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Thread: 3rd Cycle After Break and I’m Confused, Need Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    3rd Cycle After Break and I’m Confused, Need Help

    I've read sooo many articles and posts in different sites/forums with my bad English. And i find a different answers for my questions. Because of that, i just want to wrap up everything and i need a approval / confirmation. Can you help me please???
    I‘ve hit a plateau and i can’t gain weight exept from fat. Im planning 12 weeks to gain Lean Mass+Strength (but mostly for lean mass) cycle
    Last cycle was 2 years ago This will be my 3rd. cycle
    My body is too tend to gynecomastia!!!!
    Training experience 13 years.
    31 years old
    168 cm/5.5 feet
    85 kg/187,3 lbs
    bf:%19 (Jackson/Pollock 4 site caliper method)(i have abdominal fat mostly like a normal weight obese)
    I m doing "hybrid" workout for mass and max strength.
    I did start to use minoxidil %5 + nizoral shampoo for hair loss about 1 year ago

    Planning This Cycle :
    Week 1-12: Test Enanthate: 500 mg/week (Tuesday and Friday 250mgx2)
    Week ? - ?: I want to add 1 more drug like boldenone, masteron, primo etc -check questions section please-) but i cant be sure
    Week 1-12: Salbutamol: 20mg/day (with ketotifen 1mg/day)
    Week 1-14: Arimidex 0,5mg (Every Other Day)
    Week 2-14: HCG 500 iu (Monday and Thursday 250 iu x2)
    Post Cycle Therapy (14 days after last injection):
    Week 1-4: clomid: 75+50+50+50 mg
    Week 1-4: nolvadex : 40+20+20+20 mg

    1- I want to add 2nd. drug to this cycle because i'm not using steroids systematical or consistently(i cant find the right word) So im doing only 1 or 2 times aas cycle in a year. And my last cycle was about 2 years ago (Test E+ Deca+Methyltest.) According to this situation, Which drug should i add? masterone, deca, primo etc ???

    2- If i add add 2nd drug to this cycle, Is 500iu/week hcg and 0,5mg arimidex eod is enough dose for mct?

    3- I have Pregnyl 5000iu . People says if i mix with bacteriostatic water and keep it in the fridge (2-6 C celsius with sealed vial), i can use this mix safely for a 90 days. If its true, i can done my “entire” 12weeks cycle with only 1 ampoule hcg + 10ml bac water. But is this true?????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by X-BODY View Post
    I've read sooo many articles and posts in different sites/forums with my bad English. And i find a different answers for my questions. Because of that, i just want to wrap up everything and i need a approval / confirmation. Can you help me please???
    I‘ve hit a plateau and i can’t gain weight exept from fat. Im planning 12 weeks to gain Lean Mass+Strength (but mostly for lean mass) cycle
    Last cycle was 2 years ago This will be my 3rd. cycle
    My body is too tend to gynecomastia!!!!
    Training experience 13 years.
    31 years old
    168 cm/5.5 feet
    85 kg/187,3 lbs
    bf:%19 (Jackson/Pollock 4 site caliper method)(i have abdominal fat mostly like a normal weight obese)
    I m doing "hybrid" workout for mass and max strength.
    I did start to use minoxidil %5 + nizoral shampoo for hair loss about 1 year ago

    Planning This Cycle :
    Week 1-12: Test Enanthate: 500 mg/week (Tuesday and Friday 250mgx2)
    Week ? - ?: I want to add 1 more drug like boldenone, masteron, primo etc -check questions section please-) but i cant be sure
    Week 1-12: Salbutamol: 20mg/day (with ketotifen 1mg/day)
    Week 1-14: Arimidex 0,5mg (Every Other Day)
    Week 2-14: HCG 500 iu (Monday and Thursday 250 iu x2)
    Post Cycle Therapy (14 days after last injection):
    Week 1-4: clomid: 75+50+50+50 mg
    Week 1-4: nolvadex : 40+20+20+20 mg

    1- I want to add 2nd. drug to this cycle because i'm not using steroids systematical or consistently(i cant find the right word) So im doing only 1 or 2 times aas cycle in a year. And my last cycle was about 2 years ago (Test E+ Deca+Methyltest.) According to this situation, Which drug should i add? masterone, deca, primo etc ???

    2- If i add add 2nd drug to this cycle, Is 500iu/week hcg and 0,5mg arimidex eod is enough dose for mct?

    3- I have Pregnyl 5000iu . People says if i mix with bacteriostatic water and keep it in the fridge (2-6 C celsius with sealed vial), i can use this mix safely for a 90 days. If its true, i can done my “entire” 12weeks cycle with only 1 ampoule hcg + 10ml bac water. But is this true?????
    1. Personnally I like deca, masteron is useless at your body fat, primo is a just a weak compound and often faked.

