I've read sooo many articles and posts in different sites/forums with my
bad English. And i find a different answers for my questions. Because of that, i just want to wrap up everything and i need a approval / confirmation. Can you help me please???
I‘ve hit a plateau and i can’t gain weight exept from fat. Im planning
12 weeks to gain Lean Mass+Strength (but mostly for lean mass) cycle
Last cycle was 2 years ago This will be my 3rd. cycle
My body is too tend to gynecomastia!!!!
Training experience 13 years.
31 years old
168 cm/5.5 feet
85 kg/187,3 lbs
bf:%19 (Jackson/Pollock 4 site caliper method)(
i have abdominal fat mostly like a normal weight obese)
I m doing "hybrid" workout for mass and max strength.
I did start to use minoxidil %5 + nizoral shampoo for hair loss about 1 year ago
Planning This Cycle :
Week 1-12: Test Enanthate: 500 mg/week (Tuesday and Friday 250mgx2)
Week ? - ?: I want to add 1 more drug like boldenone, masteron, primo etc -check questions section please-) but i cant be sure
Week 1-12: Salbutamol: 20mg/day (with ketotifen 1mg/day)
Week 1-14: Arimidex 0,5mg (Every Other Day)
Week 2-14: HCG 500 iu (Monday and Thursday 250 iu x2)
Post Cycle Therapy (14 days after last injection):
Week 1-4: clomid: 75+50+50+50 mg
Week 1-4: nolvadex : 40+20+20+20 mg
1- I want to add 2nd. drug to this cycle because i'm not using steroids systematical or consistently(i cant find the right word) So im doing only 1 or 2 times aas cycle in a year. And my last cycle was about 2 years ago (Test E+ Deca+Methyltest.) According to this situation, Which drug should i add? masterone, deca, primo etc ???
2- If i add add 2nd drug to this cycle, Is 500iu/week hcg and 0,5mg arimidex eod is enough dose for mct?
3- I have Pregnyl 5000iu . People says if i mix with bacteriostatic water and keep it in the fridge (2-6 C celsius with sealed vial), i can use this mix safely for a 90 days. If its true, i can done my “entire” 12weeks cycle with only 1 ampoule hcg + 10ml bac water. But is this true?????