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Thread: Test cyp. Only cycle outcome?

  1. #1

    Test cyp. Only cycle outcome?

    Ok New to the forum I've posted to the New members section but I'm 27 ,5'11" ,145lbs. And 7% bf ... I've peaked out at this weight for the last 5 yrs. And I'm ready to pack a lil on and cut ... I've tried eating 5k + cal. With no avail I'm looking to put on 15 - 20 pounds ... Is this possible with a test only cycle?

  2. #2
    Yes it's very possible with test only, but you've got to get your diet and training sorted out to get your size up naturally first. You've still got a ton of room to grow at your size.

  3. #3
    Yea I would get my diet in check if I were you. Wait a couple of years before you cycle. You need to eat a hell of a lot more.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    ^^^ they are current, cycling is three parts, it also includes diet and training. have you cycled before?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Fuzz_mc View Post
    Ok New to the forum I've posted to the New members section but I'm 27 ,5'11" ,145lbs. And 7% bf ... I've peaked out at this weight for the last 5 yrs. And I'm ready to pack a lil on and cut ... I've tried eating 5k + cal. With no avail I'm looking to put on 15 - 20 pounds ... Is this possible with a test only cycle?
    first things first go get blood work and check everything but specifically THYROID function and your hormones.
    im curious about your thyroid, if you actually tried 5k and are still at 145lb. seems like there might be an issue there if its not diet and training, but regardless you shoudl do blood work before cycle so just be sure to mention you would liek general blood work and to check out hormones and thyroid function (if they push why say you been very tired the last year and starting to also feel sorta depressed and you been having libido issues and cant seem to put on weight, IMO)

  6. #6
    I agree with porkchop, it never hurts to get full blood work done just to know what's going on with your body. Most likely, you're fine and your previous diet/training just isn't as good as you think it is....but if there is a problem you want to know. A lot of members on here (myself included) have thyroid issues so if you get some blood work we can help make sense of it.

  7. #7
    Thank you for all of your replies... Honestly I have always been small but my metabolism it ridiculously high ... I have not had blood work done in roughly 10 yrs so I know I definitely need to do so..and as far as being my first cycle , no . about 2 yrs after I graduated high school I took an 8 week cycle of test. 500 and went from 123 to 154 lbs and haven't done it since but I have never gotten below 145 since either . as far as diet goes any suggestions for a diet that's fairly simple? Again thank you for the responses .

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Having to eat as much as you do I'm not sure if I would manage to keep it as clean as I do now. Anyways, when I'm lazy with the diet I just eat anything that has 5% or less fat and 5% or less carbs from sugars.

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