #3
    Much appreciated advice.
    Any good fat burners you would recommend?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by StartedLate View Post
    Much appreciated advice.
    Any good fat burners you would recommend?
    To be honest, when I cut, I do it as naturally as possible. Caffeine, hot peppers, CLA, Keto diet, and like 6L of water a day. With tons of cardio. I can't stand cardio, but it works. The Keto diet actually is really helpful for cutting. It's a diet that consists of protein and fat with a maximum of 30g Carbs a day. An amazing diet for losing weight, as weird as it may seem lol.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Southeast, USA
    Hey Startedlate! I agree with ^^^^^^^Supernova. You need to get your BMI down to 15% or lower to get the best effect from steroids. Sounds like you are well on your way to doing that! Check out the nutrition section here for lots of good ideas. Good luck bro!

  6. #6
    Yea, I hate cardio too.
    Guess it's just time for me to suck it up

    I'll post again when I get my weight down to below 15% bf
    Hopefully we'll run into each other again because I eager to learn more.
    Thank you

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by StartedLate View Post
    Yea, I hate cardio too.
    Guess it's just time for me to suck it up

    I'll post again when I get my weight down to below 15% bf
    Hopefully we'll run into each other again because I eager to learn more.
    Thank you
    Oh I'll be here my friend. I learn way more here than anywhere else and so will you. Lots of very helpful people on this forum. I love soaking up all of the knowledge people have to share.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Post your diet in the diet forum, you eat like a sparrow and are in danger of causing metabolic damage the longer you eat like you are.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Post your diet in the diet forum, you eat like a sparrow and are in danger of causing metabolic damage the longer you eat like you are.

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