    2. HCG 250x2 per week is good, arimidex you need bloodwork to make sure 0.5 eod is good but is not far off for someone that aromatizes a lot (dunno if you do)

    3. 5000 divided by 14 weeks (yes, you take hcg up to 3 days before PCT) = 357,14 per week ----> you need 500 per week...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    1. Personnally I like deca, masteron is useless at your body fat, primo is a just a weak compound and often faked.

    2. HCG 250x2 per week is good, arimidex you need bloodwork to make sure 0.5 eod is good but is not far off for someone that aromatizes a lot (dunno if you do)

    3. 5000 divided by 14 weeks (yes, you take hcg up to 3 days before PCT) = 357,14 per week ----> you need 500 per week...
    Thanks for your answer ok. i will choose deca. And go like this:
    Week 1-12: Test Enanthate 500 mg/week (Tuesday and Friday 250mgx2)
    Week 1-12: Deca Durabolin 500 mg/ week (Same Days as test e 250mgx2)

    Is this good ??? and i have 2 more questions
    -i think i made a mistake in my 3rd question. I have 3 ampoule hcg 5000iu thats ok. i mean how long can i use "same" bac water+hcg mixture if i put in vial and store refrigerator?

    -Should i start hcg in 2nd week or should i start in 1st week??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    You need to run testosterone 2 more weeks than deca due to its long half life and supression capacity.

    HCG in fridge lasts 60-90 days, no problem.

    Start hcg from week 1, deca shuts you down from 1st pin.

  5. #5
    If your susceptible to gyno, I would recommend that you drop your bodyfat below 15% before you start your cycle. It will reduce your chances of gyno. Test E and Deca is normally used in bulking cycles due to it holding a little more water. If you're concerned about body fat you might look at running a short ester cycle like Test P + NPP for 8 week.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    You need to run testosterone 2 more weeks than deca due to its long half life and supression capacity.

    HCG in fridge lasts 60-90 days, no problem.

    Start hcg from week 1, deca shuts you down from 1st pin.
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    If your susceptible to gyno, I would recommend that you drop your bodyfat below 15% before you start your cycle. It will reduce your chances of gyno. Test E and Deca is normally used in bulking cycles due to it holding a little more water. If you're concerned about body fat you might look at running a short ester cycle like Test P + NPP for 8 week.
    Sorry for the late answer and thanks for your help.
    I did chance my mind. I find orijinal primo (and sustanon too) from my friend (he is a pharmacist)
    Now, im planing test propionate OR sustanon 500 + primo 400 for 12 weeks. AND i start low carb diet to lower my bf. before cycle.
    But I want to ask one more question: Can i use sustanon instead of propionate (with primo)???
    NOTE: Sorry for my bad English again THANKS

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    You can use whatever test you want.

    Would increase primo, 400 is not enough.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    You can use whatever test you want.

    Would increase primo, 400 is not enough.
    ^^ agreed!

    I love primo but it also needs to be run longer than 12wks imho... id say 16+ tbh - but that may make revovery harder - longer the duration of cycle usually will effect your recovery) but primo Id very mild! Also, as said above, I would run it at 800mgs+! If I were to run it again Id run it at 1500+ but Im not suggesting you to run it that high on your first run... See how 6-700mgs feels and if no bad sides try and up it - if you can run a G/wk Id say you'll see changes wkly after about 12-14wks and moreso if ran longer... Just my .02... GL

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    You can use whatever test you want.

    Would increase primo, 400 is not enough.
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    ^^ agreed!

    I love primo but it also needs to be run longer than 12wks imho... id say 16+ tbh - but that may make revovery harder - longer the duration of cycle usually will effect your recovery) but primo Id very mild! Also, as said above, I would run it at 800mgs+! If I were to run it again Id run it at 1500+ but Im not suggesting you to run it that high on your first run... See how 6-700mgs feels and if no bad sides try and up it - if you can run a G/wk Id say you'll see changes wkly after about 12-14wks and moreso if ran longer... Just my .02... GL
    Thanks guys. Then i will go like this:
    Week 1-14: Sustanon 500mg/week (250x2 times tues-thurs)
    Week 1-14: Primobolan 600-800mg/week (200x3 times mon-wed-fri OR 300x2 times)
    Week 1-16: Arimidex 0,5mg (Every Other Day)
    Week 1-16: HCG 500 iu (250 iu x2)
    Q: Should i add Proviron too? and i will start pct in 18 days after last injection?
    I have a interesting question One of my friends tells me if i want to beginner level cycle without side affects, i should go 3-5 drugs “separately” and with “low dosages”
    Week 1-5 : Cut Stack 750mg/week
    Week 6-14: sustanon 500/week,
    Week 6-8: primo 200/week,
    Week 8-14: tren 200/week,
    Week 8-14:masteron etc.
    +clen like this…
    This is bullshit right?????

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    If you have experience with proviron and works for you its fine. To me just makes lose hair.

    Your friend is full of BS.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Thanks By the way, Is my cycle's final form good ? (i can go 16 weeks but price... :/)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    If you have experience with proviron and works for you its fine. To me just makes lose hair.

    Your friend is full of BS.

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