hi guys
just a quick one have just done my 1st cycle bloods and liver fuction ast lft etc etc was all within normal ranges tho test was on low side of normal tho am 41 so to be expected due to age.
I did a 4 week d/bol oral cycle and 250 mg test e kept it to 4 weeks just to see how I would respond as a lot of advice were saying 5-6 weeks, everything being ok next cycle planning on 500mg test e did 250 mg to get used to pinning which in all honesty is not as bad as I was expecting.
Just done my bloodwork again over last 3 weeks my ast is slightly raised by couple units over normal, my lft liver function normal range is below 40, 3 weeks ago it was sat at 95, then week later 61 and yesterday was 51 so am expecting by next week be in normal ranges.
Tho my bilirubin is for some reason still increasing was at 21 (20 is normal) it is now at 28 ??
anything I need to be concerned about, everything thing else tested protein levels serum levels blood count all is within normal limits as it was before I started the cycle.
I took milk thistle, vitamins and plenty of water during my dianabol cycle tried to stay clear of anti gyno as I monitored for symptoms but didn't develop any but have it on hand if needed.
Got couple weeks left of the test. And tbh had great results on the dbol 50 mg per day spread every 3-4 hrs and test e even at 250 mg.
cheers guys